Originally Posted by tinker
Method used.
Floor removed.
SIB All deflated as much as possible (until the pump can suck no more) valves replaced ASAP.
Folded the sides of the SIB in, starting at the transom.
Rolled the SIB up starting at the front until the rolling finished on the transom (which was laying flat)
Ratchet straps then used to hold it all together (not to tight though).
I've had the best results this way:
1 Pull both tubes together along the centre line of the boat as you deflate them. This helps stop the final bundle being too wide.
2 Deflate with pump as far as possible, then allow just a small amount of air back in. This allows the tubes to roll up easier as the inside surfaces aren't so firmly stuck together.
3 Fold end cones flat against transom and roll up towards bow. I haven't felt the need to use any straps as it goes into the cover easily this way.
Some covers are better than others. The Zodiac one was pretty sturdy, but the Quicksilver one is less substantial and could really do with beefing up. I haven't tried the Bombard yet because I've got a trailer