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Old 11 September 2015, 08:37   #1
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Launch and land like a boss

How do you pros do it?, I'm thinking I might try wheels down, shallow mode, reverse up to beach, can you see any problems with that?
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Old 11 September 2015, 08:47   #2
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Wheels down, shallow drive, approach at lowish speed (2-3 kts) and at the last moment while you still have enough depth for the prop to run, turn away so that the driver is shore side and kill the engine, steering the last couple of meters with a dead engine. You should be able to step out (the SIB then rises in the water a bit), lift the bow and walk up the beach/slip.

When you get it slick, it REALLY impresses the big boat people. Effectively, you look like you never actually stop moving - gets them every time

Remember to kill the engine.....

All changes if there are breaking waves. Personally, I'd run straight ashore at the same speed as the waves, kill the engine as you lift it out of the water at the last possible second and get up the beach pronto!
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Old 11 September 2015, 09:13   #3
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Not a pro but, wheels down, follow a wave in, as it breaks hop over the white water, as soon as the wheels touch, stop the engine, jump out and pull the boat up the beach.
Main points;
1) Sit behind the waves and get a feel for them.
2) Time your run so you get to the wave just after it breaks.
3) Head straight for the beach, don't get caught side on.
4) Once you reach the point of no return keep going.
5) Don't f&nny about getting the boat out of the water.
That's how I do it in a small (up to 2ft) swell on my local beach which is quite shallow. Wouldn't like to try it if the surf was bigger or on a beach that dumps.

I'm sure others will be along with more advanced ways.
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Old 11 September 2015, 09:22   #4
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Don't reverse in!
You might be lucky enough with your wheel length that you can keep your engine mostly down and just trim up a little. In the video below I don't have to trim up at all, however with my prowave I have to go right up to shallow tilt.

Never get between the boat and the shore, always stay on the sea side so if a wave catches the boat you don't get knocked under the boat and risk drowning. Personally I always have it nose straight in, hop over the side, run round the front and pull up the beach.

This is how I do it.

Landing is at about 3:31
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Old 11 September 2015, 09:41   #5
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Using wheels will be different they help keep the transom high out the water when landing but I don’t use wheels.. so I may be a bit different ..but here is how I do it

My outboard has a shallow drive position.. like a manual version of the power tilts on big engines. I have other small outbords that don’ if your does not ..I do same as below..but without lifting into shallow mode.

For landing

Approaching shore..I watch for swimmers ..first priority. Then 50-100 yards off shore..I put engine into neutral..lift to shallow tilt the prop is just below water level. I also put on my chest waders..if they were not already on. Put into forward gear and slowly head for shore. When Im approaching 2 feet depth of water..I will give a quick Burp of throttle .. to give a bit of momentum to my final approach.. then kill the engine completely. As soon as the boat stops moving forward..I jump out into a foot to two feet deep water (wearing my waders) ..and immediately turn the boat’s bow back out to sea ..facing the waves. That way..I will never take a wave over the transom. You learn quickly that waves hitting transoms tend to flood the boat. I then haul the boat onto the beach .. backwards. However if it is calm..I will keep bow to the shore.

For Setting off..

I pull my boat into two to three feet of water.. point bow into waves.. attach kill cord..ensure engine is in neutral (mine wont pull start if its not) Start engine in shallow drive position..( Im still standing holding the boat )wait for a moment or two to ensure engine running ok..then jump into boat. Slowly head off shore ..checking the pee water starts pumping.. then once Im far enough off shore that I know Im clear of rocks and also very important .. swimmers.. drop engine into normal running position..then go for the plane. Waders then either get rolled down to my ankles..or removed if I don’t expect to land again for a while.

Doing this.. no one have ever laughed and me.. and I have never encountered a problem.

I should add..that if I see swimmers..I kill engine off shore ..out their range and row in
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Old 11 September 2015, 10:23   #6
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I put the wheels down, time the waves and point at the beach. When I'm getting closer I kill the engine, pull it out and let the boat go until the wheels hit the sand. I then get out and pull the boat.

To launch it I wait for when there are no waves, do a reverse u'turn slowly, then put it in gear and get it a bit far from the beach so I can retrieve the wheels
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Old 11 September 2015, 11:31   #7
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Originally Posted by stray View Post
Not a pro but, wheels down, follow a wave in, as it breaks hop over the white water, as soon as the wheels touch, stop the engine, jump out and pull the boat up the beach.
Main points;
1) Sit behind the waves and get a feel for them.
2) Time your run so you get to the wave just after it breaks.
3) Head straight for the beach, don't get caught side on.
4) Once you reach the point of no return keep going.
5) Don't f&nny about getting the boat out of the water.
That's how I do it in a small (up to 2ft) swell on my local beach which is quite shallow. Wouldn't like to try it if the surf was bigger or on a beach that dumps.

I'm sure others will be along with more advanced ways.
Exactly as per this, a great description, especially the waiting/watching/timing. We don't generally have the wheels on so I'm out back ready to cut and lift the engine at the right moment and my son is up front on the bow and he jumps out with the painter. There is nearly always chop/breaking waves and a steep shingle/stone beach where we are so we don't hang about and definitely wouldn't fanny about trying to reverse the boat or turn it round - just get it in quick, jump out and haul like ****.

Obviously on a lake or calmer more gentle sandy beach you can go a bit easier and take your time.
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Old 11 September 2015, 14:42   #8
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Thxs people for the replies, seems to make sense to plan and prep for landing while still out in the water a bit, something I was not doing, now I totally get it, wheels down, wave match, in you go
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Old 11 September 2015, 15:18   #9
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Or, if you've got bigger b^lls than me;

The clip after this one is why you don't want to be caught inside.
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Old 11 September 2015, 15:40   #10
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Ohh, that reminds me to post one of the old favourite SIB videos - and to answer the OP's question, 'Launch and land like a boss?': (2 min 20sec)
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Old 11 September 2015, 16:49   #11
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They truly are the Daddies
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