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Old 07 May 2015, 13:59   #201
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Originally Posted by weimed View Post
Has anyone owned this boat for 2 years? The answer is no so you cannot possibly say the boat is durable.
True, but equally you can't say that it isn't... Only time will tell.

Originally Posted by weimed View Post
I do not want to be negative but this boat is probably made by 5 russians in a shop drinking vodka and eating Sala (russian for bacon or lard).
You don't want to be negative, but happy to be ever so slightly rude and willing to stereotype an entire nation? The Russian military use them so they do have some history behind them.

Originally Posted by weimed View Post
One other person mention little rocks getting into the areas where you connect the hull which is a red flag because if you do not see them when putting it together, you can damage the hull and cause little cracks, dents or holes.
True, and it was me that mentioned it, but easily solved with a ground sheet under the hull when putting it together. Once it's inflated it's not moving. I don't see it as the end of the world, more of something that needs to be considered when inflating, much like checking for stones and sand when putting floor boards into a boat which would otherwise cause chaffing and wear.

Whilst the boat wasn't designed for the European market and certain things have had to be changed for us in the salt water, (for example I believe the fixing bolts were originally steel, not marine stainless) the boat does work very well. No doubt it'll improve further over time, as all things do, as the European and US markets feed back into the design.

Just because it's a new concept doesn't mean its badly built. Most new, unique things have an extra cost associated, quite often because they don't sell enough units to be able to save on mass production or because they charge a premium for the novelty. If the F-RIB ticks your boxes and you're willing to pay the premium now and not wait a few years and get it perhaps slightly cheaper with more bells and whistles on then why the hell not; it's a risk that you take. I'm sure people were saying similar things to you when the first RIBs were developed and everyone was used to either solid GRP or wooden boats.

You're right to be sceptical; questioning things helps to improve and refine ideas and products, however everything deserves a chance to prove itself.
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Old 07 May 2015, 14:12   #202
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Originally Posted by blootac View Post
True, but equally you can't say that it isn't... Only time will tell.

Honestly, I would not mind going to there factory and drinking some vodka with them lol. From the first moment i seen the boat while in New York i realized that is exactly what i needed. the design is really amazing from what i saw in the youtube vids and what philpot has postet but 3grand to be a lab rat is a hefty price. as a matter of fact West Marine (over priced store) has released the same type of boat in a 310 for 2k. So the concept has to be good but the price has to accurate for the build.
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Old 14 June 2016, 05:20   #203
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I just bought an F-RIB 360 from a new dealer in the Los Angeles area - Four Seas. I'm really pleased with the boat and with the excellent service from Four Seas - they even delivered it to San Diego, showed us how to unfold, inflate, and refold it and help us test hang it from our davits ( they mounted the lifting brackets prior to delivery.

Our plan is to stow the frib on the cabin top for big passages, so it has a small footprint leaving maximum usable deck space.

It seems to be of good quality - looking forward to regular usage to see how it holds up!
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Old 14 June 2016, 06:07   #204
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Congratulations on your purchase Maddox, the f-rib is a rapidly growing concept and getting very popular in the UK & Europe.
There's been lots of comments on here and F-RibsAndSibs.Com regarding possible copies etc in the USA, Nabs at four seas is indeed the new genuine FRIB dealer in the states and has been confirmed by FRIB HQ in the UK.
Enjoy your purchase, keep us upto date with your reviews

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Old 14 June 2016, 11:47   #205
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Originally Posted by Maddox View Post
I just bought an F-RIB 360 from a new dealer in the Los Angeles area - Four Seas. I'm really pleased with the boat and with the excellent service from Four Seas - they even delivered it to San Diego, showed us how to unfold, inflate, and refold it and help us test hang it from our davits ( they mounted the lifting brackets prior to delivery.

Our plan is to stow the frib on the cabin top for big passages, so it has a small footprint leaving maximum usable deck space.

It seems to be of good quality - looking forward to regular usage to see how it holds up!
Can you provide us with the actual name of the company and the address please
Is this a Brick and mortar store or internet sales .
I don't see anything but restaurants under the name of Four Seas
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Old 14 June 2016, 12:22   #206
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All the info you need is here.

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Old 14 June 2016, 13:27   #207
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Not a stereotype, its the truth. I was born there, lived there as a child and know this first hand. Btw, russian drunks can build/rebuild stuff better then almost any sober engineer.
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Old 14 June 2016, 13:48   #208
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Well weimed,
There are many Fribs over two year old now- with surprisingly no glue failures apparent.
I'm not quite sure as to your decision on whether the Russians are capable or not as it changes that often.
Imo..The F-Rib certainly seem to be of great build quality, substantial handling and have a far better warranty than anything else out there.
You can now go and see one in person, at a bricks and mortar building now too....
Who knows, nabs may have some vodka to share whilst you discuss the chemical breakdown of adhesives.
I'll look forward to reading your review when you've had "hands on" experience of the craft, it should be interesting :-)

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Old 14 June 2016, 14:12   #209
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I have the 275 F-Rib weimed.. and have been putting it through its paces for the past three months and am delighted with it. Some folk I know have had one for 18 months now..and they are still holding together like new.

I have experienced a chip in the gel coat at the join.. but for me ..its certainly not a red mark for the boat. Two minutes filled it with a bit of fibre glass filler.. however if you are not comfortable doing this..I would advise you not to get a fibre glass boat.. scratches..dings and chips are all part and parcel of owning any fibre glass boat and using it on stone covered beaches. My chip happened because I dropped it on its edge..not a stone in the folding join..but it will happen if you are careless like me

Just curious but ... Why suggest the drunks you know in Russia can repair / build anything better than sober engineers then ... query if their product will last .. That seems to me as a contradiction in itself ?
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Old 14 June 2016, 16:24   #210
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It definitely looks like a contradiction but its not. Most master mechanics in new york are russian or of russian descent. During lunch and a lot of times during work they drink while rebuilding engines and transmissions and do one hell of a job. My father in law was a airplaine machenic and did phenominal work. My uncle is a retired welder/plumber and an amazing car body work guy. Always drinking on the job. I would say if you can perform as good or better under intoxication as a trained or master in the field then your better. My friends father is a master carpenter and we would drink during lunch. If you seen the quality of his workmansship, you would be amazed. So lots of examples to chose from. And its not me saying they did great work. They have gotten awards and to see the car mechanics you need to get there 4am for shop opening at 8am. Once again, i am not dogging the quality of Frib it was just that they have not been around long enough to have a great record. Do not get me wrong Toyota started out the same way(not saying FRib is like Toyota). I will say though if you come across a drunk doctor stay away lol
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Old 14 June 2016, 17:01   #211
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Interesting comment weimed.. I guess you have the Russian culture in your blood too.

Do you think I am stereotyping you when I think of your Avatar name ?

Meaning of weiming .. or to be weimed ...

Urban Dictionary: weiming
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Old 14 June 2016, 18:32   #212
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You can stereotype me all you want I don't give a crap. There are thousands od people who watch my youtube channel and facebook and know i am credible
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Old 14 June 2016, 22:58   #213
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You can also see the F-Rib at the San Diego boat show (16-19th June.)
I'm sure the FRIB USA team from four seas will be delighted to answer your questions.

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Old 30 June 2016, 09:34   #214
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Only just back in the fold after a few years away. We used to have larger ribs towed behind our camper but have had to downsize due to towing a car. We have the FRIB 330 with a new Suzuki 15hp 2 Stroke(dont ask??)and it has proved ideal. It is just about light enough for me to unload alone and takes literally 10 minutes to be ready for the water. I too made the mistake of trapping stones in the hull when unfolding and got a couple of chips first time out(gutted!!) but a bit of filler soon put that right and with the 15 it goes like stink!! Our friends have all got Honwave 3.8s and it will go anywhere they go albeit with their larger tubes they stay drier. The only criticism so far is that mine was sold without transom wheels so I bought some and fitted them myself. Problem is the transom is relatively small so I have to take the wheels off when afloat to allow the engine to move - not a great difficulty but annoying when you have to refit them before landing. All in all I would recommend the FRib, it has everything I want, portability, speed, manouverability and durability to mention just a few
Live every day as if its your last and one day you will be spot on!!
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Old 30 June 2016, 09:55   #215
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>>>new Suzuki 15hp 2 Stroke(dont ask??)

That's interesting. I see Suzuki have put a great deal of effort into weight reduction (as with my 20hp 4-stroke model) so bringing their latest 15hp 2-stroke to 33kg... at 3kg under the Mercury/Mariner 15 they must be the new holy grail in that engine size.... albeit not exactly in the normal supply chain.
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Old 30 June 2016, 09:56   #216
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What's your top speed in GPS kts WOT with a 15 on the FRIB?
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Old 30 June 2016, 10:06   #217
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How many kts will he have to report for you to put the Frib on your Chistmas list Max?
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Old 30 June 2016, 10:15   #218
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It's not a boat I'd ever have on my list but just interested as some very high speeds have been noted with very small engines on that particular thing.
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Old 30 June 2016, 10:46   #219
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>>>just interested as some very high speeds have been noted with very small engines

It does have all the right ingredients for speed... lightweight rigid hull with modest V shape. I forget now but isn't Gurnard seeing 16-17kts with a 6hp?
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Old 30 June 2016, 18:12   #220
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
>>>just interested as some very high speeds have been noted with very small engines

It does have all the right ingredients for speed... lightweight rigid hull with modest V shape. I forget now but isn't Gurnard seeing 16-17kts with a 6hp?
thats pretty good i can only get 16kts out of my sib with a 20 parsun 4 stroke on the back
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