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Old 21 April 2018, 19:53   #1
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FRIB 360 Tohatsu 20hp fi

Just thought I'd let everyone know some facts and figures in case anyone was thinking about purchasing an FRIB 360.

I find the 360 plus 20hp just about manageable on my own, definitely couldn't manage a 430. I have a launching trailer which helps, but I have to make do with the plastic wheels fitted to the transom when I need to get ashore quickly due to deteriorating weather. This can be problematic in rough breakers because the engine will hit the sea bed unless the engines at full tilt/prop out of the water. I'd strongly advise decent transom wheels, especially for solo recovery.

20hp on a boat this size will get the boat on the plane with 4 adults plus luggage, for solo outings a 15hp would be sufficient.

Today I had a GPS reading of 25mph with 2 adults plus equipment, a combined weight of around 30 stone, approx.

We did a mixture of open sea and estuary and speed varied from flat out to walking pace. After a 4 hour trip the engine used 10 ltrs of fuel, an hour of which was battling against wind and tied.

Can't wait for the next trip out.
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Old 22 April 2018, 07:34   #2
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Thanks for posting James. Looks a tidy outfit, glad it's suiting you.

Is the Tohatsu run in yet? I wonder what pitch prop it has? Some have found they can go up a pitch or two from the average standard prop on a new 20hp with the Frib hull being so efficient.
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Old 22 April 2018, 08:19   #3
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Thanks for posting James. Looks a tidy outfit, glad it's suiting you.

Is the Tohatsu run in yet? I wonder what pitch prop it has? Some have found they can go up a pitch or two from the average standard prop on a new 20hp with the Frib hull being so efficient.
Yes Fen, I've had the first service and I've put about 8 hours on the engine since. The Tohatsu dealer advised me the engines run in after the first service which surprised me a little as it's still very new.

I've mainly used the engine up to 50% throttle partly due to the sea state. What I will say about the 20hp Tohatsu over previous O/B's I've owned is the effortless power. It never seems stressed and a joy to use. I would like to know if anyone uses an FRib with a 15hp and how the two O/B compare?

As for the prop, I'll keep it as it is as it suits my requirements. Living by the Hamble the sea states tend to be the limiting factor on top speed etc. I'm going to invest in Keel Guard and some decent wheels which will hopefully make my life easier launching and recovering. Beech Master's are high on my list, I just wish they enabled me to mount the engine on the transom without tilting the engine.
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Old 22 April 2018, 08:52   #4
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James can I ask what these boats are like in the ruff stuff I have been looking for a used one but would like to know a bit more,
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Old 22 April 2018, 10:22   #5
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Originally Posted by slate1234 View Post
James can I ask what these boats are like in the ruff stuff I have been looking for a used one but would like to know a bit more,
Hi Paul,

I can only do a comparison between a Honwave 3.2 I had last year and the 360.

Most definitely a SIB will give you a less jarring ride due to the energy being absorbed by the HP floor. I also found the Honwave sits higher in the water at the cost of cavitation from the prop at higher speeds.

The Frib sits quite low in the water but I still managed to keep fairly dry on my trip back from the Hamble to lee on solent yesterday. Coming out of the Hamble I was into wind with a moderate swell before it eased. I found trying to get onto the plane was too slammy initially, there was only me in the boat, I'd dropped my friend off before heading back to the lee on Solent slip way. I think the added weight of two people in the boat really does help when the conditions deteriorate. I also found sitting on the tubes took some shock out of the journey back.

The FRibs only have a shallow hull so they do tend to crash over the waves, however I've noticed it's a lot easier to keep a steady heading on the Frib . The Honwave was quite difficult to keep on a steady heading due to the wind getting under the keel, especially coming off the crests of waves and the boat being blown off course.

Rowing the Honwave was pointless unless on a calm day as the wind and current just took the boat. The Frib is far easier to row in a swell plus wind, should the need arise.

Personally, I feel safer in the Frib, the boats build quality is far better, the hull is reassuring and I'd have know problem buying another one tomorrow. The only other boat I'd consider would be a bombard aerotech 380 but given the choice side by side I'd still go for the Frib. It would soly depend on what was available on the used market at the time?

The limiting factor for me is the launching and recovering, I can handle the chop out on the open water but trying to recover a boat weighing best part of 100kg and pulling it up the slip way isn't for the faint hearted. These boats after all are only sub 4 meter vessels.

One last thing while I think of it. I find the 360 takes longer to set up than the Honwave, I should get quicker as time goes on but the T32 was easier to man handle. If you've got the choice of trying out the frib 330 and 360 id look at both boats to which one suits your requirements better? 360 is a handful solo, that's from someone who is a regular gym enthusiast and lifts heavy weights.

If you like to know any more Paul please ask
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Old 22 April 2018, 10:43   #6
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Thank you for the informative reply James it sounding like this could be the boat for me I have a 3.2m ribtek and it bloody heavy on my own and not getting any younger I will have to start looking for a used one I think,
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Old 22 April 2018, 10:58   #7
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Good to read the extra info you put up for slate.

If you can easily see I'd still be interested to know what standard prop size comes with the new Tohatsu 20.
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Old 22 April 2018, 11:11   #8
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I would have thought it would be a bit quicker with a 20 on the back I have a new 18hp 2troke Tohatsu I'm sure I was close to 30+mph on a flat day although speed isn't the be all and end all for me a bit more room would be great.
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Old 22 April 2018, 13:32   #9
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Good to read the extra info you put up for slate.

If you can easily see I'd still be interested to know what standard prop size comes with the new Tohatsu 20.
I'll see if I can find out for you Fen. 👍
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Old 22 April 2018, 13:37   #10
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Originally Posted by slate1234 View Post
Thank you for the informative reply James it sounding like this could be the boat for me I have a 3.2m ribtek and it bloody heavy on my own and not getting any younger I will have to start looking for a used one I think,
Good luck Paul, you won't be disappointed.

If your local your welcome to have a go on mine when I'm out on the water just to make sure your 100% before you pay out.

My boat is 4 years old and I had to pay really strong money for it, they don't come up that often unfortunately.
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Old 22 April 2018, 13:47   #11
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Originally Posted by slate1234 View Post
I would have thought it would be a bit quicker with a 20 on the back I have a new 18hp 2troke Tohatsu I'm sure I was close to 30+mph on a flat day although speed isn't the be all and end all for me a bit more room would be great.

Having had a go on a zap cat with an Tohatsu 18hp stroker I would say it has the legs on the 20hp 4 stroke Tohatsu for top speed. In my book very little beats the 18hp for performance.

For my needs though the 4 stroke suits my requirements. 20hp fi never smokes (even 2 stroke as nice as it smells gets a little overwhelming at sedate speeds), the power delivery is effortless, 25mph 2 up is more than fast enough on the 360. In fact I found it quite twitchy after about 20mph or so especially in chop and lastly the engine seems to sip fuel. If money was no object I'd have one of each. ;-) it's also fairly light weight at 43kgs.
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Old 22 April 2018, 14:11   #12
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Thank you very much james for taking the time to answer my questions its going to be an f-rib or ribeye with the aluminium hull I think see what comes along first,
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Old 22 April 2018, 16:16   #13
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No problem Paul.

Just to give you something else to think about, check out ZAR inflatable boats. ����
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