Hi Folks, I bought a used 2014 Mercury 6hp 4 stroke outboard last year and am just getting round to checking it over and servicing it ready to actually be used. When I bought it the owner advised me that the kill switch had broken and he was just touching the two wire open ends to kill the engine. He was an old chap in his 70's and clearly had an 'old school' view on kill switches

anyway, he had actually bought a new kill switch which I'm now looking to install. Don't know where he bought it, but I've seen similar on ebay. The original kill switch has only two wiring connections, the new kill switch has 4 spade connections, two of which are marked 'M' and two of which are marked 'C'. I'm guessing this is for two different kinds of system, a NO and a NC type circuit? Unfortunately I don't have a multimeter to check which is which, if this is indeed the case... Anybody know which way round the wires go?
I have had a good search and amazingly can't find what should be easily either googleable or findable on these forums!
Original switch rear view:
New switch rear view: