Originally Posted by JimInFL
Thanks Sir for the fast reply ! All do have the bridge. I even went so far as to take caliper measuements of the 'vital' dimensions you reference to assure the valve was being pressed. All do seem to seal well with little to no air leak. I can't for the life of me see what's missing.
The only thing I can think of, is that measuring that low of pressure (I'm looking for about 3.5 lbs.) maybe these gauges are not registering properly because I'm afraind to put much more air in, until I have some faith in what I'm seeing.
I CAN get that kluged up gauge to show me 2 lbs when I inflate to what I feel is 'quite firm'. Maybe I'm just being to conservative and should try more pressure.
BUT - I can press on the Shrader valve center and get NO release of air - that to me is the telling failure of something here.
Chipko's example above is a good valve, as it allows you to adjust the pin at the centre.
If you can press on the schrader valve pin and no air comes out then you know the bridge in the adapter isn't pressing on the valve. Does yours look like this inside?
If it does, then that bridge should press on the pin in the valve and it'll open like this. You could also thread a small screw into the centre of the bridge to lower the reach of it.
I'm not sure if your gauge is suitable or not, as most boats would be inflated to around 3.5PSI / 0.24BAR so you're probably not putting enough pressure in to register on a gauge that's rated for up to 15. Keep in mind that most of those foot pumps are not actually capable of over-pressuring your boat too.