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Old 10 August 2018, 00:13   #1
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Hit the beach

I just got my first rib. It’s a west marine rib 310 with a 9.9 Mercury 2 stroke and I put Beachmaster wheels on it. I haven’t used it yet but want to launch it at the beach when I’m camping next week.
I’ve been in a lot of pangas that hit the beach going full throttle through large surf, and I built a 14’ Dory that I have done the same with.
Here the waves aren’t very big and break close to shore but I have seen people In inflatables stop and jump out before they hit the beach.
Can I hit the beach in my rib like you would a panga? Should I put the wheels down or leave them up when coming in?
Thanks in advance for any tips.
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Old 10 August 2018, 05:38   #2
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I’m sure everyone lands a bit different depending on the beach,surf and the set up they have but I
Stop about 200 ft out,kill the outboard, lower the wheels(which come down past the prop), get the oars ready in case they are needed, fire up the outboard, head for the beach, kill and pull up the outboard once I’m in the shallows, jump out and quickly pull the sib out the surf
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Old 10 August 2018, 05:44   #3
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Is it a RIB or a SIB? This is the SIB page of the forum. If it's a RIB you might get better advice on a RIB page.

RIB has a rigid hull made of GRP with an inflated buoyancy. SIB has a soft hull which is made rigid either by being inflated or by having some kind of floor boards. The bottom of a SIB hull is a foldable/rollable fabric.

I've seen film of people beaching pangas at high speed.

I suppose you could get away with that in a RIB although you'd risk damaging the buoyancy tubes if you did it a lot. I would treat any boat I owned with more respect than that. However, if the place where you use it always has big surf, perhaps you have no choice.

If you tried it in a SIB, chances are you'd damage the bottom, if not the first time then fairly soon.

It would make sense to put the transom wheels down when coming in in very shallow water and waves as it would protect the engine, although with some loss of manoeuvrability, and some risk of damage to the wheel struts.
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Old 10 August 2018, 17:02   #4
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Watch some of the surf rescue videos on YouTube.
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Old 11 August 2018, 03:15   #5
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Watch some of the surf rescue videos on YouTube.
Ya that’s how I ended up with a Rib. I like the river rescue videos too.
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Old 11 August 2018, 03:19   #6
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Originally Posted by Mikefule View Post
Is it a RIB or a SIB? This is the SIB page of the forum. If it's a RIB you might get better advice on a RIB page.

RIB has a rigid hull made of GRP with an inflated buoyancy. SIB has a soft hull which is made rigid either by being inflated or by having some kind of floor boards. The bottom of a SIB hull is a foldable/rollable fabric.

I've seen film of people beaching pangas at high speed.

I suppose you could get away with that in a RIB although you'd risk damaging the buoyancy tubes if you did it a lot. I would treat any boat I owned with more respect than that. However, if the place where you use it always has big surf, perhaps you have no choice.

If you tried it in a SIB, chances are you'd damage the bottom, if not the first time then fairly soon.

It would make sense to put the transom wheels down when coming in in very shallow water and waves as it would protect the engine, although with some loss of manoeuvrability, and some risk of damage to the wheel struts.
It’s a rib. The forum said sibs or small ribs but maybe this would have been a better question in the rib section.
I’m kinda worried about the tubes and I’m not sure that the floor is as strong as something like a panga. But maybe.
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Old 11 August 2018, 03:22   #7
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Originally Posted by Mickhitchuk View Post
I’m sure everyone lands a bit different depending on the beach,surf and the set up they have but I
Stop about 200 ft out,kill the outboard, lower the wheels(which come down past the prop), get the oars ready in case they are needed, fire up the outboard, head for the beach, kill and pull up the outboard once I’m in the shallows, jump out and quickly pull the sib out the surf
This sounds like what I’ll try. I think I’ll hit the beach but a little slower than before. I need to practice getting the motor to come up. I haven’t figured out how to make it pop up on its own like my Honda would if I pulled a lever. Thanks
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