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Old 12 May 2014, 23:35   #1
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Hairline cracks in transom

I'm new to ribs so hoping a more experienced member can advise. Was cleaning out the sump at weekend and discovered some hairline cracks in the gel coat just below the bottom bolts for the outboard when I cleaned off all the crude. The opposite side is fine. It's a Ribeye 600 with 100hp yamaha all are of 2005 vintage. Transom sounds solid and no flexing. The cracks are only in the area of the sump. Is this something to be concerned about or should I just keep an eye on them???
Also wondered about the elephant trunks... They are just on the water line and noted that water was trickling in....found the fabric on the other side to be perished so have bunged up the holes meantime- there's 2 on the 600. It got me think though....I presume you would have them tied up when rib is in the water & would only have them down when the boats on its trailer....but when on the trailer, you would have the bung out so are they really needed as when in the water any water getting in would go to the sump & there's a bilge pump in the sump where all the water accumulates!!
As I say I'm new to ribs so your thoughts/ advice would be much appreciated
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Old 13 May 2014, 00:35   #2
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Pics would help, particularly of the cracks. It depends on how deep/where they are as to whether they're an issue.

Regarding the trunks, you'd keep them down while going along in rough weather so any water that comes in would go straight out again. They get rid of huge volumes of water very fast, so if you get a wave into the boat they'll be invaluable. I emptied my SR5.4 from a full stuff, water level with transom in under a minute using mine.
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Old 13 May 2014, 07:46   #3
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That makes sense re the trunks... Will be looking to change them soon, any suggestions for best place to buy?
The cracks are very faint, I wouldn't have noticed them if it was for the fact that I was in there scrubbing off the crap and some if the dirt showed up the cracks (there's an enclosed area on the transom). You can just about feel them when you run your nail over them. They cover an area about 6in in diameter just on the back wall of the sump
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Old 13 May 2014, 08:12   #4
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Are the cracks radiating from anything?

If the trunks are original, better to talk to Ribeye. If not, any of the tube makers should be able to make new fabric parts.
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Old 13 May 2014, 11:39   #5
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No not radiating from anywhere just random
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Old 13 May 2014, 12:53   #6
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Probably nothing to worry about then-just a bit of gelcoat crazing. If you're really worried, careful cleaning, filing out and application of the right colour of flowcoat will get rid of them.
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Old 13 May 2014, 19:47   #7
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Thanks for that
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