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Old 07 September 2018, 11:14   #1
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Frib a question for The Gurnard


I am seriously thinking of getting a Frib (The 3.6 m) and was wondering if you like yours better than your other boats and if so why. I want to use my 9.8 hp 2 stroke on mine 2 up


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Old 07 September 2018, 12:26   #2
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I love my wee F Rib 275 Big Plums. For its size is far more seaworthy than any other small 2.75 size inflatable that I have owned and a lot more robust. It turns on a sixpence and its smooth hull is very efficient allowing me to use a 6HP outboard with no issues . I have covered ¾ of the west coast of mainland Scotland in mine and would replace it tomorrow if anything happened to it.

My requirements for this boat were to easily pack into my car.. easy to lift over rocky beaches .. and have an outboard I can carry across these types of shores. This boat fits those requirement perfectly. I am not a speed merchant and was brought up in the days people went to sea with seagull outboards ... at displacement speeds. However the wee F Rib does 15mph with me on it. I have been in force 5 -6 conditions in mine and had no worries it could not handle Cat C conditions.

Check out this video for more info

The downfall to the F Ribs.. like any small flat bottomed boat they are uncomfortable at speed in a short sharp chop. In heavy seas this is not so much a problem as the waves are generally more of the rolling type. I drop to displacement speeds heading into short sharp waves. I will go as far as to say an airfloor can be more comfortable in those conditions as its softer floor absorbs some of the shock.. the hard hull flattish bottom F Ribs will rattle your teeth

Check out this video for a 360 Frib windy conditions .. it does fine and it is a dry ride.

Personally I would not buy the F Rib 360 size as it is too heavy for me to carry on my shoulders ..the bigger OB are too heavy to carry down bankings and across shores etc. Almost every F Rib 360 owner I know uses a trailer.. they give all sorts of excuses that they don’t need trailers but the bottom line is .. they keep them on trailers so take what you want from that fact. They are expense to keep on a trailer when there are cheaper options ..and some better ones too (my opinion) ..except they don’t fold.

If I was going to replace my Quicksilver tomorrow ..I would get one of the aluminium hull Excels that are new on the market this year. A friend of my brother bought a 4.2meter size and I was very impressed. Its got a lovely V hull .. if you are thinking of a small lightweight boat around the 4m size check them out. (they do a 3.5m size too) Obviouly you need to trailer them and they are long shaft so may not suit your requirements. I would keep it tiller steering as I would make my own internal setup similar to the keeps my cameras dry.

I have nothing to do with either Excel or F Rib..only giving my honest opinion on the F Ribs based on personal experience .. and my research into what I would replace “The Gurnard” with as it is now 14 years old. However it still does exactly what I want it to do wont replace her until she falls apart.

Hope that helps.. my advice is to try one before buying with any boat.
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Old 07 September 2018, 17:33   #3
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Many thanks for that detailed and informative reply. I already have 2 solid floor ribs a 3.4 with a 15 HP and centre console and a 4.5 with a centre console and 60 hp together with an Ali floor 3.2 m sib with my 9.8 hp. We also have a caravan and wanted to travel a bit with a fold up boat that the 9.8 would power ok.

The 3.2 m one we have is a little small and wanted to go a bit bigger so hence looking at the 3.6 Frib as I think the 9.8 would be ok on this. I am going to the Southampton Boat show next week so will have a good look around. I think the Honwaves will be a little too heavy for my 9.8 hp.

The 3.6 F rib says it is 48 kg which sounds good to me.

Many thanks again for the information and keep up your excellent videos you are indeed an inspiration to others.
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Old 07 September 2018, 17:58   #4
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No problem Big Plums and your further explanation confirming you require a folding RIB for the caravan makes perfect sense to me so I would have no problem recommending it in those circumstances.

Only other comment is ..bbeware that 48KG in an awkward shape with no easy handholds is not so easy to carry by yourself. However it is a breeze for two. Use a sack barrow to move it around when folded up and on your own.

Im sure you will enjoy the F Rib and I think its a very good choice for your requirements.
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Old 07 September 2018, 18:16   #5
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard View Post
No problem Big Plums and your further explanation confirming you require a folding RIB for the caravan makes perfect sense to me so I would have no problem recommending it in those circumstances.

Only other comment is ..bbeware that 48KG in an awkward shape with no easy handholds is not so easy to carry by yourself. However it is a breeze for two. Use a sack barrow to move it around when folded up and on your own.

Im sure you will enjoy the F Rib and I think its a very good choice for your requirements.
Her indoors will usually be there to help me and she likes equality so has to lift the same as me.

Mind you I am 18 stone and she is 9

I am now looking at the Honwave T38 ie as an option... So much Choice
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Old 07 September 2018, 18:17   #6
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Have you got and Honwave T38 Video
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Old 07 September 2018, 18:53   #7
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I often go with Kaman of this forum.. he has a Honwave 38IE airfloor.. its a great boat..he went round Skye with me last weekend so you will see it in action soon..plenty videos on my U tube channel going adventures with Kaman..try round Arran or one of those longer trips

My only dislike of airfloors which their owners don't often mention..they don't have a bilge like a solid floored inflatable boat so water swirls around your feet which is one of my pet hates..but it obviously does not bother others they way it bothers me
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Old 07 September 2018, 19:03   #8
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Just for info... and to add to BigPlumbs variety of choice/confusion... it is only the Honwave and their clones which are air floors with no bilge. The Zodiac flat air floor models and the Aerotec have "bilges". We can get a lot of water in the Aerotec before it ever shows above the floor top surface. The flat air Floor Zodiacs are even better in that respect having a huge volume between flat floor and the V keel stretched outer floor.
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Old 07 September 2018, 19:09   #9
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Posts: 1,671 are correct Fenlander and I should have been more model specific. Kaman gets round the problem by having an electric bilge pump so its taken out quickly. The Frib has no bilge either ..but I get round that by having a DIY wooden floor. Its only small points. The Honwave is softer ride in short sharp chop than the F Rib..its also half the price
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