19 March 2013, 08:52
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Hi there i néed to pump up my inflatable rib this week I have one of these speedy pump that hook to ur car battery what is the Pressure I need to put in it please as I'm not sure. Thanks
19 March 2013, 10:22
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sorry this depends on the sib
19 March 2013, 10:47
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Suzuki suzmar 360
19 March 2013, 11:21
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19 March 2013, 12:52
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0.25 bar for the tubes, 0.35 bar for the airfloor, assuming it's the alumininium section-floor version. Don't forget to allow for temperature change; for example, if you inflate it in cold ambient temperature, the air will expand in the tubes when exposed to warm air, especially in direct sunlight. This is not so much as issue for the floor because it is not usually exposed and is in contact with cold water.
A hand-held pressure gauge is really useful to check on temp-related variance.
19 March 2013, 13:47
Country: UK - Wales
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Ye it say on the speedy pump how much it's in there so if I put 23 in let warm fill up the cool air that should b fine thank u for ur help
19 March 2013, 14:41
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Originally Posted by Exe treme
This is not so much as issue for the floor because it is not usually exposed and is in contact with cold water.
Does that not mean the air shrinks and needs topped up once at the operating temperature.
19 March 2013, 21:55
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Sorry,just to clarify...If its a cold start to the day, as is probable this week when the o.p wants to launch, there shouldn't be much difference between air in the floor and sea temp. If very warm when inflating or before launching then yes, a lower sea temp could affect the floor pressure. I guess its always best to double check with a gauge when on the water.
Happy when wet!
20 March 2013, 00:45
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If that's a sib will need a minimum of 0.2 Bar (3.0) PSI on tubes to work well, what you can do is inflate to 0.2 Bar before launching, launch sib and after some minutes rest on water for pressure to stabilize top again with a foot or hand pump to 0.2 Bar. Use/buy a pressure gauge, sib will perform much better.
Air floors sibs are usually inflated to 07-08 Bar (10-12 PSI) if too underinflated will perfom badly at speed due to lack of floor rigidity, air floor will rock as a marshmellow experimenting some water ondulation underneath hull. Check tech specs for that model and go from there.
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20 March 2013, 13:15
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Hi locozodiac. I agree, full air floors require a much higher pressure to operate properly. The Suzumar 360, like other alu-sectioned floors, only have an inflatable keel, and rely on the aluminium floor for rigidity. Therefore, the keel only requires 0.35 bar. Hope that clarifies.
Happy when wet!
20 March 2013, 17:11
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Hi I'm after a trailer for a inflatable boat rib is 12ft long willing to pay 200pound
21 March 2013, 15:48
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Hi Exetreme
Is 0.35 Bar what's stated in owner's manaul, if so, ok . In other brands sibs, if you inflate keel more than 3.5 PSI on the long run will end deforming the front wooden floorboard and sometimes cracking it.
Happy Boating
21 March 2013, 16:34
Country: UK - England
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Hi Locozodiac
I had a Suzumar 360 alu floor in 2011, and the handbook stated 0.35 for the keel.
Happy when wet!
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