Originally Posted by essex
Does anyone leave a SIB overnight in a marina? The security at marinas near me seems good but a SIB seems so easy to steal.
For me it all would depend on the Marina...public i.e open access are often a no no...with a small easily lifted outboard and or SIB.
However most Private concerns have access like North Korea with plenty of Cameras and combination coded gates barriers ect...The security is designed for VERY! expensive Boats and Kit with well healed Clientele

I used them plenty of times Sibbing with the a young family in the past on extended stays on the South Coast....For me in certain cercumstances it's well worth paying a little more for peace of mind and most of all ease!...for overnight Birthing
..Although one of the main advantages of smallish SIBS is ease of launching and recovery...either way always make sure you have good up to date insurance that suits you're needs ...take all precautions you can ...and then relaxe and enjoy!