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Old 08 July 2024, 21:27   #1
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I bought this today for sitting and fishing...

...and I think it's a bit crap. Inflatable chair.


I think I'd have to make a back frame thing for it and bolt it to the bench to be actually useful. Oh well, maybe I'll take it back.

I think someone on here mentioned inflatable chair, and that's what got me thinking about it.

Here's my Trustpilot review:

Product doesn't exactly do what it says, namely providing "a comfortable and secure seating experience". If you've got something to lean back against, then yeah, but the product implies that you can sit by relying on the straps alone. This means having to set them so the chair back is at an acute angle to the bottom, otherwise there's not enough tension on the back support to stay upright. It sort of works, but you can't really relax. Even with something to lean back against and thus more stable, the tubes aren't large enough to take enough weight without bottoming out, really. Finally, the so-called built-in pump, I can't figure out how it works (hopeless instructions), and would be absurd anyway, much easier to just blow it up with your mouth. Overall, not a great product for £15. I bought this for sitting on the metal bench in my small inflatable boat while I'm sea fishing, and I am not confident at all it will be fit for purpose without I make a chair frame for it, which sort of defeats the object.
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Old 08 July 2024, 22:52   #2
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I've seen those a couple of times and my first thought is always that they'll never give any real back support.

If you have the space, one if these might be worth a look. I use one and it's really comfy. It also folds up very small.

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Old 08 July 2024, 23:24   #3
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One of our used sibs about 15yrs ago came with an inflatable seat. It's the width of the sib internally, made to go on the floor and really well made but with zero support unless placed back to a bench seat.

Mrs F wanted to try it sometime but I said it's a step too far as it's pink so it's remained in the garage to this day.
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Old 09 July 2024, 09:49   #4
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I spent about half hour sat in this one I bought last night, on a blocked up boat bench. There's a bit of a knack to it, but it does work. Comfortable enough, but you do need to have some balance attention, which seemed to come naturally with time though so it you became less tense and attentive, like riding a bike. If I'm sat for ages laid back jigging a fishing rod doing nothing else like Huckleberry Finn, I can imagine it'd have use. Not sure if getting up and down all the time though. Will see.
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