04 June 2015, 17:20
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inflatable hull - advice please
Hello, my first post here
I've just verbally committed to buying an Avon redseal in good order for £220.00 about 15 years old
I firstly wanted it to use on the canals near us which I think it would be great, then I came to this great site and researched how well it would manage inshore (close to land) or tidal rivers, as we spend a lot if time in Devon this would be the other 50% of its use
Due to lack of storage a roll up dinghy would be brilliant and again the Redseal ticked a box
Seems like its just not quite the thing for a more powerful outboard of 4hp or more and due to a flat base and low sides doesn't handle that well and can be wet!
My question then is can one buy an inflatable boat that has an inflatable vee hull? Can the whole boat do a 'roll up'
From searches it seems that bases these days can be inflatable instead of plywood, not so clear on the hull
My budget is not massive as you can see so I'll be buying second hand or would entertain the Seago type of mark which seems like a lot of bang for the buck, hopefully not the wrong kind of bang...
Size wise the Avon at 3m or 10' would be great as its not for tender use more for days out
Long first post! If anyone knows anyone who's selling something suitable that would be helpful, I'm also in the market for a small outboard 4hp or so.
Many thanks , Michael
04 June 2015, 17:56
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In general, SIB's are fairly flat bottom boats. The only V in the hull comes from the keel (which is usually an inflatable tube or a wooden slat sitting on edge) pushing into the single layer floor.
RIB's have a rigid (usually fiberglass, aluminum, or GRP) hull, and usually run much deeper Vees when compared to SIBS.
They run differently on the water - RIBs sit deeper in the water and cut through water as they move forward; SIB's sit on top and skip over the water more than pushing through.
I doubt an inflatable hull (where air pressure gives you a bit of rigidity, hence, a deeper vee) would be rigid enough to do any good.
From searches it seems that bases these days can be inflatable instead of plywood, not so clear on the hull
If you replace the word "bases" with "floors", that statement is true. The rigid(ish) floor sits above the actual floor parts of the vessel; the vessel floor is a piece of fabric glued to the tubes and transom. The floor you are talking about adds rigidity to the boats structure, and gives you a more solid surface to walk on. They are generally one of 3 materials: HP inflatable, plywood, or aluminum. Generally in several pieces, with a stringer along the sides to keep them all linear.
04 June 2015, 18:20
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Im guessing the V airfloor boats havent hit that side of the Atlantic yet
The Avon Redseal has a big following with bigger boaties as a tender, mainly due to how easy it is to pack and how small it can be rolled up, but as you have realised, in the 30 years since it was designed, SIB technology has moved on a huge amount. I doubt that its only 15 years old as claimed, however the price you paid is about right for any Redseal in good condition.
There are a large number of air floor boats available now, either with a flat floor and blow up keel to create the V or an airfloor in the V shape already. Both types have high pressure floors and perform nearly as well, or in some cases better than the hard floor brothers.
Have a read of the 'which sib' thread on the sticky.
04 June 2015, 22:37
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Originally Posted by Landlockedpirate
Im guessing the V airfloor boats havent hit that side of the Atlantic yet 
Not that I've seen. Then again, I'm also across the US from "across the Atlantic".
05 June 2015, 06:05
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look for a bombard 380 or honwave 320ie both pack away into a reasonable size bag both have a v type inflatable floor (bombard more pronounced) both have large tube size so suitable for inshore and tidal rivers .and both will take up to 15hp outboards
05 June 2015, 06:44
Country: UK - England
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Hi Michael, welcome to the forum, as posted above have a read of the sticky 'Which SIB' first but if you want to potter inland at displacement speeds then you will be fine with a small 3m flat SIB and 4hp but for more capability and going to sea then a 3.4m and 9.8 or 15 is more suitable.
Scour eBay as loads of ready made outfits always on there - again, won't repeat it all here as it's all in the sticky.
05 June 2015, 07:21
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I'll add to that though that the Seagos aren't a proper high pressure air floor.
I've got a 2.9 Seago with an 8hp and it planes with one person or 2 children aboard, but something with a proper high pressure air floor wil be far better.
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05 June 2015, 07:54
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I think we have to assume to OP means floor where it says hull.
For the use mentioned with the possibility of close inshore or tidal rivers I'd try and politely pull out of the Avon deal or if you are committed then give it a clean up and resell for what you paid for it.
So as said above yes air floors are available in flat and V forms. The flat ones have some sort of inflatable keel which is not quite as good as the V types but still way better than the Redseal floor.
The Bombard 380 mentioned will need at least a 10/15hp motor so will end up costing around £1800 as an outfit so I guess from your comments that would be way over budget.
I'd look for a sound but perhaps slightly grubby/poorly presented Honwave 3.2m air floor which is the V type and rolls up to make a very easy to carry boat. For pottering about on inland waters a 4hp would be sufficient but a 6 or 8hp would be better and a 10/15 ideal if budget allowed (but I suspect not as a decent used 10/15hp outboard will be around £800-£1200).
Remember to budget for the usual safety gear if you intend to venture further than inland rivers... lifejackets, anchor, secondary means of propulsion (oars or paddles), means of calling for assistance etc... All well covered in the Which SIB/What kit sticky threads.
As Max says the very best value is to buy a complete outfit as one on Ebay... sometimes you get a guy giving up who is including all the safety gear too. If you buy well it can end up half the cost of buying a used boat and used outboard separately then buying all the other kit new online.
05 June 2015, 13:56
Country: UK - England
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Thank you all for your replies
There is a Bombard Areo 380 for sale on a well known auction site, about £400 but he's filled the base with foam due to leaks..
Honwaves are about but not old enough for my budget so I'll keep looking, the Bombard out of the two seemed to be favoured in handling terms, dry boat and nose out of water.
The sticky really helped narrow things down and I'm up to speed on my flat bases/floors/keels and so on, long way to go I'd imagine :-)
I will and can pull out of this Avon and keep searching etc
05 June 2015, 14:34
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Bombard
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05 June 2015, 15:40
Country: UK - England
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Make: Aerotec 3.8
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Engine: Mercury T/S 15hp
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Posts: 370
You guys are very very helpful, much appreciated again. I shall be in the water one day, afloat that is!
05 June 2015, 16:49
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inflatable hull - advice please
There's a rather nice Aerotec for sale on this forum. Not sure if it fits your budget, but does look rather smart. Not cheap by any means although they do hold their price, and are amazing bits of kit!
There is also a rather smart Tohatsu 9.8 two stroke on here as well.
Not strictly 'cosha' however to buy (or sell) a post 2006 two stroke for private use but still a nice motor. Although worth noting the Aerotec will take up to a 25hp for serious fun!
No connection with above adverts by the way. 😀
05 June 2015, 17:24
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You say Honwaves are not old enough for your budget... no idea where this will end up but no bids at £300 so far...
Hon Wave 3.2 inflatable boat | eBay
If the budget is really tight (you don't say where you'd want to be for boat plus engine) then don't discount the wooden floor/inflated keel old Avons and Zodiacs.... they are often a very cheap way of getting on the water.
05 June 2015, 18:15
Country: UK - England
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If I had to wait and save a bit more would you guys say it would be better to hold out for a Bombard?
05 June 2015, 18:30
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Bombard
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For a first outfit I'd just go for the best value brand name boat + engine you can find at an acceptable distance (maybe following the brand/size/power guidelines in the sticky). Once you start trying to buy boat and engine and extras separately it works out a *lot* more indeed. If you see something on those searches you like contact the seller and try and do a deal outside ebay if you can face to face for cash. Done all my deals this way.
05 June 2015, 19:17
RIBnet admin team
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>>>If I had to wait and save a bit more would you guys say it would be better to hold out for a Bombard?
Only if you are happy to lay out £1800ish on an outfit or perhaps £2000+ if Bombard + 15hp bought separately.
There are many very satisfactory ways to get out on the water for far less. For example this sold near me earlier this year...
zodiac dinghy inflatable 10x5 solid floor yamaha outboard/ evinrude outboard | eBay
£750 with trailer 2hp and 4hp motors. So you buy the lot then sell the trailer and 2hp leaving you with a very decent price outfit that would take an outboard upgrade in the future. No idea what age the outboards were but in rough figures suppose you sold 2hp and trailer for £300 then would you see the boat plus 4hp as good value at £450??
06 June 2015, 20:06
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I'm not sure what the OP means.
I live on the other side of the Atlantic and my sib has a Vhull
In fact the Zodiac Fast Roller series not only has a high pressure Vhull but a high pressure Airfloor also.
While it is not as strong as a hard bottom rib.
It is head and shoulders better than a standard rib with a low pressure hull
06 June 2015, 20:12
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Also from the zodiac line
The Vhull sibs will be marked as Activ-V
06 June 2015, 20:49
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Ronaldj
I'm not sure what the OP means.
I live on the other side of the Atlantic and my sib has a Vhull
In fact the Zodiac Fast Roller series not only has a high pressure Vhull but a high pressure Airfloor also.
While it is not as strong as a hard bottom rib.
It is head and shoulders better than a standard rib with a low pressure hull
Not sure what you mean by 'low pressure hull' ?! but no SIB (despite what BS the manufacturers spout) has what we over here consider a proper (deep) V hull (a la Searider, Ribcraft etc). All are virtually flat except for the Aerotec with a very moderate V hull. Good as they are they are a poor cousin to a SR.
All others including Zodiacs, Honwaves etc are virtually pan flat at the transom.
07 June 2015, 13:46
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inflatable hull - advice please
There's a Honwave T35 for sale by Glow of this parish here;
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