29 June 2008, 17:19
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Jockey Console
Hi All,
I'm about to purchase a sib with a ali floor, I want to fit a jockey console whats the best method of fixing it to the ali deck?
29 June 2008, 22:08
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Give us a clue (make of SIB, size etc) !
30 June 2008, 02:57
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Originally Posted by BumbleAbout
Give us a clue (make of SIB, size etc) !
I haven't purchased it yet, still doing the planning stages.
But basically....
Excel XHD 430 (Ali floor)
40Hp 2 stroke with remotes
Plastismo jockey console
Transom Wheels
30 June 2008, 06:31
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Originally Posted by adam1234
I haven't purchased it yet, still doing the planning stages.
But basically....
Excel XHD 430 (Ali floor)
40Hp 2 stroke with remotes
Plastismo jockey console
Transom Wheels
Hi Adam,
We make up boats like you have specced here and would be happy to offer any advice.
Which bits are you sourcing new?
30 June 2008, 10:13
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Originally Posted by malthouse
Hi Adam,
We make up boats like you have specced here and would be happy to offer any advice.
Which bits are you sourcing new?
Everything except the engine and controls will be new.
30 June 2008, 10:59
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That is the way I would do it.
Out of professional interest, have you looked at the Quicksilver Heavy Duty boats and the Valiant console?
30 June 2008, 13:15
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Originally Posted by malthouse
Yes I did consider a Quicksilver, but I believe the 430 will only take a 30hp, the Excel will take a 40hp.
I'm a novice at this, so may be wrong.
30 June 2008, 14:19
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Originally Posted by adam1234
Yes I did consider a Quicksilver, but I believe the 430 will only take a 30hp, the Excel will take a 40hp.
I'm a novice at this, so may be wrong.
I would be very careful about simply going by the maximum hp as specified by the manufacturer. Some manufacturer will list maximum hp ratings that are extremely optimistic relative to the build quality & sturdiness of their boats, while other manufacturers are much more conservative in their maximum hp ratings. I had a look on both the excel and quicksilver sites, and it looks like the 4.3 m boats are similarly priced. I know that it is hard to tell from website pictures, but the pictures of the 4.3 on the excel site did not look very impressive. I haven't seen the excels in person, but I have seen the quicksilvers, and their build quality is at least as good as the leisure grade zodiacs for alot less money.
What I'd suggest is to make sure you personally inspect (and ideally seatrial) both of these boats before putting any money down on one. Look for things like transom thickness, and how the transom is attached to the main sponsons. Specifically, at the various layers of directional reinforcing fabric layups between the transom and the main sponsons.
Also keep in mind that the quicksilver 4.3 is also available in hypalon (as well as PVC). The excel website made no mention of hypalon availability. If the option to upgrade to hypalon is reasonable (i.e less than a 50% increase in price), it is a no-brainer.
30 June 2008, 15:03
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Originally Posted by adam1234
Everything except the engine and controls will be new.
Dose this mean you already have the engine & if so what is it?
30 June 2008, 15:55
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne
Dose this mean you already have the engine & if so what is it?
Thanks for the advice,being a novice I thought if a manufacture stated it would take xxHP it should be able to handle it.I will take a close look before parting with any cash.
Except for a month in spain, the boat will get very little use, perhaps 1-2 sessions per month.I need to balance this against cost and quality.
As for the engine, no I don't have the engine yet. Looking at a used Mariner 40 at the moment.
Happy to take on board any other suggestions.
30 June 2008, 16:43
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The advice about build quality is a sound one, I have built/customised countless Quicksilvers and owned 5 of the Heavy Duty ones. The only problem encountered or reported was a dodgy drain bung design that was fixed some time ago.
As for the Max HP, I would never suggest anyone exceed the manufacturer's limit but I can also say that there is a very fine member of RIB.net that has a QS 4.3 + 40HP and finds them a very enjoyable pairing!
At the other extreme I have used the same boat with a 3.5HP motor and three people plus gear aboard aboard to great effect, so I guess it all depends on what you will be doing with it as to what engine you need.
We are about to market a very keenly priced 20HP (tiller) four stroke with the 3.8m Quicky, a nice combination that has performance, versatility and cheap running costs going for it.
01 July 2008, 08:29
Country: UK - England
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"Excel XHD 430 (Ali floor)
40Hp 2 stroke with remotes
Plastismo jockey console
Transom Wheels"
This lot is going to weigh in to more than you are going to lug around with out a trailer! I would start looking at a small rib with all its benefits!
01 July 2008, 09:46
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Ah, but he is going to have a trailer: http://rib.net/forum/showthread.php?t=25200
Sounds like a good setup for what he wants to do.
01 July 2008, 09:51
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
I will get my coat then!
01 July 2008, 11:56
Country: UK - England
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I did have to double check when I saw your post because I couldn't believe that he was planning this sort of setup without a trailer.
01 July 2008, 17:40
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Originally Posted by John Kennett
I did have to double check when I saw your post because I couldn't believe that he was planning this sort of setup without a trailer.
Sorry for any confusion, yes I will have a trailer. As mentioned in my other post I would go for a RIB, but I need to be able to use a small jetty, which you cannot get a car down.
Back to the orginal question! how do I mount the jockey console on a Ali floor?
01 July 2008, 20:19
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Originally Posted by adam1234
Back to the orginal question! how do I mount the jockey console on a Ali floor?
Hi Adam, have you looked at mounting schemes used on other boats?
What about using aluminum angle? Bolt it to the floor sections, install the floor, then bolt the console to the angle.
You could use lock nuts to ensure vibration doesn't work the fasteners loose, and possibly cover the bolt heads with RTV or a rubber patch to prevent any possibility of chaffing...
Just thinking out loud.
Fair winds and following seas do not a skillful sailor make...
02 July 2008, 22:38
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think i would agree with lugnut about aluminium angle and bolts i did the same thing with my humber sib jocky seat a number of years back though it was to a wooden floor ,just depends if you want it permanant or so you can take it off for some other reason ,only thing to look out for is corrosion setting in later on if using different metals , bolts ,washers ect.though if assembled with waterproof grease or sealer it should keep it at bay, and dont forget theres been a few accidents recently caused by consoles coming loose so it needs a sound job ,but it looks like you will have a nice little set up when finished . good luck ,mart.
03 July 2008, 06:30
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated.
I think I will go with the angle ali, stainless bolts etc.
One quick question, how far forward/back should I mount the console. Is there a general rule of thumb?
03 July 2008, 11:30
Country: USA
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Originally Posted by m chappelow
dont forget theres been a few accidents recently caused by consoles coming loose so it needs a sound job ,but it looks like you will have a nice little set up when finished . good luck ,mart.
I just read one of those stories. Holy cow!
Normal practice would be the use of washers on the back side of the floor. Do you think using a a long strip along the whole length instead of washers would be more sound? This would in effect sandwich the floor between the angle, and a long strip of aluminum or steel. The strip and angle would have to be match drilled together, then use one of them to mark the hole locations on the floor.
Fair winds and following seas do not a skillful sailor make...
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