05 January 2016, 15:50
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
Yeah I suppose though the difference is it rarely gets below freezing here or above 75 degrees. Michigan a bit colder temperature wise. The things we have to worry about here is mold and rot. I come from California where car paint jobs die in a few years. Over here the car will be a rusted heap while the paint looks like it's been in a garage it's whole life. Not trying to be contradictory I just really want it to be a good deal. But usually things are to good to be true. However I will take all you say in advice. All good stuff. Don't mind buying fixable junk just don't want junk junk.
05 January 2016, 17:06
Country: UK - England
Town: St Helens
Boat name: Wine Down
Make: Maxum
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 934
Not sure if you are stll considering the white Zodiac ?
For info. Its a 1999 Zodiac Futura Sport, its 4.2m long and should have an alloy floor with a wood front section.
I had one new with a 50hp 2 stroke Yamaha, it was a seriously quick Sib which could actually give the jetskis of the day a run for their money. Typical Futura handling, light and agile, would easily tow a heavy monoskier. From memory it cost around £6K new so that used price seems good. Not sure of the age of the mariner engine, but its definately older than the boat.
However, the glue problems with Zodiacs are well known and careful inspection is needed to make sure it is still holding together.
05 January 2016, 17:43
Country: USA
Town: S. Carolina
Boat name: D560
Make: Avon
Length: 5m +
Engine: 2016 Merc 115hp CT
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 1,277
Originally Posted by Landlockedpirate
Not sure if you are stll considering the white Zodiac ?
For info. Its a 1999 Zodiac Futura Sport, its 4.2m long and should have an alloy floor with a wood front section.
I had one new with a 50hp 2 stroke Yamaha, it was a seriously quick Sib which could actually give the jetskis of the day a run for their money. Typical Futura handling, light and agile, would easily tow a heavy monoskier. From memory it cost around £6K new so that used price seems good. Not sure of the age of the mariner engine, but its definately older than the boat.
However, the glue problems with Zodiacs are well known and careful inspection is needed to make sure it is still holding together.
Generally, PVC glue has a life expectancy of about 10-15 years for premium glue before the strength has reduced to unacceptable levels.
Futura Sports are kinda rare. They didn't make many. They're a little different from the standard Futura.
Gluing geek since 2007
Opinions and intepretations expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer
09 January 2016, 22:19
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
Yeah I kinda decided to walk away from the pvc boat. It's a clean set up but he already has transom leaks in it and I would like something I could make safe easier. Everyone seems to say that pvc just will not last and I don't know enough to disagree so gonna go with a old hypalon boat. Bad idea??
Going to still look at the grand raid but will probably end up with the chinook sib. here are my pros and cons
Good quality
Good design
Easy to pack up
Zodiac brand still around
Aluminum floor
Chinook C5
Good quality
Good design
Not been left out on the water
Transom is solid
€200 cheaper
Bigger 5m
GR cons
Left out on a mooring
Reinforcing of transom with ply because of rot?
Air Leak in keel and one tube
Rough life
Smaller 4.2 m
Chinook cons
Not easy to pack up
Company no longer around
Needs a few patches
Floor is Ply
09 January 2016, 22:32
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
Couple more pics of the chinook.
12 January 2016, 23:56
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
Ok a bit of an update I looked over the chinook and besides being a bit weathered the tubes looked alright if not worn, baffles held pressure, valves seemed good, floor was in good shape wooden keel had been completely fiberglassed, rear transom looked good and was repaired a few years back however it was completely rotten at the bottom  . Broke my heart loved the size of a 5 meter boat. But with all the other little bits wrong with it and having to replace the transom I would not bite. Now I am back at thinking about that futura sport because what ever I look at in my price range seems to need the transom replaced. If I can get the futura for a decent price would it be a good idea if I plan on replacing the transom anyway?? I am just gonna buy the boat and trailer not the steering or engine. Saturday I am picking up a very clean 40hp evinrude that's a tiller arm so I figure it would be a fine set up for me. I can get the futura for around 600 with the trailer but no steering or seat. What ya guys think I know I ask a ton of questions just like doing my homework. You guys already saved me buying the other boats.
13 January 2016, 07:46
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridge
Boat name: SIBylle
Make: Honda Honwave
Length: 3m +
Engine: Honda BF20
MMSI: 235915576
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 431
Grand Raid MK2
Forgive me for speaking out of turn here, I don't know you or your background, but you seem to be jumping around a lot on boats that sound pretty beat up and worn and with questionable repairs. TBH you sound a little like me, got a bee in your bonnet and need to buy something NOW ;-)
It's early in the year with limited windows to get on the water and deals to be had so why not spend some time deciding exactly what you want/need, trawling eBay and other sites rather than potentially buying some crap from some guy who lives in the back arse of nowhere.
I guess options might be more limited in Ireland than here in England but you should be able to find yourself a good deal, especially in that you're talking about €600 or more (I assume that's what you have ish based on some of your posts). Check out FirstRib's story (the one about a Ford KA and roof rack), he spent less than that as far as I can remember and got himself a great boat, a 2004 Bombard Aerotec with no rotting transom or dodgy repairs... He also got himself a nice 2001 25HP Mercury and I know his budget for the engine was about £500...
My advice, as a noobie who has bought a boat in the past for £890 and had it break down after 500 yards, never be in the water again and impossible to sell now... Research, be patient and buy something you actually trust and fits-the-bill rather than the first thing that comes along that 'will do'. You might even save a few more Euros to put towards a better boat whilst you look.
(Just speaking from my own bad and foolish experience)
13 January 2016, 20:54
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
Yeah man I have totally agree with you I want a boat way to bad!! But I need to look through the crap ones so I can figure out what the good ones will look like. Learned a lot over the past 6 months that I have been researching this. I however am not a complete noob to this whole subject Just a noob to inflatable boats I have only had one that was just my tender to get out to my sail boat I was living on. Didn't really care that it deflated every day although the Harbor patrol seemed to have a problem with it. I am just in a totally different world here when it come to inflatables I have repaired Fiberglass and Wooden boats just never inflatables. Most of the time I was worried about sail boats and electric motors on the other boats I worked on not outboards. Also now I live on a river so basically to sum up I am now in a completely different boat. 
The reason for looking at old beat up boats is that they are cheap and well we aint got alot of cash. The other reason is I have a hard time buying something that does not need work. I love taking something that is about dead and bringing it back to life its seriously a problem I have ask my wife. Also since I live on the water every day I look out and I see boats passing me by its kinda like wonderful torture. So on that note let me ask you guys about another bit of boat that needs some work.
Found an avon sport 4.2 probly from the early 90s or late 80s its holding air has some patches but seems all around in decent nik way better than the chinook. However its missing a floor there is always something right. I will post some pics of it I can get it for about 150 I think. So I figure I could spend another 100 and make a brand new marine ply or aluminum floor. I am a fabricator/Carpenter with a Sheet metal factory that I have access to. What you guys think? would this go well with a 40 hp evinrude? Getting the motor that looks very very clean in all the right places for 350. The motor is a 93 but there is very little corrosion under the hood but going to check the compression on Saturday.
I will post a link to the boat.
Avon Sport Boat For Sale in Kingswood, Dublin from vincent880
the price on here is not what I will be paying.
Here is a link for close ups of the rear transom seems to be dry and not rotten?
so now you know my whole life story regarding boats what ya think of this project?
13 January 2016, 21:05
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridge
Boat name: SIBylle
Make: Honda Honwave
Length: 3m +
Engine: Honda BF20
MMSI: 235915576
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 431
Hey, if you've got the knowledge and time go for it I love a good refurb, and hope I didn't offend. The Mrs put the kibosh on be doing up my £890 foolish buy, but it's the engine that's wrecked, not so much the boat.
That boat there looks pretty good if you can fab up a floor... But I AM a noob so what do I know!
I can understand your torture.
13 January 2016, 21:09
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
and yes options are very very limited over here. Its a whole different world but ya know these are just other hurdles to get over.
13 January 2016, 21:22
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
Stigomery What happend to your boat? did the engine fall in the water or what? What type was it always willing to learn on what happened to others.
Bought my first sail boat on Ebay I really had wished I talked to people before doing that now hahahah.
13 January 2016, 21:33
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridge
Boat name: SIBylle
Make: Honda Honwave
Length: 3m +
Engine: Honda BF20
MMSI: 235915576
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 431
eBay... Ha, that was my downfall!
1969 14ft speedboat, 1979 55hp Evinrude. Maiden voyage the outboard stopped pumping water after about 500 yards, no problem I thought, changing the impeller is no big deal. Got back to the house, started to remove the gear box and the bolt sheared. Left it to a boat yard, they sheared off the rest of the bolts... Engine runs sweet as but the leg is a mess. Spare parts for a vintage Evinrude don't come easy! We have an expensive nautical feature on our drive ;-)
13 January 2016, 21:57
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
Ahh so the most expensive boat ride of your life. But why don't you just get a new outboard for it? At least then the whole boat would not be going to waste?
17 January 2016, 21:41
Country: Ireland
Town: WAterford
Boat name: na
Make: Rimini
Length: 5m +
Engine: dt85
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 237
Well just to update every one I ended up getting an older AVON 4.2 Its old but the fabric is in good shape and I believe all the valves have been replaced. Picked it up for 140 Euro. So even if it fall apart completely next year I should not be in too much trouble. Two big down sides it needs a new piece of floor the back three parts are missing but I am just going to grab some Marine ply tomo and cut out a new one. Also one of the baffles is gone so now its a two chamber boat. Instead of fixing it I will probably just use it and keep a couple sizable inflatable Fenders handy in case I really get into a bind. This boat I will just be using on the river so never very far away from shore. Also picked up a 1993 Evinrude commercial 40hp that runs well and has great compression so excited to see what that baby can do. All together engine and boat cost me 450 so I cant complain. Gonna start a new Thread and introduce my new boat soon so check it out all on there. Any info or advice on building a new floor and the baffles is always welcome thanks so much guys you have been a life saver
18 January 2016, 08:06
Country: UK - England
Town: Retford
Boat name: Spy-sea-one
Make: Excel 435
Length: 4m +
Engine: Suzuki Outboard/25/4
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 7,557
you can buy a temporary tube insert from ribcraft around £80 they are temporary but it would stay up in its own right keeping a third bouyance chamber ive not looked into them and surmise they fit and replace the old valve might be worth a look into to see if it would help failing that, a basket ball bladder might be an option as a baffel blow up and leave at least it would split the chamber and give you time to get off the river.
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