18 June 2009, 13:07
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 99
Grandad looking for a SIB..... Help Please!!!!
Hi all.
I’m sure you get loads of posts asking for help and I’m sorry to admit it, but here’s another one.
Back when I was a younger man I used to have a 17 foot Bayliner that was used in North Wales, the Lake District, Southern France and Spain. We mainly used it at the time for pottering about in the sea and for water skiing and towing a doughnut. Unfortunately as my children got older the boat got used less and less and in the end I sold it. The down side to such a heavy boat was towing and launching the boat was always hard work as we didn’t have it moored anywhere, we would just tow it to where we wanted to use it.
I’ve now got plenty of grand children and I want to introduce them to the joys of boating but instead of going back to something like a Bayliner, I’d rather start off with an inflatable as my eldest grandchild is only 10. Unfortunately I know nothing about them so I’m looking for advice. I’ve had a look around the internet but there’s so much information out there and I just don’t know where to start.
Basically I’m looking for a 2nd hand inflatable (SIB?) that can be used for pottering about with 6-8 people in it, but I also want to be able to use it with maybe 4 people in it for water skiing and towing inflatable toys. I also need it be portable as I don’t want to go back to towing just yet. I have an estate car and if possible am looking for something that will fit in the boot. What size boat should I be looking for? What size engine do I need for water skiing? Is it realistic to hope to be able to fit all the things that I need in the boot of my car? What have I forgotten? I don't know if this is realistic but I'm looking to spend in the region of £2000 - £3000.
If you’re still reading after all that I’d appreciate any advice. Cheers.
18 June 2009, 13:31
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: doggypaddle
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I am guessing here, but i would have thought your're asking a bit much for a sib here?
something big enough to meet all the criteria is going to be fairly hefty, with an engine big enough to waterski and get sensible speed with 8 people, thats going to be a heavy lump to lift on and off.
I have seen a lot of sibs around the 5M mark and they are not light! i have watched people struggle and drag them out of the back of vans, inflate them, fit engine , console etc, and it takes 1/10 of the time to slip a 5.4m rib off a rollercoaster trailer!
IMHO small sibs like 3.8/4.2m aerodecks are great with small 2 stroke outboards, for 2/3 but i think the pros and cons of towing need to be considered carefully if you want 8 people and a reasonable performance,
I must be honest here i dont have much experience of sibs and i am ready to be torn to pieces but i would go for a rib, its much less hassle if you can tow it.
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
18 June 2009, 13:40
Country: UK - England
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Dare I mention that you may need to look at a small RIB - possibly a used 4m Searider . Very easy to tow & will allow you to do all that you want ?
As said any SIB that will tow skiers etc ,& carry 4 people at a sensible speed / carry 8 slowly will be more trouble/ weight than its worth.
18 June 2009, 13:43
Country: UK - Wales
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Boat name: doggypaddle
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
Dare I mention that you may need to look at a small RIB - possibly a used 4m Searider . Very easy to tow & will allow you to do all that you want ?
As said any SIB that will tow skiers etc ,& carry 4 people at a sensible speed / carry 8 slowly will be more trouble/ weight than its worth.
Graeme coopers SR4 is worth a look at, its a tidy boat and a tidy trailer and its good value at his asking price.
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
18 June 2009, 13:46
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by doggypaddle
Graeme coopers SR4 is worth a look at, its a tidy boat and a tidy trailer and its good value at his asking price.
this one ;
At that price, if I was looking to buy I'd take his arm and some of his shoudler off !
18 June 2009, 13:52
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I think theres your answer mate - very manageable boat it'll go okay with a 40 too
18 June 2009, 14:07
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Here
Boat name: doggypaddle
Make: Avon 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: yamaha 80
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Posts: 1,107
I would just like to point out that Olly and myself aren't on comission either!
heres a link to a piccy of it.
the engine has been upgraded since to a yam with PTT.
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
18 June 2009, 14:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne
Boat name: El Presidente
Make: Humber Assault
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outboard, 70hp, 2st
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Posts: 99
Cheers for the speedy responses, it's much appreciated. :-)
On a similar vein, I live near Manchester and I've come across a web-site of a company based near me and am thinking of going looking at one of their boats. From this description is this something I should be looking at:
"SEAPRO 430HD & 40hp Mariner 2 stroke
Boat Type: HD Inflatable
For serious fun on the water the 430HD is offered with a mariner 40hp 2 stroke contract exchange engine. This 'go anywhere' package is just at home as a large family fun boat, towing skiers and ringos, or as a serious workboat/safety boat. As a package we offer the 430HD and 40 mariner contract exchange outboard @ £2499 inc VAT!!"
To a complete novice that looks great but am I missing something? Thank you again.
18 June 2009, 14:21
Country: UK - England
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Doesn't look to bad a deal. I know he's over priced on his engines but that doesn't seem to bad.
It wont handle like a 4m Searider though.
18 June 2009, 14:22
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Originally Posted by Vincent Vega
SIB?) that can be used for pottering about with 6-8 people in it, but I also want to be able to use it with maybe 4 people in it for water skiing and towing inflatable toys. I also need it be portable as I don’t want to go back to towing just yet. I have an estate car and if possible am looking for something that will fit in the boot.
In short, and I don't mean to be abrupt:-
You don't have a hope unless you've got a Transit van to carry something that big , the engine will be too heavy to manage easily and getting the floor in will be more of a pain in the butt than towing a boat.
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18 June 2009, 14:23
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Here
Boat name: doggypaddle
Make: Avon 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: yamaha 80
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 1,107
you will need a van or a trailer to put it in!
I would give graeme 2K an spend the £400 extra on petrol.
you will have balls like coconuts after humping a 40 engine and sib!
I am usually not as green as i am cabbage looking.
18 June 2009, 14:32
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne
Boat name: El Presidente
Make: Humber Assault
Length: 5m +
Engine: Outboard, 70hp, 2st
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Posts: 99
Originally Posted by Nos4r2
In short, and I don't mean to be abrupt:-
You don't have a hope unless you've got a Transit van to carry something that big , the engine will be too heavy to manage easily and getting the floor in will be more of a pain in the butt than towing a boat.
Don't worry about being abrupt, information's what I'm after whether I like it or not. :-)
18 June 2009, 14:43
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
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Where are you planning to use it Vincent?
18 June 2009, 14:46
Country: UK - England
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I'd pay less for a proven boat on a decent trailer ( ie the searider) . Trying to lift a 40 ( even a 2stoke ) will soon put you off using the boat & you will end up with a trailer anyway .
The SRr will handle better, is proven , comes with a trailer , and is less money .
If I were you while having to tow may not be ideal it realy is a better way to get out with the kids , cheaply & safely .
18 June 2009, 14:49
Country: UK - England
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The problem with the Northwest of England is lack of slipways. I've often thought about getting shut of the RIB and going for a decnt sized SIB to beach launch but with my health I'd end up using the SIB less than my RIB.
18 June 2009, 14:51
Country: UK - England
Town: Ashton-under-Lyne
Boat name: El Presidente
Make: Humber Assault
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Posts: 99
Originally Posted by JSP
Where are you planning to use it Vincent?
Mostly on holidays in the South of France or Spain. A friend used to have one 10 years or so ago and we'd use it to go out to the islands and go rock jumping. I know it's a lot of money for once a year but I love the sea and think my Grand children would absolulety love it, as would I of course. ;-)
It'll probably be used for fishing as well in North Wales as one of my sons is a pretty keen fisherman.
18 June 2009, 15:15
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IMO a Sib that big will be to big to handle when deflated, very awkward to pick up and carry. When loading it into the back of you car after use it will make aright mess of it.
I would go no bigger than 3.8m and even thats a heavy awkward load. Engine size would be no bigger than 25hp, but even they are heavy and awkward to carry and when stored in the back of a car the inevitable petrol smell is.....not very nice.
If i was you I would go to Billinghams and deflate and inflate the SIB and carry the engine.
I have just purchased at 3.8 zodiac with a 2 stroke 15hp and its not as straight forward as the brochure says.
Will you take it down to Spain and leave it there or bring it back and forth?
Big waves, small boat ;)
18 June 2009, 15:24
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Originally Posted by Vincent Vega
If you’re still reading after all that I’d appreciate any advice.
wel itt woz a bitt lonng windid butt owld gitts doo tennd too rambul onn a bitt
jus bare inn mynd dat ifn yew bi a ribb yew av gott too bi a dril az wel. de blakk an dekker, de riyobi, de bosh an de wult arr orl tryed an prooven maiks
18 June 2009, 17:47
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by The Garfish
wel itt woz a bitt lonng windid butt owld gitts doo tennd too rambul onn a bitt
jus bare inn mynd dat ifn yew bi a ribb yew av gott too bi a dril az wel. de blakk an dekker, de riyobi, de bosh an de wult arr orl tryed an prooven maiks 
Crikey what Drugs are you on,lol
18 June 2009, 18:01
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by thornbackflound
Crikey what Drugs are you on,lol
None, he's from the Isle of Man.
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