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Old 15 February 2009, 10:40   #1
Country: UK - England
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Honwave- leaky airfloor valves

HI all,
I'm hoping someone can help. I have a year old Honwave T38 which had lots of use last year in the Thames and has been excellent fun. I keep it inflated (with a little air let out) in our garage. The problem is i noticed since i owned it that the high pressure air floor slightly deflated over time when left inflated. Recently it has got a lot worse and i'm finding that over about 2 weeks the high pressure floor is gradually leaking air out and the right hand floor chamber is completely deflated after only 2 weeks (the left seems to leak air much slower probably over 9-10 weeks. I've checked for leaks and upon spraying soapy water i can see some small bubbles around the outside both the air floor valves. Is it possible to refit or replace the honwave valves and does anyone know any place that will do this?
I don't think the boat is under warranty etc is it worth contacting Polymarine to see if they can help? I live in Reading so am looking a place reasonably local ie South or Southeast to try and fix it.
I'm really hoping it is fixable and assuming it is how much should it cost?. I'd rather get it fixed professionally than attempt to do it myself.
Appreciate any advice. Thanks!
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Old 15 February 2009, 16:38   #2
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Danny Boy,

I also had the same problem with my Honwave in that air was escaping on the outside of valve. All you need to do is tighten with the plastic valve spanner found in the repair kit. Inflate to the correct pressure, tighten and check for leaks. Be careful not to over do it as it will probably leak in a different area of the valve.

Good luck
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Old 21 February 2009, 09:20   #3
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I had exactly the same problem with my T38 which was eventually replaced under warranty. The best thing to do is make sure the valve is tight using the plastic tool that should have come with the boat, but also check that no fibres from the high pressure floor are not getting stuck between the sides of the valve after the air has been let out.
Just as a reference my floor was going down over 24hrs and it's getting that last 10% of air into it is the real killer.
Has anyone noticed how much the Bravo high pressure inflators have increased in price since last year as I was hoping to get one for my birthday from Force 4 for £90.

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