03 August 2008, 23:12
Country: UK - Wales
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Look at my pic above!!!!!!!!!!!!
What you linked to were just wheels and tyres - no brackets or attachment points or support struts etc!!!
I did say the proper launching wheels which most people take to mean the complete bit of kit!!!!
04 August 2008, 00:31
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Just to add my two cents. I am of a similar mind. If I think something is way overpriced or simply not worth what is being charged, I will endeavor to do it myself. To that end, me and the missus are sleeping on a cherry wood bed (not cherry veneer, or at least that's what the home improvement shelve said  My audio and video kit is on a kick arse DIY matched set of towers (people still don't believe it is scratch built with no plans). That said I tried to make a good set of wheels for my Quicksilver 340 and thought I had figured it all out. Cost me about 65-70 dollars and worked a charm for my high tide launch. Well the low tide return was another story altogether. The ramp I launch from is a combination of muck, stones and potholes. Something straight out of a WWII movie. Anyway, the wheels got hung up in a muck/pothole and when I pulled and pulled with all my might, they bent at the quick release pin holes. I had to disassemble the lot at the low tide mark and carry it all up to the car (not pleased at all). I thought about doing it over again, better and stronger. I knew the wheels needed to be much wider to cover for the inevitable low tide launch/ retrieve and stronger at all the attachment points. And then it dawned on me I could not use any of what I had already purchased and i was in the hole by 70$. Well I searched the Web and found a set of wheels called EasyLaunch which looked to be everything I would do if I could make my perfect wheel. When I dissected the construction I realized it would cost me at least 200$ to make, buying all the parts and doing the labor. Worse yet they would be experimental "copies" at best. I took a chance and ordered them and I am ABSOLUTELY glad I did. BTW, Got in a few hours ago. Launched at high tide, retrieved at low. Walk in the park! Don't even check for tides (unless it will affect the fishing). The point of this longwinded story is sometimes it does pay to pay!!!  You are paying for research and development, trial and error and hopefully the assurance that if a product is a turd someone else will help with the sanitation charges, since they created the turd to begin with!!! If its your mess your stuck with it.
04 August 2008, 14:36
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Everyone seems to have missed the pont COMPLETELY!!! i meant the proper launching wheels!!!
Not just the tyres!!!!!!!!!
Monkton lad has done a good job though!!!
The wheels i made cost me roughly £30 all in,as quoted.Which are PROPER launching wheels ,very similar to the zodiac/bombard removable ones-but MUCH stronger!!!
04 August 2008, 14:57
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Adding in my worthless opinion ..........Have to say I'm with cod on this one - a factor that you CANT put a value on is the cost of your time to think / make the things. From a personal view - yes I am sure I have the ability to design a set of wheels etc (Aero engineering degree & just looking at the 'proper' ones covers that) , but I dont unfortunately have a handy supplier of stainless offcuts at the bottom of the gardem , dont have offcuts of roof ladders to hand / am not a whizz with a handy welder I have lying around etc - so if you had to buy all the 'proper' materials a one off would be more expensive than just buying off the shelf. Ask anyone that manufactures anything........ I think they will agree.
Add into getting all that stuff the differance in time for me to
1)go to a shop/ internet buy off the shelf
compared to
1)get all the stuff
2) design
3) fit
4) adjust
5) change design
7) get dirty
8) annoy the wife
9) set fire to the garage while I weld etc .
Only one choice for me !
Of course if someone can make a set of good durable & light / reliable launching wheels I will happily purchase them for the £2.21p it has 'cost' to make them .
I love to make stuff like this & actually really enjoy the whole process , but I just dont have the time, and what time I have I want to be out on the water !
Still PM me when they are all built & I'll give you 100% mark up on yout costs and pay £20 fro the finished article
04 August 2008, 21:01
Country: Germany
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Some of you guys are like talking to a rock. Do you hear yourself?
The original poster ask about help, and ideas to make his own set of launch wheels. He didn't ask if he should. He ask how to.
At least half of the post are people telling him he can't, shouldn't, or will spend to much money doing so.
If someone ask how to fix, repair, or fabricate something, and I don't know how, or don't want to, I don't bother to answer. You've just beat this one into the ground.
£95 for two cheap wheels & tires, I've heard it all now. GEEZ
Thank you goes out to those who went to the trouble to answer the guys question, and to provide photos of their successful projects.
P.S. Strange that those with the least post on this forum, were the ones with the best responses.
04 August 2008, 21:55
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
Adding in my worthless opinion ..........Have to say I'm with cod on this one - a factor that you CANT put a value on is the cost of your time to think / make the things. From a personal view - yes I am sure I have the ability to design a set of wheels etc (Aero engineering degree & just looking at the 'proper' ones covers that) , but I dont unfortunately have a handy supplier of stainless offcuts at the bottom of the gardem , dont have offcuts of roof ladders to hand / am not a whizz with a handy welder I have lying around etc - so if you had to buy all the 'proper' materials a one off would be more expensive than just buying off the shelf. Ask anyone that manufactures anything........ I think they will agree.
Add into getting all that stuff the differance in time for me to
1)go to a shop/ internet buy off the shelf
compared to
1)get all the stuff
2) design
3) fit
4) adjust
5) change design
7) get dirty
8) annoy the wife
9) set fire to the garage while I weld etc .
Only one choice for me !
Of course if someone can make a set of good durable & light / reliable launching wheels I will happily purchase them for the £2.21p it has 'cost' to make them .
I love to make stuff like this & actually really enjoy the whole process , but I just dont have the time, and what time I have I want to be out on the water !
Still PM me when they are all built & I'll give you 100% mark up on yout costs and pay £20 fro the finished article 
I dont usually rise to these types of reply-but ive got some of my unvaluable time on my hands
I can put a value on my time-Its free and mine to do what i wish to do with it!!!-much more valuable than getting stressed at my everyday job(even though it pays a rather favourable hourly rate)-whats the point working extra hours when i can be enjoying myself making things an putting it to good use.
I could take the lazy route, and go and buy a set of ready made wheels, but wheres the fun in that when i can make them myself and have fun doing it, and making somthing that is of better quality while im at it.
I do have access to a plentiful supply of offcuts, and am a "whizz" with a welder, so that helps.
Added replys to your list...........
1)go to a shop/ internet buy off the shelf - Boring
compared to
1)get all the stuff - Allready got it.
2) design - Thats the fun bit.
3) fit - Yes, it does.
4) adjust - No need to, got it right 1st time!!!
5) change design - As above.
6)refabricate - As above.
7) get dirty - Thats the other fun bit.
8) annoy the wife - Blessed with an easygoing wife.
9) set fire to the garage while I weld etc . - Thats why you havnt got a welder, probably a good move then
Only one choice for me !
04 August 2008, 21:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
Make: Ceasar Surfcat
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Posts: 105
Snapping Turtle- Thankyou.
04 August 2008, 22:08
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by SnappingTurtle
Some of you guys are like talking to a rock. Do you hear yourself?
The original poster ask about help, and ideas to make his own set of launch wheels. He didn't ask if he should. He ask how to.
At least half of the post are people telling him he can't, shouldn't, or will spend to much money doing so.
If someone ask how to fix, repair, or fabricate something, and I don't know how, or don't want to, I don't bother to answer. You've just beat this one into the ground.
£95 for two cheap wheels & tires, I've heard it all now. GEEZ
Thank you goes out to those who went to the trouble to answer the guys question, and to provide photos of their successful projects.
P.S. Strange that those with the least post on this forum, were the ones with the best responses.
NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did NOT say the wheels and tyres were £95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And as to advising him not to it's only because I have learned the hard way that sometimes these projects end up as a false economy - normally I always advocate the DIY route which you would know if you had been on this site long enough.
04 August 2008, 23:30
Country: UK - England
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i thought about fabricating a set of launching wheels and remembered how much i hate welding stainless steel, its always trying to throw hot lumps of crud at you so i built a braked bunk trailer instead, just need to add a spare wheel mounting bracket
05 August 2008, 09:14
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Originally Posted by codprawn
NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did NOT say the wheels and tyres were £95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That may not have been what you meant, but it is what you wrote:
Originally Posted by codprawn
I suspect the wheels would cost you more than a fiver!!!
They are pretty large diameter and have rubber tyres not the vinyl type that some of the cheaper wheels have.
Shop around and you will get the wheels for about £95 - by the time you have messed around and bought the 316 stainless etc it isn't worth the hassle. Unless of course you intend to build a better product.
Maybe "Shop around and you will get a ready to use set of launching wheels for about £95" would have avoided the confusion.
05 August 2008, 11:01
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Shop around and you will get the wheels for about £95 - by the time you have messed around and bought the 316 stainless etc it isn't worth the hassle.
Ok I will do what I want as like others on here I enjoy messing about and making stufF.
I know this will save me a lot of money.
All I asked for in my first post was any advice relevant to the making of these by someone who had already made some or like myself is planning to.
If you read your original post you clearly state "wheels" however that is academic as it is your good self who is not listening , all of my links and my market purchase are for wheels with tyres. As with snapping turtle who clearly states wheels with tyres.
This will be my last post on this thread but if anyone has any helpful info please email or pm me.
Those who have listed useful posts,thank you all.
What is it with forums?????
05 August 2008, 22:30
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
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I meant no offence to anyone!!!
I DID say "Unless of course you intend to build a better product."
What is it with Forums??? Maybe newcomers should get to know some people's posting styles a bit better before they assume they are just causing trouble for the sake of it.............
06 August 2008, 06:42
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by codprawn
What is it with Forums??? Maybe newcomers should get to know some people's posting styles a bit better before they assume they are just causing trouble for the sake of it.............
Maybe established and prolific posters who appear to attract more trouble than most should think about their own posting styles a bit better!
06 August 2008, 12:36
Country: UK - Wales
Town: swansea
Boat name: Too Blue
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Posts: 12,791
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Maybe established and prolific posters who appear to attract more trouble than most should think about their own posting styles a bit better!
I have been good for a while - and I paid - eventually!!!
07 August 2008, 06:32
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I've been away for a few days, and have just read through the entire thread. Alot of great responses and useful information had been provided both in regards to how-to, but also regarding certain realities regarding time and effort involved to successfully fabricate a functional set.
All, and I mean all responses should have been received with gratitude (rather than a hissy fit) that someone took their valuable time to try to help with practical advice- whether it was what the original poster wanted to hear or not.
08 August 2008, 01:58
Country: USA
Town: Brooklyn NY
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Make: Saturn 365
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Posts: 66
Not to seem like i'm defending my reply bit the very first question the poster asked is "has anyone made their own DIY launch wheels. I was merely answering that question and adding my opinion. I thought perhaps doing so might give the poster a different perspective. In any case it certainly was not my intention to offend and I obviously think the post is a good one as I DID in fact make a set of DIY wheels.
11 August 2008, 18:34
Country: Canada
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Well ... I have my own DIY I-type launching device  . Kind of ugly one but cost me ... let's see. 2x10" tires 25$ taken from dolly, Bolts&nuts 5$, one peace of wood 2x4x8 4$, car safety belts - free (did cut them from car on scrap yard), peace of rope - kind of free, had it in the closet. Can handle assembled boat (in kg's: 80boat + 40motor + 20gas + 30fishing gear)
I do not have pic's right now. Could make them probably next weekends.
20 August 2008, 20:47
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re launching wheels
I dont know if any bodyelse has tried this but it worked fine for me
i had a 2 wheeled folding sack truck , it was for carrying water when we had a caravan it was light weight
i used to place it on the ground handles down then attach a couple of bungies to the handles and brought them up to the side grab handle and another over the tramsom
not perfect but very cheap and off the shelf
this was used with my zodiac 340 airdeck and 15 yam plus all the other bits that you end up with for a days boating
Stripes, we like stripes just need some stars now !
20 August 2008, 20:57
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 333
this looks usefull
sib just sits on the top bow to the left
Stripes, we like stripes just need some stars now !
21 August 2008, 04:18
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