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Old 11 September 2015, 11:40   #61
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Boat name: Bombard
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Mercury Mariner 15hp
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 3,499
Can you not up the 9.9 to a 15 with the usual carb mods, most 9.9/15 engines share the same block and most internals A 15 on a typical 3.4 - 3.8 SIB is a great compromise.

Like Blootac go easy lifting though, once you 'do' your back (did mine in my early 20's a long time ago lifting a huge cable drum into a Transit) it's never the same again and the silliest thing can trigger it again.

If you're going with the airfloor stick it up on the roof inflated, saves a lot of deflating/inflating hassle.
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Old 11 September 2015, 11:59   #62
Country: Other
Town: Lisbon
Make: Suzumar
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Posts: 142
Blootac, I know I have to be extra careful with lifting, that's why I do lots of exercise and workout to keep my back in check and prevent that kind of injuries.

Gurnard, you're right. It's just a plan and things have to work out for me so I can put it to action. Future will tell.

Max, my 320 Suzumar is too big to be inflated in my roof top so the 380 is out of question. I will carry it on the roof top when I'm with 1 or 2 mates and inside the car when aloen or with my gf.
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Old 11 September 2015, 13:53   #63
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Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,099
>>> lifting 48KG of honwave T38-IE2 to head height and possibly into a roof box is going to require two people and isn't going to be pleasant to do,

>>> I will carry it on the roof top when I'm with 1 or 2 mates and inside the car when aloen or with my gf.

Yep that's a good plan. Until the return from this year's holiday when we had three SIBs to travel back from Scotland I'd never tried to lift one on the roof in a packed form... it was actually harder than getting an inflated one up there where you can at least lean it on the car then with two folks at the same end/side lift and slide on.

The packed Aerotec with a few more bits in its pack would have been about 50kg and what a dead weight once you tried to go above chest height. Ended up putting a blanket over the side of the car and rolling/scuffing it up in an undignified way.
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