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Old 10 September 2021, 18:21   #1
Country: UK - England
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I've just glued some 'add ons' to my sib.
I read fenlanders guide in a previous thread about gluing.
The glue I used was a 2 part polymarine.
Rather than mess about trying to measure the correct ratio, I just poured the complete bottle of activator into the glue. 10ml into 250ml so definitely 25-1ratio and it slightly changed appearance to give me an indication it was mixed
What was surplus, actually nearly approximately half of it, I just put the lid back on the tin and put it to one side
I've glued my patches on over 48 hrs ago now.
So I removed the lid from the tin and the glue appears still the same. Runny and useable.
The brush however is solid.
Does the glue need air to cure? I thought this was the activators role
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Old 10 September 2021, 18:24   #2
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I think I mentioned the mixed glue remains viable for a period... of an hour or two at least. What I don't know is if it looks runny after 48hrs if it would still work for a full strength bond.
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Old 10 September 2021, 18:30   #3
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With it being my first time at gluing, I'm unsure what to expect.
I'm not wanting to use any more of what I mixed.
I just expected the remaining glue to have set in its tin.
Is it because it was air tight sealed that it hasn't set.
When I've done some fibreglassing on previous grp boats, the resin cures no matter what.
That's what I was expecting from the activator with the glue
Could it be that it's air tight AND the amount left over, probably an inch in the tin?
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Old 10 September 2021, 20:31   #4
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It's a contact adhesive - not Araldite epoxy.

The adhesive requires adequate ventilation to set - remember it's all about warm ambient temperatures and low humidity for a successful repair, in fact less glue is better with repairs as the initial glue layer trapped under a thicker second layer for example doesn't get a chance for the chemicals to dissipate to create the strong bond.

That's my understanding anyway.
Is that with or without VAT?
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