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Old 29 June 2017, 11:40   #1
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Licenses - Who Controls What??

Taking my new Honwave out for it's (and my) 'maiden voyage' tomorrow on the Kennet & Avon canal. I know....not particularly ambitious but you've got to start somewhere!

Anyway, to go on the K&A I had to get a license, which set me back over a hundred squid (30 day 12 month explorer). The canal & river trust, bless them, tell me that I am covered for all canals and most rivers in England, but not the Thames and a couple of others, which need a separate license from the Environment Agency....okay so far.

Looking at the map of rivers covered by the canal and river trust license, there are few to speak of in the south, which is a surprise. Only yesterday I was planning a river/sea combo, launching on the Frome at Wareham and linking up with Poole harbour. But do I need a license for the Frome? And if so, who the heck manages it? Similar story with the Christchurch Avon?? There's loads of great rivers in the south/southwest (Dart, Fal, Exe, Taw, Tamar, etc) but do I need a separate license for each of them??

I'm sure I'm misunderstanding something but if not, this could become very expensive! I know the sea is free......but I plan to spend a good proportion on my sibling inland.

Any clarification would be lovely, thanks.
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Old 29 June 2017, 11:48   #2
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both the EA and the canal and river trust will have maps of the water they control on some rivers they both have jurisdiction so either licence will do

EA waterways management 01733464072 try them they will direct you.
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Old 29 June 2017, 11:53   #3
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Thanks Jeff. The problem is though that neither of them seem to manage the rivers I mention (Avon, Frome, etc).
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Old 29 June 2017, 12:14   #4
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when you go on the canal and river trust site it mentions licences for their waterways and a gold licence for joint licence with the EA so two lists.
i would think that should suffice as thats all they are producing from may this year.i would try a wikipedia search for your rivers there's a few frome's and then send them a mail keep the reply and go boating you have a license and done all you can to make sure you comply.
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Old 29 June 2017, 12:25   #5
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On a coldly practical note, I have never yet been asked to produce a licence. However, in the unlikely event of being caught without one, the penalties are severe. Also, the cost of the licence goes towards good things like maintaining locks, moorings, and so on.

How many times a year will you take the SIB out on the river or canal? Really? For most of us, the cheapest option is probably individual day licences. It is slightly cheaper if you pay for "river only".

Second cheapest option is a 30 day explorer which gives you 30 days (not consecutive) within a 12 month period. Think about it: you are unlikely to be out often between November and March, so will you use the boat 30 times in the April to October period? That's a day a week, every week.

There are also options for specific 3 month, 6 month and so on, licences.

In addition to licences, you sometimes need to pay a fee if you use a boatyard or club slip.

The sea isn't always free. Some areas - e.g. Anglesey - charge a registration fee before you can use any slip in their area. They will also ask you to provide proof of insurance, and some areas will also ask you to carry a certain minimum of safety equipment.

This is not a cheap hobby, but compare the cost of a full day on the water (say £10-£15 or so) with the cost of a pizza, or a Costa, or a couple of pints.

If you are going on unfamiliar water, the starting point for finding out about licensing is to Google, "using a boat on the..." or "boat license for the ...".
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Old 29 June 2017, 14:03   #6
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One of the many reasons I love the Sea!..Freedom!
I've used a few Rivers when the Kids were younger,including The Wye in the RIB...
In the SIB,many hours spent on the .. Frome ..Avon.. Parret ..Tone Exe ...including some Canals Lakes ect ..never bought a licence!....never looked to buy a licence ...and NEVER EVER met/seen anyone remotely interested in seeing one!!!

..We still ...I hope have some rights as Englishmen in our own country!..enough of my family forebears/members sacrificed plenty in the past for some kind of LIBERTY to enjoy our Country's many Delights ...without interference from (extremely!) Petty Officials messing with our liesure time!
If they can't make it pay they won't do it....give em a sniff and they'll squeeze till the Pips speak!
Just go for it and don't be a Pussy!

IMHO of course!!
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Old 29 June 2017, 14:57   #7
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Love it!

I've bought a 30 day explorer already so I'll go with that and take my chances on other rivers - at least I've paid something.

Maximus, you mention about all the rivers you used in the past - any tips for good ones with easy access (slipways maybe). I'm really keen to know about lakes too - any lakes or reservoirs in the south where I would be allowed to take my sib out? Loads in the north of course, and one day I'll get up there, but somewhere closer to me would be good.
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Old 29 June 2017, 20:15   #8
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If venturing into Poole harbour you will need a harbour license too,price depending on length of craft and engine hp. Harbour patrol do check as well. I keep my rib at the sailing academy in Portland and Portland harbour charge a fee similar to Poole. I seem to get checked a few times a year.
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Old 29 June 2017, 21:15   #9
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And there was me thinking the sea was free, what a fool I am. Crikey, you can't move in this game without somebody wanting to take some money from you.

You're exempt if under 4.5m and 5 horses apparently. I have 3.2m and a 6 horse motor which is close enough, so I think I'll risk it.
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Old 30 June 2017, 07:53   #10
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Originally Posted by nojslokin View Post
And there was me thinking the sea was free, what a fool I am. Crikey, you can't move in this game without somebody wanting to take some money from you.

You're exempt if under 4.5m and 5 horses apparently. I have 3.2m and a 6 horse motor which is close enough, so I think I'll risk it.
Oooh, that's handy, I didn't realise that.
Just checked the Portland Harbour rules and they charge a fee for everything! Kayaks,paddle boards the lot. Not a lot of money though so not really a problem.
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Old 30 June 2017, 13:00   #11
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How far up the rivers are you going? I "think" any stretches that are tidal are generally free.
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Old 02 July 2017, 19:28   #12
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Originally Posted by Stigomery View Post
How far up the rivers are you going? I "think" any stretches that are tidal are generally free.
Many rivers are tidal (to some extent) up as far as the first weir. That could be tens of miles of river. You would need a licence on it despite it being "tidal".
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Old 16 July 2018, 22:11   #13
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New member advice needed

Hi all,
New member here . Just bought a honwave t38 with 20hp outboard.
I will be getting insurance,but do I need to register the sib to enter harbours particularly Poole harbour?
I understand you need a licence for rivers n canals .
Can anyone point me in the right direction.
Many thanks
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Old 17 July 2018, 07:36   #14
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Originally Posted by 3shedz View Post
Hi all,
New member here . Just bought a honwave t38 with 20hp outboard.
I will be getting insurance,but do I need to register the sib to enter harbours particularly Poole harbour?
I understand you need a licence for rivers n canals .
Can anyone point me in the right direction.
Many thanks
I have put a detailed response on the thread you started abut this, as have some other posters.
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Old 17 January 2019, 07:50   #15
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In France, as well as obligatory insurance (a good idea to have it anyway), for sea use all boats with power have to be registered with an annual fee related to size and age of the boat. There are also strict requirements on safety gear to be carried. In addition to that, if the engine is more than 6hp you have to have a licence to operate it. RYA PB2 is ok for up to 10m. Hopefully for me, that will still apply after brexit :-(
Compared to that that, I don't object to the relatively small fees in some parts of the UK.
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Old 17 January 2019, 18:23   #16
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In general, boating on tidal rivers is free BUT most harbour authorities demand "harbour dues" either for boats moored or regularly using the river.

As for visitors it varies in my experience. Some areas - Torbay, Dart, Salcombe, Fowey don't charge for visitors who stay for just a couple of hours - but will overnight.
Others charge for any time at all tied up (e.g. Yarmouth). Some authorities add harbour dues slipway launch fees, others have free slips, or don't add a harbour dues fee.

All depends on how busy an area it is in reality and the infrastructure / sophistication of the harbour authority I think.
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Old 29 January 2019, 18:48   #17
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I bought a 30 day explorer license when we got our SIB as we live right near a canal.
I used it a few times but have to admit to it being out of date on the last few occasions.

I have never been challenged and the place that sold me the license said “it’s the first one we’ve sold”

I’m unlikely to buy another license at over£100 so have avoided the canal for the last few years.
Although we did buy a key and windlass handle for the bridges.
If l do decide to go on the canal again l’ll get a day pass.

We went on the River Dee in Chester and a day pass cost £20.
The yearly pass for Windermere is only £15, but last year we went to Coniston for the week and there was no fee payable.
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