08 February 2019, 19:45
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futura vs caesar surfcat
Came across a few threads on the subject.. I can get a new futura mark II local... pvc surfcat is almost half the price including shipping to usa. For those who have experience.. what are your thoughts?
09 February 2019, 09:34
Country: UK - Scotland
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Surfcat all the way, Ceasar build quality is superb and the boats are amazing. The surfcat is more versatile than a thundercat, better at carrying weight and dryer too.
Even at the same price as a futura I would go for a Surfcat, you won't be disappointed. The PVC might wear a bit quicker than hypalon, but it will still easily last 10 years if stored outdoors, more if kept undercover.
I had a surfcat with a tohatsu 30 for a few years, and put a 50 on it for a while before getting a thundercat. It was good with a 30hp but really came alive with the 50hp, the extra weight on the transom helps a bit, they're designed to have 40/50hp. I used it for fairly long journeys too, frequent 25/30nm trips in the open Atlantic and it handled the rough water incredibly well. They're just as capable as thundercats, not much slower and a lot more practical. Probably the funnest all round 4m boat you can get.
You could speak to Fel2 on here, he's got a surfcat in Canada
10 February 2019, 01:21
Country: USA
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Posts: 259
I have a future mk2 with a 60 etec . I’ve wondered how the surf at runs? The only concerns for me are the back with lg outboard and meat looses clearance. In chop it looks like you could get a spine check. But I might be over thinking it. The future has three tubes with a fabric curtain between them. You can feel the cushion in such chop. Not that I look for such conditions but sometimes you got to get home before dark or your chasing down a larger boat to trail. The other thing is the color. Not my cup of tea. That said, I sure would like a ride in one to see.
Out of curiosity what part of the states do you live?
11 February 2019, 19:11
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Lewis
Boat name: Macleod Special
Make: Mako Thundercat
Length: 4m +
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The ride in a surfcat is excellent, rides on a cushion of air between the hulls. Comes in near enough any colour you want
11 February 2019, 20:07
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Originally Posted by Roflhat
Comes in near enough any colour you want
Aye, too many to choose from 🤣🤣
11 February 2019, 23:40
Country: USA
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Make: zodiac futura
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Posts: 259
Originally Posted by Roflhat
The ride in a surfcat is excellent, rides on a cushion of air between the hulls. Comes in near enough any colour you want
Now that’s interesting to hear. Perhaps I’m in the wrong boat. I would expect it to be faster with no center Hull in the water. Any info on speed at max hp?
12 February 2019, 17:22
Country: USA
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Would a Surf Cat be anywhere near acceptable with a four stroke 25hp?
12 February 2019, 19:15
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Lewis
Boat name: Macleod Special
Make: Mako Thundercat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 70ces
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 1,269
With my 50hp on it and a 15p all round propeller I was getting 42 knots. With a cleaver you should be getting close to 50 knots with a 50hp. I think they are rated for 70hp like the thundercat, not quite as fast as a thundercat but you wouldn't be far off.
Would go alright with a 25hp, probably get close to 30 knots. I guess it would be heavier than the 30hp 2 stroke I had so should give you better boat balance.
12 February 2019, 20:26
Country: USA
Town: California
Make: zodiac futura
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Posts: 259
That’s impressive. Here on west coast of US I don’t think we have a dealer anymore. The only us dealer stopped selling Ceaser or any other brands.
When you order one how long does it take to ship?(estimate is ok) my future with a 60 hp etec 17p all around and it runs 37 mph. I just ordered a second hand evenrude Viper 19p I’m hopping to be at or slightly above 40 mph. That’s far short of what the surf cat can do.
When I bought my future I bought a unused showroom floor model for $3500.
Thinking about doing a little research on this!
12 February 2019, 22:38
Country: USA
Town: Phoenix
Make: Achilles SGX-132
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Posts: 50
How does the Surf Cat quality and longevity compare to Zodiac or other “premium” name brands we would know?
13 February 2019, 05:50
Country: USA
Town: California
Make: zodiac futura
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Posts: 259
Roflhat, perhaps you would know the answer to this question. Is bowrise worse with the cat sibs compared to futura or traditional hull sibs?
I know weight distribution makes all the difference but with all things equal.
With less surface at the transom seems there would be less lift to drop the bow.
13 February 2019, 19:56
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Lewis
Boat name: Macleod Special
Make: Mako Thundercat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 70ces
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 1,269
You can go direct to Jacques, he's a nice guy and can help you out with shipping etc.
The quality is superb, and if you store them inside they'll last a long time too. They are prone to fading in the sun, best kept undercover or indoors, same as any other PVC inflatable. They're best stored with some air in them, around half pressure
Another alternative is the Gemini GRX Surf I think it's called. 4.2m long, a bit heavier and more durable than a surfcat and probably not as sporty but made in hypalon.
Can't really say whether or not bow rise is better/worse, if you want to go fast then less boat in the water is the way to do it but they are stable upto 60mph.
I like to keep as much weight as possible aft, if you're going above 50mph you do have to be careful going flat out, especially into the wind as they do tend to lift.
14 February 2019, 13:33
Country: USA
Town: Phoenix
Make: Achilles SGX-132
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Engine: Yamaha 25EFI
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Posts: 50
Thanks again
14 February 2019, 21:06
Country: USA
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Posts: 7
What is the best transom option? I am leaning towards closed and possibly adding in some trunk drains? That still makes it possible to drain quickly in the surf but keep it closed when not needed?
14 February 2019, 21:25
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Lewis
Boat name: Macleod Special
Make: Mako Thundercat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 70ces
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 1,269
I always go for open transom, it's never been much of a problem for the way I use the boat. And the way the transom is designed if you close it off the water has to be about 1" deep before it reaches the bottom of the trunks so you just end up with a wet floor all the time
14 February 2019, 22:58
Country: USA
Town: California
Make: zodiac futura
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 259
Originally Posted by trevpiee
What is the best transom option? I am leaning towards closed and possibly adding in some trunk drains? That still makes it possible to drain quickly in the surf but keep it closed when not needed?
I’ve wondered about that. For me I use mine inland. Now if your outboard is too low the splashing and spraying is heavy. And it is low when the boat is sitting low, or it would be too high when the boat is running fast. I’m sure roflhat knows better if it works that way with surfcat.
At least the way it goes with the futura. Which even has a transom that goes deeper to block this somewhat.
It sounds like you decided on surfcat. Exciting, I’d love to try a surfcat myself. Where are you ordering it from? How long to get it? Where do you use your boat?
Keep us updated!
15 February 2019, 00:06
Country: USA
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Posts: 7
Ya I put a deposit down. I ordered directly from Jacques at caesar.za.. He says about 6 weeks to build. Im in socal.. will be using it on the coast and around some inland lakes.
15 February 2019, 08:08
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Lewis
Boat name: Macleod Special
Make: Mako Thundercat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 70ces
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 1,269
Exciting times! Which colours did you go for? What engine are you going to have on it?
15 February 2019, 14:39
Country: USA
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Posts: 7
He gave me a deal on a hypalon boat... only catch was the material he had left is yellow  So I am going yellow with black trim. I'm still undecided on power. I am big on portability and packability. Really thinking about the yami f25.. only weighs 130lbs
15 February 2019, 16:30
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Lewis
Boat name: Macleod Special
Make: Mako Thundercat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 70ces
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 1,269
That will look smart, you should call it Bumblebee
I think after a while you will get bored and want more power, they raced them with Yamaha F40's in France for a while.
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