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Old 07 June 2015, 16:55   #21
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You're all very helpful!

The Honwave 3.2 on Ebay ends in an hour still 1 bid at £300

There is a Bombard Aerotec on ebay (foam fill floor) for £400 no one said good or bad for this? Boat still rolls up but floor is fixed size - I don't mind that part

Glow has his Honwave which he seems to say is better for boating with people vs a Bombard Areotec which is more suited to one person?

So many choices... (Seems like a gap in the market to make a SIB boat that has a decent keel, rides well, has a turned up bow, is roomy and light) I've prob stirred a hornets nest...

I'm in touch with an outboard trader who cleans, tests, services before selling. He should be able to sell me a 15hp Yamaha or Mariner for around £500

Most package deals I've seen either feature a teeny engine or are small. I'm not overfed but I'm 6'2" and would at least have the gf with me so 3m or a bit more seems sensible

Are the Honwave / Bombard dinghies made to take a short shaft engine?

What's the longest thread on here, surely I'm in with a shout ;-)
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Old 07 June 2015, 19:58   #22
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See the *****'s:

Originally Posted by Yabadabadoo View Post
You're all very helpful!

The Honwave 3.2 on Ebay ends in an hour still 1 bid at £300

There is a Bombard Aerotec on ebay (foam fill floor) for £400 no one said good or bad for this? Boat still rolls up but floor is fixed size - I don't mind that part

***I'd forget it***

Glow has his Honwave which he seems to say is better for boating with people vs a Bombard Areotec which is more suited to one person?

***Honwaves are nice SIB's but if it is a solid floor model then the usual caveats apply - heavier, harder to carry, much more faff to set up. Aerotecs like all SIB's are great with two, less roomy with four (surprise!) but work great either way (like *any* 3.4 to 3.8 SIB regardless)****

So many choices... (Seems like a gap in the market to make a SIB boat that has a decent keel, rides well, has a turned up bow, is roomy and light) I've prob stirred a hornets nest...

****The exact boat you describe is already made TBH - the Aerotec - check the sticky - ***

I'm in touch with an outboard trader who cleans, tests, services before selling. He should be able to sell me a 15hp Yamaha or Mariner for around £500

****Seems too good to be true and if he makes a living from it, why would he? The market rate for a late model, 15 hp big name 2 stroke is £1000 to £1250****

Most package deals I've seen either feature a teeny engine or are small. I'm not overfed but I'm 6'2" and would at least have the gf with me so 3m or a bit more seems sensible

***Patience! Outfits are listed all the time, plenty of 3.4 ish SIB's with 15's appear for sale frequently - on here, eBay, B&O, smaller sites etc***

Are the Honwave / Bombard dinghies made to take a short shaft engine?


What's the longest thread on here, surely I'm in with a shout ;-)

****Not even close! - all your questions and similar are the most asked on here down the years (hence the sticky), have a search for endless similar topics and you'll see lots more advice too. ****
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Old 08 June 2015, 09:44   #23
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To support and add to Max's reply...

That Honwave finished at £331... bargain if it holds air fine... it will look loads better for a scrubbing down in the garden.

That Ebay Honwave... like the Aerotec... was an air floor so has all the same advantages of light weight, easy portability and quick setup time.

The Aerotec positives are that they might be regarded as the most sporting SIB made... performance/on water handling is their thing... and their negatives that may/may not be an issue for you are that...

They are very expensive new and keep their money well so you might have to pay double that of a more "ordinary" budget SIB.

Their V-floor doesn't suit everyone. They share this design with the Honwave air floors which have a similar but less steep angled floor. I choose not to have this V floor design preferring the totally rigid flat floor of wood/alloy floor SIBs or as our current compromise we have of the Zodiac acti-V with flat air floor and inflated keel underneath.

Agree totally re the outboard values. Any dealer will want £1000 plus for a 2001-2006 15hp 2-stroke and usually they will want £750ish for an older 15hp. Usually for a £500 15hp you are looking at a private sale unloved old/unpopular model of uncertain history.

As Max says keep checking Ebay etc every day for outfits within a distance you'd be happy to travel. Last year I bought my current outfit at a (low) price I'm too embarrassed to mention here... well shall we say I bought the outboard and the boat was almost free. It is an outfit that would... it seems... meet your need 100% so they are out there.
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Old 14 June 2015, 08:12   #24
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Morning all, I went ahead and bought a Honwave 3.2 without engine as a friend of mine is sourcing one

It's badged Honda Marine not Honwave which seems from other images I've seen

Generally tidy and a fair price, next stop the holy grail of an older well loved Merc/Marin 15 2t
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Old 14 June 2015, 08:19   #25
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Cant seem to add the link properly so here it is
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Old 14 June 2015, 08:56   #26
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excellent choice I think you have got yourself a good deal there with the bravo pump as well takes all the fuss out of setting up I have one with a mercury 15 2 stroke and it fly's along if you can get your hands on a good 15 you will be well pleased
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Old 14 June 2015, 10:00   #27
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Should I be concerned it doesn't say Honwave on the side?

Yes BB looking forward to that day :-)
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Old 14 June 2015, 10:20   #28
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Agreed once you get a suitable outboard you'll have great fun with that. Getting the Bravo pump was useful. If you're going to use those lifejackets just remember to check the expiry dates on the canisters and the auto plug on the auto one.

No worry re the Honda Marine logo... it's the company name after all and I suspect they may have used that name until they thought of Honwave (which I think is too cheesy anyway). Yours is an earlier boat than any Honwave I've owned so I've not actually noticed Honda Marine on one... but look at the data plate... it shows the correct maker for Honwave/Honda Marine.
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Old 14 June 2015, 10:44   #29
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Thanks for that FL yes agreed when I heard Honwave I thought it a bit odd too, (cheesy exactly) somehow through hearing of their positives I've grown to like the name!

Chap says its a 2006 model used for two weeks a year by him/family and before that it was a tender to a bigger boat.

Will do re the inflatables, not a huge fan of autos as a splash of water could set them off. Next stop engine and then paraphernalia gathering!
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Old 14 June 2015, 11:35   #30
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Lifejackets are another topic for differing opinions but do consider in the extreme event someone fell in and was unconscious, incapacitated or just disorientated they may not get to the manual toggle.

Bulky that they are self and daughters use foam lifejackets so there is no question of needing them to inflate or not... the Mrs uses an auto inflate and in a decade of varying sea conditions in smallcraft it's never gone off due to splashing.
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Old 14 June 2015, 12:05   #31
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Originally Posted by Yabadabadoo View Post
Will do re the inflatables, not a huge fan of autos as a splash of water could set them off.
They take far more than a splash. Yes if you are really unlucky and get a big wave over the top they may pop. But plenty use them on ribs in some silly conditions and they don't pop.

You do hear of them going off in WAFI lockers due to 'moisture' that's not a droplet of water landing on it, that's high humidity for months and years with wet gear being shoved in alongside. The salt disc eventually softens and the spring pin fires through it.

Launching and recovery would be my one concern.

If you are worried about auto I'd suggest a foam filled PFD over a manual.
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Old 14 June 2015, 16:17   #32
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That looks a nice buy and a perfect SIB to get you going, the Bravo pump is a great addition. It's so much better than what you planned to buy in your OP and if SIBbing is not for you, you'll lose nothing at all come sale time. As others say I'd definitely renew the LJ capsules as a matter of course. Many of us use 50N (ski/sailing) type buoyancy aids on SIB's especially if you're a fairweather-fairy and stay within 1/2 mile of land etc or on inland use. Very light, comfortable and no worries about maintenance, setting off etc. But it's your choice and they will not do the job of a LJ if TSHTF.
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Old 14 June 2015, 17:01   #33
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Why is it that I find myself getting involved in hobbies that have a massive array of names and abbreviations :-) Years ago it was sailing. Rope=sheet Gib=sail stay=not an instruction for the dog Abeam = not what you bang your head on

Max, I'll check out LJ/BA 50N and water wings. I grew up with life jackets being big things like a bib (never fitted) and something around the back of the head. These worked but obvs now very dated. Don't see myself doing more than coast hopping in reasonable weather, but equally would like protection for myself and others if something major did happen

Thanks for the reassurance on the buy, before looking at dinghies I'd been looking at fishing boats for quite a while but the use ability of even a simple open boat would be once a month or less. With a sib it could be once a week at a local or nearby river. This one seems clean and has the pump, might trade the LJ's for more suitable types. Much appreciated for all of your friendly and collective advice so far. When the stars align and I get my hands on the holy grail 15hp 2s that doesn't need lottery funding I'll post up some pics or video of me pirouetting at WOT with the bow pointing skywards
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Old 15 June 2015, 16:41   #34
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Originally Posted by Max... View Post
Many of us use 50N (ski/sailing) type buoyancy aids on SIB's especially if you're a fairweather-fairy and stay within 1/2 mile of land etc or on inland use. Very light, comfortable and no worries about maintenance, setting off etc. But it's your choice and they will not do the job of a LJ if TSHTF.
Originally Posted by Yabadabadoo View Post
Max, I'll check out LJ/BA 50N and water wings. I grew up with life jackets being big things like a bib (never fitted) and something around the back of the head. These worked but obvs now very dated. Don't see myself doing more than coast hopping in reasonable weather, but equally would like protection for myself and others if something major did happen
It also depends if you are expecting to use "in company" (or near others). If there is a real risk you will end up floating around for a long time waiting for a Helo or magical Lifeboat then a full on Lifejacket is obviously preferable. BUT if you'd expect someone to be taking the p*ss out you 20 minutes later for falling out then a BA is potentially fine - and possibly easier to climb back on your boat with (or to get on the hull (and re-right it) or await rescue.

A Bouyancy Aid has the advantage of keeping the wind etc off you and you fairly warm. If you do go Bouyancy aid then look at those often marketted at kayakers etc - they have pockets which can be very handy in a SIB for things like a Handheld radio, a small knife, or even a waterproof camera.

Personally I chop and change my flotation for the particular situation. I have three variants which can be combined depending on the risks I perceive:

- Flotation suit
- Life Jacket
- Bouyancy Aid
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Old 21 October 2015, 09:45   #35
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Morning all. Thought I'd update this although it's many months old. To complete the outfit I bought the 90's merc 15hp 2smoke in the end which while scruffy and dated looking has decent and equal pressure. The Honwave got some HD launching wheels fitted and transformed launch/retrieve options, unless you always have 'crew' I'd say wheels of this type are more than essential boat kit. Having it on a trailer would be the least amount of hassle but I can move boat and outboard around with the aid of a sack barrow if required with not too much strain

I'm very pleased with the boat overall and think with your help (very glad I didn't get the Avon!) I got the right package for me. I've used it on the Thames near Marlow, Walton On The Naze backwaters and around Teignmouth/Torbay/Dart. So far in the moderate conditions I’ve used it in it’s proven a stable and forgiving boat. Seems like I have the obligatory engine splash however and continue to consider outboard position and more probable splash guard

Other extras added were: a 2kg bruce type anchor with 3m of 8mm good quality chain and 40m odd horrible soon to be replaced 'plastic’ rope, an Explorer 3317 box (thank you Max for the tip) containing so far ICOM IC-M31VHF (on standby for 3 weeks with no battery drain?) a floating knife, sighting compass and other engine/emergency bits/bobs

Winter project is to knock up a demo bow storage unit for fuel/anchor and possible GPS/battery. If it works go for a rubber covered drop in unit.. Need a bigger boat!

Cheers, Michael
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Old 21 October 2015, 11:48   #36
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It's always good to have an update and to know you've had the outfit on the water in several different locations.

I did see the link for what you bought back in June but have forgotten... was it the 3.2m air floor Honwave?

Even if you think the outboard's a bit scruffy any pics of the outfit you could put on here are always interesting.
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Old 21 October 2015, 14:32   #37
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Well done Michael, great to hear you are enjoying the outfit.
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Old 22 October 2015, 05:04   #38
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Great Michael, have a great time.
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