Originally Posted by Peter2673
Just doing some research regarding a new SIB.
In applying comparisons re price/quality/size/weight/helpful dealer etc, the wildcard seems to be the Futura, which has the USP of its side mounted tubes, but is expensive compared to, say, a Zodiac Classic of similar size.
The big question here is does the unique hull design actually confer any advantages?
The fact that other manufacturers haven't offered anything similar leaves me doubtful.
I have a futura and many years ago I had an Avon Spitfire "1985".
The futura has the speed tubes that are patented. The idea of the boat riding up on them causing less drag and more steering control. This is sort of true. The boat really docent fully lift up on the speed tubes. The main tubes are 1/2 way out of the water even with a max outboard. If you have the max hp and your boat is light perhaps it would lift more. But steering is quick! they help you track strait when pulling a wakeboard, and turn sharp.
That said I kinda miss the side slide of the traditional hull but the speed of the futura is real nice as well.
Another benefit of the futura is the way it handles chop. The tubes & keel really soften the jolts of rough water. That alone may make the cost worth it.
The slower you go the less the benefit. So if your maxing the HP it has more benefit, carry-able outboards will not lift on the tubes at all.
Setup a demo. My dealer of my first inflatable set me up with a customer who was willing to take me out for a reasonable fee. If I bought the boat the fee would be covered by the dealer. That was fair enough for me.