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Old 09 June 2015, 10:11   #1
Country: Netherlands
Boat name: Commando C4
Make: Bombard
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 30HP M25C3
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 103
France: Meteo Marine


I found this site (and app) Météo Marine : Prévisions METEO MARINE GRATUITE Ã* 14 jours - METEO CONSULT MARINE with detailed forecasts per hour (wind, waves etc). Question for experienced sibbers:

What are acceptable conditions to take a 3.80m SIB (Bombard Aerotec w/15hp) out at sea (Mediteranean, max few miles off shore). So, max wind, wave height etc ?

Thanks for your insights
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Old 09 June 2015, 12:52   #2
Country: USA
Town: S. Carolina
Boat name: D560
Make: Avon
Length: 5m +
Engine: 2016 Merc 115hp CT
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Originally Posted by piotr View Post

I found this site (and app) Météo Marine : Prévisions METEO MARINE GRATUITE Ã* 14 jours - METEO CONSULT MARINE with detailed forecasts per hour (wind, waves etc). Question for experienced sibbers:

What are acceptable conditions to take a 3.80m SIB (Bombard Aerotec w/15hp) out at sea (Mediteranean, max few miles off shore). So, max wind, wave height etc ?

Thanks for your insights
The boat is CE category "C" rated, so it has a suggested maximum of 2 meters wave height and force 6 winds.

My preference is less than 1 meter with a long dwell time between waves. I have a 4.7 meter SIB, and with a short wave dwell time, it pounds too hard and is very uncomfortable.
Gluing geek since 2007
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Old 09 June 2015, 13:16   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
I was out Saturday in the same rig (380 + 15) and it's probably the roughest I've taken the Aerotec out in. F5 with 2m waves maybe some approaching 2.5m. We were playing outside the harbour against wind, tide and waves - hard work, a bit scary and very wet as to make any progress you really needed to tack across the waves meaning each one chucks a bucket of water into your face off the starboard bow. Due to the conditions we were really just playing - out as much as we dared then surfing back in on the following sea every now and again nipping into the channel for some respite.

I think the boat is more than capable and once again I was reminded how amazing the Aerotec is compared to other SIB's I've owned but really it was conditions for a 5m+ RIB TBH and I chickened out after a while. You could not make any progress in a SIB in such a sea, even an Aerotec and reading and negotiating each wave gets tiring very quickly.

A F6 with 3 - 4m waves (Richard mentions 2m above but Beaufort gives F6 as 3 - 4m) is another step up and would be silly and not something I would want to be out piloting a 12ft rubber boat in...

The other point you mention: "...a few miles off shore..." - again, this is more than I'd go unless in transit to a definite point of course preferably with others. Where we are Sussex/Kent coast we cruise along rather than out and 1/2 mile out is enough for me.
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