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Old 16 April 2009, 16:03   #1
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HELP! 1982 Achilles SD-11 Floor Dimensions

I recently purchased a 54 sailboat that came with an Achilles SD-11 as it's tender. the inflatable is in fantastic shape. It was always stored out of thew sunlight (the sailboat actually has a dinghy garage under the cockpit by way of the transom).

The problem is it's missing the floor and achilles only has one on the shelf for $650. I'm not a big fan of sectional flooring and in my case do not need it for storage purposes so I'm going to make my own (I'm very good with wood/epoxy/boat building and repair).

So here's the million dollar question; Can anyone provide me with the dimensions for the SD-11 floor ASSEMBLED? I understand the bow triangle piece may need to be seperate from the rest due to the curve of the hull.

Thanks in advance,

Sailorbob in Charlestown RI USA
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Old 16 April 2009, 16:25   #2
m chappelow's Avatar
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its suprizing how much floorboards size can vairy, even with a boat of the same model the boards if interchanged dont always fit that perfect,i would inflate the boat and just measure and cut a board from scratch as long as its not too tight or sloppy and the edges are rounded off it should be fine ,as you said the bow board needs to be seprate owing to the bow rise but it may need a battern across to stop the boards rising above each other .
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