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Old 03 November 2022, 20:52   #1
Country: UK - England
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fixing things to a SIB aluminium floor

I've looked and looked but i'm struggling to get the info i need.

I'm looking to fix a jockey seat and console to the deck of my excel 435 but i need advise on what fixings people are using.

1,Ive got a rivnut tool but im worried about the ends of the threads causing issues on the underside.

2, I drill holes and insert stainless dome cap or countersink bolts from the underside (aniti corrosion measure taken) and nuts and washers to hold it down.

3, Ive read about fitting aluminium angle to the deck first but how is the ali fixed?

Ive been warned about crushing the deck if i over tighten the bolts. 1 measure would be to use a large stainless plate washer on the underside. However, with enough fixings, i cant see the need to over tighten any of the bolts?

If anyone can shed some light and maybe show the odd photo of their install, i'd be very grateful.
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Old 04 November 2022, 07:30   #2
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I had a Zodiac that the edges of the floor could be tapped off using a block of wood and a hammer. Worked perfectly to safely secure accessories without crushing the floor. HDPE makes for a nice backer.

After using it for awhile in different scenarios I have a love for L track, and would put it down both sides to attach seats too. Along with anything else you can dream up. It was in the design plans for a RIB I had considered modifying into what I want, with a pivoting helm for gearing up. Items could be clipped in or bolted in if a solid connection is needed.

Can't speak for other boat floors though.
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Old 04 November 2022, 09:26   #3
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I cannot remember who but there was a wise RIBnet proverb (maybe Willk?) - something along the lines of: "...the more you try and turn a SIB into a RIB the better off you are just getting a RIB.."

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Old 04 November 2022, 20:28   #4
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There’s various methods if you look at my threads new boat and excel 435 build from scratch you’ll see some of them you could through bolt too so long as your bolts heads don’t rub on the keel sausage
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Old 06 November 2022, 01:41   #5
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I put a console in a vanguard 435 a few years back make sure the bolts are well clear of the sausage keel use an old inertube from a bike with a hole in one side then put your bolt through with the rubber to the floor and use a sealer for the stainless steel bolts to alloy to stop the metal fatigue there is pictures of my boat with console on one of Donny Wilcox video’s hope this helps you all the best with your build HH
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Old 06 November 2022, 09:53   #6
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Originally Posted by Highland Haggis View Post
I put a console in a vanguard 435 a few years back make sure the bolts are well clear of the sausage keel use an old inertube from a bike with a hole in one side then put your bolt through with the rubber to the floor and use a sealer for the stainless steel bolts to alloy to stop the metal fatigue there is pictures of my boat with console on one of Donny Wilcox video’s hope this helps you all the best with your build HH
Thanks for the reply. I don't suppose you've got a link to that video? I've had a search but cant find it.
I was thinking of using stainless dome head bolts and then gluing an old inner tube over it to double make sure everything was protected from rubbing.
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