30 November 2014, 08:08
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Awesome !!!
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Posts: 89
Cracking write up on the F-Rib Philpot. 🚣
After viewing the legendary bombard two weeks ago,at Pennine marine, I can honestly say..
"I wouldn't swap my honwave for one. "
For my use, that floor would be totally unsuitable. As the nipper grows older, I might think differently, but then again... Why buy a bombard when the f-rib ticks more boxes?
The f-rib, that looks superb and manageable too.
Dare I say "a few folk might even look at the expensive & over rated (IMO) bombard in a different light now"
It'll be interesting to see how pennine's sales go, they're a zodiac dealer at the moment.
For hose who haven't been to Pennine marine that live local, it's worth a visit.
I bought my outboard from there. The owners a cracking chap, it's a pleasant place too.
Good luck with the F - Rib 👍👍👍
30 November 2014, 10:28
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Excellent write up. Look forward to hearing more.
30 November 2014, 15:19
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Biggy
Dare I say "a few folk might even look at the expensive & over rated (IMO) bombard in a different light now"
It'll be interesting to see how pennine's sales go, they're a zodiac dealer at the moment.
I wouldn't get too carried away. It's going to be a long while before there are enough used F-boats on the market to make any difference to the Aerotec's popularity on RIBnet. I don't know who buys them new, but I'm pretty sure they are a very smal minority round here!
30 November 2014, 15:32
Country: UK - England
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Very nice report and pics Phil the F rib looks nice and solid and the price look right too. It will be interesting to see if they become popular in the near future and I personally don't see why not
p.s. I think that you should post a report of your own design anchor hub on here too
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
30 November 2014, 15:59
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 233
Originally Posted by kerny
Very nice report and pics Phil the F rib looks nice and solid and the price look right too. It will be interesting to see if they become popular in the near future and I personally don't see why not
p.s. I think that you should post a report of your own design anchor hub on here too 
You think so ??
30 November 2014, 16:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne Lancs
Boat name: IMOGEN
Make: Air-Craft 5.4
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Posts: 7,078
Originally Posted by philpot
You think so ??
Most definitely
Member of S.A.B.S. (Lancashire Division)
30 November 2014, 16:40
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Folding RIB first impressions part one
Originally Posted by John Kennett
II don't know who buys them new, but I'm pretty sure they are a very smal minority round here!
"Ok guv fair cop" Hands up, it was me who acquired a new Aerotec earlier this year. Couldn't stomach all this aggro with the glued seams disintegrating after a few years! Despite the hype, price, and whacky internal deck profile they do provide a unique performance ride in the sib world. Sadly in grey (cheaper) so obviously not as fast as the red ones! But with the added bonus it doesn't explode in the sun.
I am also seriously considering an F-Rib 375 but won't be parting with the Aerotec, as I imagine they are totally are different animals. I fancy a solid hull inflatable to maintain speed when towing teenage kneeboarders in North Sea chop! I do realise the F-Rib does not have a deep v hull and is likely to be a bit of a tank slapper when pushed - not too concerned on comfort but more interested in transom rigidity. The relatively hard chines should also provide a bit more bite in the turns.
Anyway, if I end with both, I'll be well qualified to make a valid comparison. Something tells me though, this will not be the demise of the Aerotec. Has Biggy been on the water in one?😎
PS. Might have to get rid of the alumin. floor Zodiac 3.5 though. 😪
30 November 2014, 20:55
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 57
Great review and photos Philpot and it’s answered some of my questions I’ve been pondering over the past few months researching these boats with a view to possibly buy in the future once I’ve had a visit to SBS at their Southampton site to take a closer look/maybe trial.
My present ‘good all rounder’ set up covers my needs of being able to transport, lift and launch on my own whether it be from my bunk trailer or folded up in the bag which is 90% of the time, so weight is a major factor. The 360RF fits my needs here at 48kg but rules out the 375RF weighing in at 62kg (gulp) making it nigh impossible for this aging old fart to lift in and out of my truck, the 20hp 52kg Twatsoo kills me!
Although the 360 will be 20cm shorter than my current sib the internal dimensions are not that far apart and will still cope with my sea fishing, carry our family of 5, tow a ringo, kneeboard whilst away in our caravan.
I tend to ‘boat’ all year round and have missed the ‘feel’ of a solid hull that I had on my previous boat, so this seems to fit the criteria perfectly.
The only negatives I can think of are:
1. “drain holes between the sections for water to pass through”. I had similar drain holes on my previous craft which would block very easily from debris, requiring cleaning out with a piece of wire or air line regularly which was a PITA.
2. If the 360 only has the 1 locking bolt in the front hull section and doesn’t appear to have a second to lock the longer remaining sections together, they must rely on the tubes to give them rigidity. If so this could give way to flexing of the hull despite the interlocking profiles.
3. Investigation of the transom performance/durability with a view of using the boat towing kneeboards etc.
Looking forward to future updates regarding your new purchase Philpot, in the meantime ENJOY!!
30 November 2014, 21:00
Country: UK - England
Town: North Lincs
Boat name: na
Make: F-Rib 330/Excel 330
Length: 3m +
Engine: Parsun 15hp
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 233
I am due to speak to Steve Bruce in the next couple of days and will bring up your concerns and post feedback.
30 November 2014, 21:07
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 57
Originally Posted by philpot
I am due to speak to Steve Bruce in the next couple of days and will bring up your concerns and post feedback.
Nice one Phil and looking forward to seeing one in the flesh
30 November 2014, 21:39
Country: UK - England
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Folding RIB first impressions part one
Originally Posted by Wozizname
If the 360 only has the 1 locking bolt in the front hull section and doesn’t appear to have a second to lock the longer remaining sections together, they must rely on the tubes to give them rigidity. If so this could give way to flexing of the hull despite the interlocking profiles. [/FONT]
One of the videos on the Winboat website shows both folding joints bolted on a 360 - so shouldn't be a concern.
I also share your reservations on the transom strength with the absence of any stiffening webs. Although the 375 appears to have a double skinned hull, which may provide additional support. It does however give it a flat deck and explain the 14kg extra weight and £500 additional costs over the 360.
Like yourself I am keen to see these boats in the flesh.😎
30 November 2014, 22:22
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 57
Originally Posted by chipko
One of the videos on the Winboat website shows both folding joints bolted on a 360 - so shouldn't be a concern.
I also share your reservations on the transom strength with the absence of any stiffening webs. Although the 375 appears to have a double skinned hull, which may provide additional support. It does however give it a flat deck and explain the 14kg extra weight and £500 additional costs over the 360.
Like yourself I am keen to see these boats in the flesh.😎
Many thanks on the video 'heads up' 
I must confess I'd seen it months ago BUT missed this important part of the 'flex' query posted to Phil 
Hmm, I'd go for the 375 in a blink of an eye BUT the weight is the real issue for me 
Mostly on my own launching and the family only want to know about going to sea when it's 25 degrees plus  and fishing ain't their scene but like eating the results! 
One concern down, 2 to go, thanks
01 December 2014, 07:22
Country: UK - England
Town: North Lincs
Boat name: na
Make: F-Rib 330/Excel 330
Length: 3m +
Engine: Parsun 15hp
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 233
As A matter of my interest Wozizname, what is the weight of your 3.8 Prowave, I know my old Honwave 3.8 air floor was just too much for me to handle deflated on my own which is why I sold it.
01 December 2014, 09:21
Country: UK - England
Town: Hamble
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 1
The prices quoted on the Foldablerib.com website do not include VAT- thats added when you go to cart. I asked about it and they said that the website will be updated very soon to display inc VAT prices.
There was also a mention of new pictures of the F-RIB range- so looking forward to seeing them.
01 December 2014, 10:33
Country: UK - England
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: 50hp EFI
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Posts: 57
Originally Posted by philpot
As A matter of my interest Wozizname, what is the weight of your 3.8 Prowave, I know my old Honwave 3.8 air floor was just too much for me to handle deflated on my own which is why I sold it.
My Prowave weighs in at 52kg and I can just about lift it but confess I'm at my limit due to the size and shape making it awkward to handle into the back of my pick up, hence why it spends most of the time on the bunk trailer.
01 December 2014, 13:55
Country: UK - England
Town: North Lincs
Boat name: na
Make: F-Rib 330/Excel 330
Length: 3m +
Engine: Parsun 15hp
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 233
Okay, quite heavy then. This is my opinion only but I now have to work that bit harder with heavy things than I did a few years ago and one of the really interesting points for me with the F-Rib was the fact that I could leave launch wheels on and therefore walk it to where ever I needed but also the fact that I am able to lean the boat against the open tailgate and simply lift the transom and just slide it into the car. So much easier and lighter than picking the normal sib up and trying to slide it in. It is the glass hull in contact with car floor so it slides with no effort.
It is something you need to try for yourself to be able to see and feel the difference.
01 December 2014, 16:28
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
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>>> lean the boat against the open tailgate and simply lift the transom and just slide it into the car. So much easier and lighter than picking the normal sib up and trying to slide it in.
Funny how shape plays almost as much a part as weight.
My Zodiac 340 airfloor packs down neatly and the bag has well placed handles so its 88lbs is easy to manage... particularly as being a soft package you can support it against your knees or waist as you heave it into the car.
But however I move it the 80lbs of the Mercury 15 is always awkward.
02 December 2014, 09:19
Country: UK - England
Town: North Lincs
Boat name: na
Make: F-Rib 330/Excel 330
Length: 3m +
Engine: Parsun 15hp
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 233
There you go Fenlander just the job for both of us me thinks.
02 December 2014, 13:15
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,099
Good call Phil. Funnily enough I was showing that trolley to the Mrs during the summer when in a mad moment I nearly ended up winning an Avon Supersport 3.4m SIB with 20 or 25 motor. Forget which HP now but anyway it was far too heavy for me to lift so the trolley seemed the only way I could convince her we'd manage. She thought we cold add pram/pushchair type wheels to the handles of the similar but conventional trolley we have already which was a fair idea.
But there's always a catch... that four wheel trolley ends up with the outboard facing fore-aft in the car so yet again forces a seats folded use. I've said before one reason for keeping everything portable is that it's usually just two of us out in the boat and just me setting up/launching. However we often have the need for one or two non-boating people to be with us on the travelling part of the trip so ideally want the rear seats useable.
There's rarely a simple answer to meet all boating needs.. which I guess is why we've had so many boat combinations over the past decade... with even more "what if" conversations/dreams.
02 December 2014, 13:46
Country: UK - England
Town: North Lincs
Boat name: na
Make: F-Rib 330/Excel 330
Length: 3m +
Engine: Parsun 15hp
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 233
There's rarely a simple answer to meet all boating needs.. which I guess is why we've had so many boat combinations over the past decade... with even more "what if" conversations/dreams.
Oh how true.
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