Originally Posted by smallribber
I have still got the 25hp yam 2 stroke to try on her
I have just bought a little tach also to see what RPM the engine is
interesting thing is when you transition from displacement to planing it just does it flawlessly without even noticing.
but only as a trailer boat set up . Certainly not a daily set up boat. This is what our T38 is for. 
I would imagine the 25 would be a good pairing for being trailered, because on the odd occasion the 20 suzuki could do with just a little more power.... but like you its fine most of the time although I've no experience of 2 stroke to compare if that makes a difference.
Yip I find what i guess people mean by saying going over the hump in the Volaire isn't that distinct at times depending on load, trim and prop I'm using.
You could argue the Volaire is amongst the best and worst of both worlds equally.
But it does the job for us for now.....getting time and weather to get out at all being our largest battle this year so far.