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Old 12 July 2019, 15:50   #1
Country: UK - England
Length: 3m +
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 67
Honwav T30 and Yamaha 2.5 trim funny

Hi all,

Recently acquired this o/b, no real probs but the boat's attitude seems funny. The stern seems down under way (and I haven't used more than say 1/2 to 3/4 power cos it says not to while running in the new engine.)

Previous o/b was Honda 5hp, which was twice as heavy and of course twice as powerful, but didn't seem to get stern-down effect.

Yeah the answer is to change the trim setting - but it's already as far as it can go in the required direction. There is plenty of space in the o/b jaws to put a in bit of wood on the back of the transom which should have the effect of tilting the engine back. I shall experiment with 2 or 3 different thicknesses of wood.

But just wondering why this is happening with a smaller lighter o/b. Seems weird.

TIA for any comments.

- Terry.
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