The leaf blower looks interesting and maybe would save a few minutes.
But we use 2 pumps with digital preset pressures (one bought with sib and the other a cheapo off amazon). Set about 3/4 and go all round, and then up to full land pressure, then top up again once in the water if need be is the plan with the air floor.
Being newbies we use the pump up time to unload from the car and check everything, and see what we forgot to take
The boat is inflated before we get our act together to launch and get the bags stuck back in the car, so inflation time really isn’t an issue for us.
Deflating and packing away the beast is a different story, and we already find this is the biggest pain in the arse!
A lot to be said for a trailer set up, even if not actually launching straight from it. Could Just be wheeled on and off to get home, and worry about deflating the thing after (if parking space long term is an issue like we have)
That or I would consider a van, truck or normal box trailer, so we don’t have to be so concerned about how small we have to fold the bugger to fit it in the boot.