Pull up a sand bag, a little saga.
Some decades ago in a place far far away were it rains everyday we had such an inflatable in the diving club. A Zodiac GT Mk 2 or 3 I think.
The previous Autumn someone had carefully placed the inflable inside the Gym for the winter. Unfortunately during the winter the kids had used it as a trampoline. Result the wooden boards had shattered as they are only thin ply over a foam centre. Tubes punctured and metal sides supports missing it made an interesting dive boat often needing puming up to and from the dive site

Also the wooden deck would break loose in any waves opening up gaps just waiting for an ankle to slip before closing with the next wave.
A solution had to be found and it was. A local Irish building firm were completing a new shower block inside the Gym. On Friday evening they left a large sheet of 15mm ply in the Gym which they had been using to mix plaster on. By 6pm the sheet had been measured and cut. By 7pm the first coat of paint had been applied Early next morning on went the gloss. By Sunday evening the boat was re-assembled with her new deck. Several bottles of inflatable tube sealing stuff went into the tubes to cure the pin hole leaks. We kept the original triangle front piece and didn't need the metal side supports as the sheet was big enough to make a single piece main area.
Monday morning dawned and a group of Irish builders were seen wandering around the Gym scratching their heads looking for something
The inflatable went on to give two further years service whilst the club saved up for our first rib.