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Old 11 July 2015, 16:46   #1
Join Date: Jul 2011
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How rough is too rough for a slatted floor sib

Bored looking out the window at driving rain here in wet and miserable Scotland.
Just counting down the days till Tuesday till I head off with my caravan.
Going to take my little Seago Eco 260 in the van and hopefully do some sea fishing along the coastline.
Not planning on going to far from shore / port.
Having only used it once on fresh water loch I'm not really sure of its capabilities.
I'm used to using a Honwave 3.5ae for sea fishing so I'm aware of its capabilities on the brine.
I know the smaller slatted floor will be less capable due to its design - sitting lower in the water and smaller tubes.
I have added a spray hood in the style of The Gurnard to help better deal with the oncoming waves.
Just wondering how choppy is too choppy to go out fishing in one of these little Sibs?????
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Old 11 July 2015, 16:54   #2
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I think it will mostly be how much you can tolerate (which is speed and personality related) than the boat. My personal tolerance on my own in a boat that size is probably only 0.5m waves.
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Old 11 July 2015, 17:13   #3
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Yep Poly that was roughly (pardon the pun) along the lines that I was thinking.
I don't think i would fancy anything more than 50 cm waves.
On the loch it was flat calm in the morning by afternoon it whipped up to around 25 cm waves at worst.
The little Seago felt fine in these waves.
I will be on my own.
I wouldn't take a passenger in the little Seago as I feel I need all the available space for myself
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Old 11 July 2015, 20:10   #4
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Nice SIB, and auxiliary too.

The spray hood to all intents and purposes won't afford you much protection in the rough stuff, but it can mean you're out of the wind slightly. It's more about the distance between waves rather than just wave height. Reckon anything from F2-4 is fine around half a mile from shore. You could go further, but it's all about speed and heading for shore if the weather picks up.

Enjoy you holiday and good fishing.
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 11 July 2015, 20:13   #5
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You look well kitted from a quick scan , couple of you would fit no bother .. probably be better as extra ballast if needs required
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Old 11 July 2015, 20:41   #6
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Thing with waves is there's a lot to use for a guestimate:

Rib example, but it illustrates the point.....

Stirling Jubilee cruise, 3 ribs , Myself (5m), an SR4, and a 6 (6.5?)m all headed downriver together and met a monstrous wind vs tide scenario at the Kincardine bridge. The troughs were big enough to loose an entire rib into visually, so big.

As the river widened past the bridge, the water speed slowed down, and so the wavelength of the chop changed. We went into it pretty much line abreast. Looking left & right I noticed that at any one moment one of the boats was always looking calm & collected, the other two were slamming like a dentist would love!

Now, the calm one was either straddling 2 waves or rolling nicely into the trough back up the other side.

Where I'm going with this is it's not just the size but the wavelength. You can alter the wavelength to suit you by "tacking" through the waves so you aren't slamming / submarining, thus making any swell "modifiable" .
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