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Old 22 April 2011, 15:35   #1
Country: UK - England
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Grrrrrr license!!!

Anyone else use Environment Agency waterways?

I applied for my license 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago via post (the only way you can do it) and although I've rung them on more than a couple of occasions they still haven't processed it yet, although they have received the paperwork. This means my prior arrangements for taking my friend and his kids out for some Bank Holiday fun have been ruined, or I have to run the risk of hoping any officers that stop me believe my story. You can only apply for your license at the beginning of April too to get a full year, so they must have an absolute deluge all at once.

Why they can't have an Internet payment option in this day and age like British Waterways do is beyond me

I've only got a 2.7m Honwave with a 4hp outboard, kept at home in the shed, not a 30ft Marina moored cruiser.

Anyone care to offer any opinions up on what might happen if I do decide to chance it tomorrow and get stopped? How likely would it be for me to even see an EA officer, this is my first year of Sibbing so have no prior experience.
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Old 22 April 2011, 15:59   #2
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Originally Posted by stepaway View Post
Anyone else use Environment Agency waterways?

I applied for my license 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago via post (the only way you can do it) and although I've rung them on more than a couple of occasions they still haven't processed it yet, although they have received the paperwork. This means my prior arrangements for taking my friend and his kids out for some Bank Holiday fun have been ruined, or I have to run the risk of hoping any officers that stop me believe my story. You can only apply for your license at the beginning of April too to get a full year, so they must have an absolute deluge all at once.

Why they can't have an Internet payment option in this day and age like British Waterways do is beyond me

I've only got a 2.7m Honwave with a 4hp outboard, kept at home in the shed, not a 30ft Marina moored cruiser.

Anyone care to offer any opinions up on what might happen if I do decide to chance it tomorrow and get stopped? How likely would it be for me to even see an EA officer, this is my first year of Sibbing so have no prior experience.
Having lived alongside the Thames for many years before moving to the coast, If you plan on Thames work their launches will be out and the lock keepers always check for licences at this time of year BUT you have in your favour the application which should not stop you using the waterways.
The Devizes to Westminster canoe race is running for the Easter weekend with non stop pros and then the amateurs over several days so it will be busy.

If you have any cheques stubs etc to show payment has been sent it is a way of reducing any water authority person from keeping you long. Just go out and enjoy yourself.
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Old 22 April 2011, 16:14   #3
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Hmmm, no cheque stub unfortunately, I sent it with a direct debit form.

Sorry, also I should have said in my first post, I'll be out on the Great Ouse in Bedfordshire, so no racers to worry about, and no locks to go through as I'll only be pootling up and down one stretch of the river.

Guess I'll have to chance it, this weathers just to good an opportunity to miss out on.

Cheers for your help chap 
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Old 23 April 2011, 08:01   #4
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You'll be fine,
You've sent your money and application of which there'll be a record and besides if there's no locks to negotiate it's highly unlikely you'll get stopped. They're more concerned with boats with big wash rather than Sibs.
Have a great time, I'm off out on the Thames today for my first trip of the year.
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Old 23 April 2011, 11:00   #5
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Originally Posted by Bighag7 View Post
You'll be fine,
You've sent your money and application of which there'll be a record and besides if there's no locks to negotiate it's highly unlikely you'll get stopped. They're more concerned with boats with big wash rather than Sibs.
Have a great time, I'm off out on the Thames today for my first trip of the year.
Cool and the gang
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Old 24 April 2011, 10:31   #6
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Just a quick post to say no arrests were made yesterday and I remain at large in the community

Here we are on the run from the Feds on our way down to the Mexican border!

Hope you've all had a good weekend out on the water

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Old 24 April 2011, 14:10   #7
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Re: Grrrrr license!!!

I have to say that I've never been stopped or asked for a license. Little SIBs seem to be thought of as tenders to big boats, so they don't appear to be bothered...........
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