Just a dab of glue may have done the job. I know what you mean buy not wanting any patches I do hate it also lol as soon as the first patch goes on you know the boat has lost money if its going to be sold lol. I personally sigh when I see a boat I'm interested in has even a single patch, it doesn't really matter if it has a a patch I know but still I lose interest in it lol it's a mind set and I don't think I will ever change! I have sold many a boat with a single or a couple of patches, the buyers are either like me and not interested if it has even 1 patch or are fine with it, patches look a lot better if they are clean and don't have a big yellow glue stain around them so I've cleaned a good few of them up on old boats I've resold, either cut out round patches or if you use square ones trim the four corners so they are rounded

I did sell an old zodiac slat floor tender with 13 patches once lol the boat sold for £195 without any patches I doubt it would of made £250!