05 August 2018, 10:54
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I got given an aertec 380 and its broken
Hi all i was given a aerotec 380 by my dad who no longer has use for it due to selling his car years ago for a smaller car.
It was about 15 years old and sadly the transom has pulled off from the tubes, after me taking it out for the 2nd time, after he gave me the package.
The thing is this was inheritance money from the death of one of his family members and it kind of means a lot to him, i have not got the heart to tell him its broken now, he gifted it to me as a complete package. So im in a situation now where the glue has gone and i don't know what to do.
I hope somebody mighty be able to advise,
If i fixed this problem would the aerotec even be safe to use at coastal waters again ? Would it be better to buy another SIB
Do i tell him or wait for a few months before telling him, i only just got given it less than a month ago
Thank you for reading this
05 August 2018, 11:56
RIBnet admin team
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The good news is that this is a known issue and will happen to every Aerotec around that age. It is caused by adhesive failure. So you're off the hook with the old man - if he kicks off tell him you were lucky not to be injured...
It certainly can be mended - but unless you're handy and determined to do the job correctly, maybe best left to the Pros. Fenlander will be along shortly to advise you of the details.
05 August 2018, 13:03
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 31
Thank you very much my friend, you are right it could of been worse the engine could of ended up in the sea, good confidence booster, what is the cost to fix the adhesive problem, and what would the turn around be, Thank you
05 August 2018, 14:06
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Ha well yes I'm very familiar with the fact it has happened to loads of folks on here when their Aerotec hits 15-20yrs old. However I can't give advice on who to use as a couple of places folks on here have used didn't do a top job and the glue failed again not too long after.
Hopefully someone who has had the repair done and it lasted OK will be along to advise who they used.
I think folks have paid about £250?? I'm not sure if this was for transom and floor... sections of the floor coming undone are an associated issue.
Re being safe to use after... yes I'd be happy because I don't think those that have had the glue re-fail had the transom just fall right off... more of small leaks and peeling away.
What engine did you get with it?
Oh re telling him I would but just say you are getting advice on a pro repair and are happy to fund that for getting the outfit free.
05 August 2018, 17:07
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 31
Fenlander thank you very much for your kind advise, i can see your an active member on sibs, thanks for your help i will kindly await somebody who has had a lasting repair on there aerotec 380 to point me in the right direction. Regards
05 August 2018, 19:25
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Hi there, sorry to hear you have experienced the transom glue troubles. It happened to me last year and I took the repair on myself (documented on here somewhere). It's fiddly in places but do able for a complete novice (as I am) if you have the time, space, patience and a love of drinking tea (lot of time waiting for things!). I am currently using it on the sea, my second year away with it since the repair.
05 August 2018, 20:00
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
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Bomberman's effort and result was truly excellent. You would indeed need to be determined and so particular with every aspect of the procedure to get a result like that.
Glad to hear it's still serving well.
05 August 2018, 20:22
Country: UK - England
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Thanks Wilks, need to get to grips linking I guess!
Yes it took a bashing last year on the Scottish coast and is doing the same again this year (I am sure a bashing for me is not what others may consider a bashing however).
05 August 2018, 21:20
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HI to you both once again, bomber man indeed did it very well, and its an amazing thread and job he posted, most importantly he shared his method on how to do it once and correctly, im not sure if the transoms are all the same but my transom looks identical to this one, Glad that your aerotec is back up and running, would you consider undertaking work on my aerotec if i dropped off and collected, i feel that you may be able to earn a sideline living on this work, if you are up for undertaking another one, please drop me a message, i might be interested, Regards
06 August 2018, 08:00
Country: UK - England
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Hi Synchro_ring, unfortunately I don't have the time or space (other projects on) to undertake the transom repair currently.
06 August 2018, 20:00
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Thank you and i understand i shall store it away and will have to replace until a time is such that somebody can fix, thank you ever so much for your help everybody i will look into another SIB. Regards
06 August 2018, 20:19
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Originally Posted by Synchro_Ring
Thank you and i understand i shall store it away and will have to replace until a time is such that somebody can fix, thank you ever so much for your help everybody i will look into another SIB. Regards
Whereabouts in the country are you? One of the professional repairers may be willing to tackle it. Dave Cowell at NW Inflatables was showing interest in one on another thread.
I'm not the most committed DIYer in the world but with that thread to follow then if you have the right environment and some time there is little to loose giving it a go.
06 August 2018, 20:58
Country: UK - England
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HI Poly im based Cambridgeshire but also can travel if need be, if that helps i dont know  Regards
07 August 2018, 08:58
RIBnet admin team
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Well it’s a bit of treck to Dave or the other guys up near Preston... there are various south coast options, my heart of England road geography is not great but I wonder if Henshaws are actually your closest (or at least easiest) inflatable repair specialist?
07 August 2018, 11:35
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Might be worth getting a few qoutes prices can vary dramatically between repairers. It might make a longer road trip more appealing or even pallet freighting it
07 August 2018, 11:37
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
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Yes do phone/email round and make it quite clear you are looking for a repair to broadly last a good 10yr period not a quick fix to sell on.
07 August 2018, 12:54
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you could try jason at central marine services in ilkeston derbyshire m1 junc 26 he does the fire brigade stuff along with others
07 August 2018, 13:12
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Check the rest of the boat out before you commit to a transom repair;
the floorskin both inside and out as we have seen this separate on several Aerotecs.
The lifeline/grab rail on top of the tubes
Moulded handles can become detached esp the rear ones depending upon how the boat has been rolled up
The seat flanges can peel away.
I currently have two in for transom repair and both need other repairs.
07 August 2018, 13:25
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I had this happen to my aerotec about a year or so ago. There were two of us on aerotecs a few miles apart and it happened to us both at the same time. I can dig the thread out, but it didn't have much more info than you have given here.
I got it reglued at rib shop in southampton. Cost about 300 ish I think. It looks to be a good repair, and i was very happy with the service. It was all done in about 3 days. Its lasted so far.....
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