If your going to drill through your transom be sure to mark out both sides before you drill, once the hole is drilled be sure to seal the inside of the holes and allow to dry for the correct time, be sure to use Marine grade nuts and bots, be sure to use large washers to spread the load of the bolt across the wood or use some plating to spread the load further than a washer can do, by using plate to can also seal the back of the plate with rubber that will not damage the transom and will retain a watertight seal against the transom bolt hole, using only slighter larger or no washers will result in you boring the nut into the wood when tightening thus damaging the transom and water will get in and rot out the transom, I get a lot of SIBs come in for repair due to past poor fitting of transom wheel mounts and the worst cases are transoms that have rotted out internally due to incorrect fitting of launching wheels some I save without replacing the transom by digging out the rot around the bolt holes then plugging and filling others sadly are scrapped due to the owner not wanting to pay for a full new transom, think very carefully before you take a drill to your transom! Personally none of my own SIBs will ever have launching wheels fitted.
Think about it on these lines. . . Why does no SIB manufacture sell their boats with launch wheel mounts already bolted on the transom with the option of purchasing the wheels as an accessory if you want them at the point of sale of even later on? If the mounts were already there who would not buy the wheels right? I know why that's not the case lol
but they do offer them in a box with the mounts as an accessory to take away or arrive with the boat read the small print I know it will say to retain warranty launching wheels "to be fitted by main dealer" your chandler wont fit them! Your be lucky to find a marina to fit them and uphold the boat warranty, I reluctantly fit them and only do so if the customer insists on them and signs a disclaimer!
Much better to have a quick dismantle launching trailer