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Old 15 May 2016, 18:02   #1
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Is this normal

Hi all

Just a quick question, I keep noticing this as I deflate, bit by bit, I let one chamber down a bit and the other goes down a bit with it. Is this normal? Or should the one next to it stay hard?

Just been put briefly on my own again felt really flighty but noticed serious transom splash (it was more like swimming than boating) could this be causing the flighty feel? Or adding to it
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Old 15 May 2016, 18:17   #2
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Is this normal

Perfectly normal. Even though each chamber is separate, the cone shaped baffles will deflect to the low pressure side and give the impression that section is losing pressure slightly.... Will only go so far though. So as not to strain the baffles it's good practise to inflate and deflate in small stages.
The dreaded Aerotec transom splash. Lots of threads/info on this....often difficult to eradicate.
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Old 15 May 2016, 18:19   #3
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It is normal.

In each manual (for SIB or current RIB) there is a warning to not inflate one part hard. You can damage membranes between tube parts.
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Old 15 May 2016, 18:28   #4
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I've always inflated and deflated bit by bit. Just surprised at how much it seems to go softer, keep thinking of deflating one section completely to test the baffles but don't want to blow them doing this.

Will the transom splash affect the flighty feel? At the moment it doesn't feel like a boat you can use one up. I was only in the water for 10-15 mins as it just didn't feel good. Hoping some shims will help eradicate the splash and make it feel more stable.
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Old 15 May 2016, 19:08   #5
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Originally Posted by SeanKent View Post

Just been put briefly on my own again felt really flighty
Hi Sean.. I have never driven an Aerotec.. so take this with a pinch of salt if you wish.

I have driven and owned many boats in my lifetime.. and know each different type / make..will have its own characteristics. Im quite sure the Aerotec is a very secure and safe boat.. and will do as everyone said it will do. Once you get used to it.. hopefully you too will be happy with its handling capability.

I do know air floors have a totally different feel than floored SIBS..that is why there is still the option to have either...and it will initially feel “flighty” because they are so light..but its just a different handling characteristic which has to be learned..its not a negative for the boat

My wee F Rib feels flighty too ..compared to my heavy 4.3 wooden floored SIB.. but because I took time to sus its ways.. its weaknesses and strengths .. Im delighted with it. I took it out in calm conditions first build up to the rough stuff.. then strong tides etc.. so perhaps you are trying to do too much with it initially ? Learn the boat’s ways ..and use them to your advantage.

No boat is least from my perspective and experience .. but master them and understand them ..and they will do as you want.

Hope that helps some.
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Old 15 May 2016, 19:23   #6
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Originally Posted by The Gurnard View Post
Hi Sean.. I have never driven an Aerotec.. so take this with a pinch of salt if you wish.

I have driven and owned many boats in my lifetime.. and know each different type / make..will have its own characteristics. Im quite sure the Aerotec is a very secure and safe boat.. and will do as everyone said it will do. Once you get used to it.. hopefully you too will be happy with its handling capability.

I do know air floors have a totally different feel than floored SIBS..that is why there is still the option to have either...and it will initially feel “flighty” because they are so light..but its just a different handling characteristic which has to be learned..its not a negative for the boat

My wee F Rib feels flighty too ..compared to my heavy 4.3 wooden floored SIB.. but because I took time to sus its ways.. its weaknesses and strengths .. Im delighted with it. I took it out in calm conditions first build up to the rough stuff.. then strong tides etc.. so perhaps you are trying to do too much with it initially ? Learn the boat’s ways ..and use them to your advantage.

No boat is least from my perspective and experience .. but master them and understand them ..and they will do as you want.

Hope that helps some.
Thanks Gurnard, have wondered whether I need to get used to it coming from a much heavier ally floored sib. Today was dead calm and flat, really flat, though there are some currents around where I went. I was one up and nothing in the front at all, need to get a box for my heavy old anchor and find a way to strap it upfront to add some weight (it's early days). Should be out next weekend (weather permitting) with friends so this may change the feel but I often go alone.

The splash is really bad, coming over transom all the time, even with just a touch of throttle. Hence wondered if this might be part of the uneasy feel. Hopefully I'll get this sorted one way or another because at the moment it's not at all fun to use, just bloody Scarry!
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Old 15 May 2016, 19:33   #7
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Perhaps you could try a heavy mat on the Aerotec Floor..until you get used to it ?

I sit right at the back on my heavy Quicksilver..but have boxes and anchors up front. With the wee F-Rib..Im as far forward as I can get..and she is just fine at that.

Can you get well forward in the aerotec ? If you can..try different positions. Also try tightening the outboards turning adjustment screw its stiffer to turn.

Think of it as getting a different car .. it take a bit of getting used to after driving the same one for years..especially if indicators etc are in different positions etc. Adjust seat height ..get used to where the gears are etc.

Then in a few days wonder where all the changes went..and enjoy the new vehicle
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Old 15 May 2016, 19:41   #8
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How much experience do you have?

If you've got loads with other/bigger ribs etc then it might be worth trying to meet up with someone who has more SIB experience and see how it is handling, as well as perhaps boosting your confidence.

If you are pretty new to this I would suggest finding an instructor with SIB experience (beware many have never used small tiller steered inflatables in anger). Small boats can feel quite vulnerable until you understand their limits.
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Old 15 May 2016, 19:45   #9
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I think most of these questions were probably answered in the similar topic you

posted last week, as noted then and as Gurnard shows above - one up you need a tiller extension, weight up front and to stop the splashing a shim under the engine and maybe a deflector. Not ideal but like all boats the BAT is a compromise with advantages and disadvantages.

A 36 kg air floor 12ft rubber boat with one person at the back and 25 horses out back will be pretty lively but again check the advice and videos in the previous topic!

A 15 would be ample if you only use it alone?
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Old 15 May 2016, 19:49   #10
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As has been mentioned before one up with no gear and a 25hp you will never get the best from an Aerotec.

You can fit a tiller extension and sit amidships but that could feel a little disconnected.

You could fit remotes and steering then it would be perfect.

Remember the recommended engine power by Bombard for an Aerotec is a 15hp... 25HP is an absolute maximum.

Get someone to go out with you or buy 3x 25kg bags of builders sand for the bow to give it a fair trial.
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Old 15 May 2016, 19:54   #11
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Originally Posted by Max... View Post
I think most of these questions were probably answered in the similar topic you

posted last week, as noted then and SS Gurnard shows above - one up you need a tiller extension, weight up front and to stop the splashing a shim under the engine and maybe a deflector. Not ideal but like all boats the BAT is a compromise with advantages and disadvantages.

A 36 kg air floor 12ft rubber boat with one person at the back and 25 horses out back will be pretty lively but again check the advice and videos in the previous topic!
Yeah I know, my two questions, one about the baffles, this has been answered, second will an engine shim effect the feel or just the splash?

Know I need to add weight, experiment.
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Old 15 May 2016, 19:57   #12
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How much experience do you have?

I've used an ally floor zodiac for 3 seasons, that's it. Loved it so much but baffles were blown when I bought it so needed a replacement.
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Old 15 May 2016, 20:00   #13
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No it's very unlikely the transom shims will change the way it feels. One up with just a 15hp mine was over lively... one up with my new Suzuki 20 it's straight up in the air if you snap the throttle open.

Make up a few shims from 10mm to 40mm and experiment re the splash. It's a very random thing and outboard specific.

BTW others may not have found exactly the same but I've found the transom splash far worse one up or with light loads.
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Old 15 May 2016, 20:04   #14
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post

As has been mentioned before one up with no gear and a 25hp you will never get the best from an Aerotec.

You can fit a tiller extension and sit amidships but that could feel a little disconnected.

I really didn't get on with the tiller extension previously, maybe I'll have to persevere.

You could fit remotes and steering then it would be perfect.

Have a set of remotes but it's more to set up when going for a quick run after work.

Remember the recommended engine power by Bombard for an Aerotec is a 15hp... 25HP is an absolute maximum.

Get someone to go out with you or buy 3x 25kg bags of builders sand for the bow to give it a fair trial.
Have organised people to come out next Saturday, old zodiac was much better two up.

My question was whether the engine shim would effect handling. Forgot to bring some wood to experiment with but if whether is nice will be out with people and shims ;-)
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Old 15 May 2016, 20:08   #15
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BTW as the shims get to around 30mm+ you have to watch that the outboard clamps are still properly on the boat as they start to rise off the inner plate.
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Old 15 May 2016, 20:14   #16
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
No it's very unlikely the transom shims will change the way it feels. One up with just a 15hp mine was over lively... one up with my new Suzuki 20 it's straight up in the air if you snap the throttle open.

Make up a few shims from 10mm to 40mm and experiment re the splash. It's a very random thing and outboard specific.

BTW others may not have found exactly the same but I've found the transom splash far worse one up or with light loads.
Yeah I've been doing loads of wheelies and donuts lol

It's not that, it's hard to describe, it's a bit like torque steer on a car, it kinda pushes and pulls around oddly. Hence thought it could be part to the engine splash issue.

Thanks for the response.

I think adding some weight might be best. I should end up with a spare bow bag (zodiac said they'll send a replacement but I can keep the old) maybe I'll look to modify the broken one in a way to load it up with weight. It seems to rest on the floor rather than hang so guess I won't over load d rings, will really check this though.
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Old 15 May 2016, 20:15   #17
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
BTW as the shims get to around 30mm+ you have to watch that the outboard clamps are still properly on the boat as they start to rise off the inner plate.
Thanks will do
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Old 15 May 2016, 21:26   #18
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Originally Posted by SeanKent View Post
Yeah I've been doing loads of wheelies and donuts lol

It's not that, it's hard to describe, it's a bit like torque steer on a car, it kinda pushes and pulls around oddly.
...thats exactly what our aerotec does if its not quite up to pressure. We have found that as soon as the boat hits the cool water it knocks enough off the pressure to do exactly that. so pump the sponsons to 3.8 and the floor to 12 and you'll be fine. make sure the air floor is tucked rignt down tight into the v between the sponsons and the floor. make sure the floor is positioned correctly fore and aft. And remember that the airfloor is a compromise. you run an airfloor because it will pack into the boot of a hatchback. i can roll ours up and boost it onto the roofrack single handed. the aerotec has the best airfloor though for sure.

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Old 15 May 2016, 21:30   #19
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Originally Posted by simonafloat View Post
...thats exactly what our aerotec does if its not quite up to pressure. We have found that as soon as the boat hits the cool water it knocks enough off the pressure to do exactly that. so pump the sponsons to 3.8 and the floor to 12 and you'll be fine. make sure the air floor is tucked rignt down tight into the v between the sponsons and the floor. make sure the floor is positioned correctly fore and aft. And remember that the airfloor is a compromise. you run an airfloor because it will pack into the boot of a hatchback. i can roll ours up and boost it onto the roofrack single handed. the aerotec has the best airfloor though for sure.

also, and it seems counter intuitive if you are single handed, try kicking the outboard out to trim setting 2. nose higher before going on tje plane but more stable on the plane i find.
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Old 15 May 2016, 22:22   #20
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Originally Posted by simonafloat View Post
also, and it seems counter intuitive if you are single handed, try kicking the outboard out to trim setting 2. nose higher before going on tje plane but more stable on the plane i find.
I was on the second gone, tried the third. According to the gauges I'm getting to 12psi on floor and 4 on the tubes. Though don't trust the gauges. I've been using the foot pump (still waiting on seamark nunn to sort the defective pump I bought) and could still pump some more. Maybe that's my issue, low pressure.
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