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Old 02 December 2014, 15:34   #41
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Phil and Fenlander, here's an idea Biggi on here gave me the heads-up on тележка Т9.8.wmv - YouTube
Easy to fit/remove, easy to place motor onto the boat and for the car you could also make an upper frame with wheels that clamped into the transom clamp.
It's something I'm hoping to make as soon as Aldi sell their sack barrows again for 20 which will give me all the parts I require to make it.

If the sack barrow doesn't happen then I'll be doing something like these drawings found on the web.

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Name:	Cavitation wheels1.jpg
Views:	354
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ID:	101314   Click image for larger version

Name:	Cavitation wheels2.jpg
Views:	823
Size:	88.1 KB
ID:	101315  
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Old 02 December 2014, 15:38   #42
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Even better guys, here's a 'how too' I just noticed on the site Тележка транспортировочная для лодочных моторов - YouTube

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Old 02 December 2014, 15:41   #43
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Yup, dolly wheels on a board, fastened to transom clamp , lower into your boot then lift up at the skeg and slide the outboard in.
Obviously working on a pick-up :van/ estate type thing.
Four strokes, I guess you'll have to them remove the cavitation trolley to allow you to rest your engine on the correct side up.
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Old 02 December 2014, 15:47   #44
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I will be interested to see how yours works out.

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Old 02 December 2014, 19:02   #45
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard View Post
I fear a normal RIB needs another bigger engine and would end up too heavy for my needs
SR4 works with a 25hp
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Old 02 December 2014, 19:26   #46
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Thanks for the info on the SR4 Boatnomad ..its appreciated . Unfortunately..I think the weight and engine options kill it for me ?
I had a 150kg hardshell a year or so back.. so know how difficult that was to shove across shores. The SR4M is 150kg too. Plus I love my 25hp two stroke short was one of the last legal ones..I know it inside out so would be reluctant to get a new outboard too. The SR4m is a longshaft again not an option

For me .. I think it boils down to three ..these two are aluminium hulls around the 4 meter mark.. ( I dont want to go any shorter as the 4 meters seems to ride between troughs better in a chop)

They both weight 75kg approx..half the weight of a searider..and both take a 25hp short shaft

Or of course a F RIB around 4m..but Im a bit dubious on the folding I would trailer it anyhoo. ?

Sorry Philpot .. for going off topic on the good review..Im just thinking through should probably start another topic...with my dilemma
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Old 03 December 2014, 06:55   #47
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A great review, always good to have a new concept - but I cannot really see any advantage over other hard floor SIBs or in HP floors, the Aerotec given the high cost, weight and bulk. The main issue though is the performance will surely be no better than any other hard floor SIB skating around on the same very shallow V profile and the keel at the rear is nearly flat - this unlike the Aerotec which is unique for it's relative deep V but most importantly and often missed this V is where you need it most for handling - under the transom. Someone mentioned that he thought the Aerotec was overpriced - new it probably is but you can find them easily at under 1000* usually in superb condition. You need to try an Aerotec to experience how different they are to all other SIB's but in return I'd love to try a folding SIB like this too.

Cannot help thinking though that it tries to solve a problem that might not be there...?

*As an example this giveaway price outfit was listed yesterday - engine alone is worth 1200 but there's a nice bundle of extras too:
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Old 03 December 2014, 08:56   #48
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Max, I think everyone knows how much you love your Bombard and quite right too, they are a superb performer however there are those of us who perhaps want something different.

Okay let us look at what is ticking my boxes and I stress MY BOXES.

I use the boat or kayak ALL year round, going out in the worst weathers fishing and firstly I want a sib that is fast to get ready and fast to put away.--------the F-rib is very very fast.

I would ideally want an aluminium floor but very slow to get ready and in winter freezing cold hands and metal, no thanks.

I stand up in the boat for some of my fishing and whilst I do this on my air floor, it is not as good as a solid floor, the F-rib is a solid floor.

To have a storage footprint as small as possible, the F-rib is very small and far less than any sib I have had at 3' x 18''.

As an aging old tart, I want something that is easy to move around off the water, the F-rib is much easier for me to load in the car and walk to and from the car.

The air floor will be affected by very cold water reducing pressure, the rivers and lakes that I fish let alone the sea are usually close to freezing in the depths of winter, no pressure to concern myself with as no air floor, the F-rib is a SOLID GRP floor.

The deep 'V' of the Bombard is superb for handling but having tried a friend's, not much good for standing and moving around fishing ( for me at least), the F-rib is very stable and easy to stand up and move around in.

I use the sib on my own quite often so ease of handling off the water is very important to me, having played with the F-rib, it is easier off the water to maneuver, get in and out of the car, set up and much quicker to put away.

We all like different things and it how the layout and functionality of a product that appeals to different people, I like the Areotec very much but it is not for me.

'cannot help thinking though that it tries to solve a problem that might not be there....'

I suppose it depends on what you want from a boat and all the associated issues that anyone finds when they use a boat that dictates whether there is a problem or not.

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Old 03 December 2014, 10:11   #49
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Philpot, I couldn't have worded that better!!!!
I'm not anti bombard, but it would be utterly useless for my needs.
Everyone is different, that's what makes life intersting. 👍
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Old 03 December 2014, 10:38   #50
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I like my Bombards performance, but I'm always on the lookout for something better for fishing.

I like John Kennetts suggestion of a group test.
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Old 03 December 2014, 11:01   #51
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So Phil, did you manage to get a freebie or at least a discount for all your promotional work?
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Old 03 December 2014, 11:14   #52
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That would be nice John but it is just me who is enthusiastic about this product as the reason for doing the review and I will be paying for the F-Rib like anyone else. The interest first shown a couple of months ago on here is what got my interest, it simply appeals to my personal wish list, sorry if it comes across as a bloke getting a freebie and therefore pushing the product but I promise you that is not the case.

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Old 03 December 2014, 11:51   #53
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I have been interested in the type since the post came up on here. I watched the Russian videos and was impressed but most were on flat water. But after Phils post I think I will get one when the time/money is available. My wife keeps thinking that decorating the house and foreign holidays are more important! !!! Incredible! !!
Always FROG
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Old 03 December 2014, 13:35   #54
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Philpot - chapeau to you, very good points and I agree - the more choice the better. They are all a compromise.
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Old 03 December 2014, 14:47   #55
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Originally Posted by philpot View Post
That would be nice John but it is just me who is enthusiastic about this product as the reason for doing the review and I will be paying for the F-Rib like anyone else. The interest first shown a couple of months ago on here is what got my interest, it simply appeals to my personal wish list, sorry if it comes across as a bloke getting a freebie and therefore pushing the product but I promise you that is not the case.
Well I think they should be looking after you!
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Old 03 December 2014, 17:53   #56
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Folding RIB first impressions part one

Originally Posted by Max... View Post
Cannot help thinking though that it tries to solve a problem that might not be there...?

Hmmm. Are you sure?
The benefits of a rigid hull, albeit shallow 'v', and still be able to fold up. Potentially considerably stiffer than a typical alumin. floor inflatable keel sib with less weight ( 48kg for a 3.6) and able to handle slightly more horsepower for size.
A commited Aerotec enthusiast here also, but think these may be worthy of serious consideration.
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Old 06 December 2014, 14:47   #57
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That winboat looks amazing. Would love to see it in action around the usa northeast (new york area). I do have a couple of questions though. Lots of dealers don't service glued boats unless they are thermowelded in usa so the 3 year warrant just covers parts?? How thick is the pvc fabric? Most higher quality pvc is 1100 denier. Did not see anything about this on the site. I also only see this boat for sale on ebay within the US so how do i get the accessories such as launch wheels and the cuddy?
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Old 06 December 2014, 19:19   #58
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I'll be damned if this thing isn;t making all the right noises/ ticking all the right boxes for me. I have had air floors and hard (aluminum) and the thoughs of a sib/ rib hybrid is exciting. That said, i'd like to see some real world stats. How fast is it with a 15? 20? 25??? How does it handle slight chop at idle?at speed?... Rougher chop?? The Aerotec was a consideration years ago but it is MUCH harder to come by used across the pond (USA.. not far from last poster in fact). Would love to see one, better yet test ride/ drive, since the trial and error thing is getting expensive. For me the all in weight (Ali floor is heavy as all heck), the fact that it is "all in one" and manageable size folded makes storage transport easy and the fact that it will go together and take apart quick for those last minute short jaunts is ideal. I hate that it takes nearly an hr to clean, bag and tag my current 365 set up (having to take apart the floor before I can clean anything underneath. With this I can hose it down dry it off and keep moving with little apparent fuss. It seems light enough that I can even get it onto the rack of my minivan/ estate wagon for true run and gun outings! The price, though not cheap< is not at all out of proportion with what you are getting... certainly not so much as a new Aerotec..and I WANTED to buy one of those!!!
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Old 06 December 2014, 23:05   #59
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I can't help you guys over the pond regarding supplies but I am sure if the price / carriage etc was okay, they could be shipped from the UK after all, I buy stuff via ebay from the USA.
The PVC is 1100 denier

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Old 07 December 2014, 15:47   #60
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Folding RIB first impressions part one

Phil, thanks for your review. A friend of mine inquired about the f330 model and was quoted 4000$. They have to be smoking crack if they think their boat are worth that. Zodiac sells folding transom ribs for same price but use thermoweld instead of the cheap hand glue. 2-2500 ok but not 4k they can keep it
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