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Old 17 January 2025, 11:36   #1
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Local to Poole, know these slipways?

In a couple of months we have a possibility of a few days down in a Poole waterside flat taking the SIB if weather looks half decent.

There are two apparent launch opportunities nearby but not ones that I can find any info on. I wondered if there was any Poole local who knew of them?

First is immediately adj the old lifeboat museum by the roundabout at the end of The Quay. From street view it seems to be ungated with no signs to either offer or restrict usage. You'd be launching into the fisherman's dock area which may or may not be welcomed.

The second is off Harbourside Walk behind Ballard Rd. Above the slip is a small casual unfenced yard with a few boats who appear to have a locked pole blocking easy access to the slip but the slip itself looks more unused public than private. Again no signage related to the slip.

Any info apporeciated.
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Old 17 January 2025, 13:29   #2
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The second (Ballard Road), is the old fisherman's launching slip from before the new Fish Dock was built, and that's some of the fishing boats parked on the hard behind. That slip is still owned/managed by the PDFA and isn't general access. I can't say I've ever seen anyone using it beyond the odd fishing boat being recovered for work, but unclear how they would stop you quickly wheeling a SIB down it, or in the shingle right beside it!

The first (old Lifeboat slip) I've never seen anyone using at all. Given it launches straight into Poole Quay Boat Haven and the Fish Dock, if you want to use it for some reason probably worth phoning Poole Quay Boat Haven and seeing what they say.

I'm sure you already know that the main public slipway is just a bit further along the shore in Baiter Park, which comes with a decent car park as well.
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Old 17 January 2025, 18:04   #3
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That's great info thanks Paul. I'll get in touch with both the above mentioned organisations and see if they can be bothered with small fry.

Yes Baiter is the nearest designated slip but we are hoping to have the SIB set up on transom wheels for the few days kept in a tucked away private parking space close to the old lifeboat museum, using Baiter would mean setting up and taking it down every day.
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Old 17 January 2025, 18:20   #4
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Probably a bit far out of Poole for you Fenlander, however, offer a deal where you can leave the SIB for a few days and park your car when you are out on the water. It also means a run down the river to get to the harbour.
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Old 17 January 2025, 18:38   #5
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That extra info is appreciated, it won't quite suit our situation where we hope not to use the car and be immediately in the thick of it moments after launch. But in different circumstances to this hoped for short break it could be an interesting option.
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Old 17 January 2025, 18:53   #6
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Originally Posted by Jung at Heart View Post
Probably a bit far out of Poole for you Fenlander, however, offer a deal where you can leave the SIB for a few days and park your car when you are out on the water. It also means a run down the river to get to the harbour.
That's interesting, I camp at redcliffe and launch daily but would like to be able to leave it in the water.

The problem with launching at those two in poole would be access, the fisherman's one is behind a gates to stop access and the road and path is very busy in the summer, same as the lifeboat one, busy area. I have never see anyone launch at either and wouldn't consider it tbh.

There is a tender pontoon at the marina but you have to have a mother ship moored on the pontoons to use far as the rules state but you could phone and ask. I tried to book a visitors pontoon last summer but they wasn't interested in small fry, 4m but I never asked about the tender pontoon, think it was for 4m and under.
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Old 17 January 2025, 22:50   #7
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Thanks for that Tinker, I'll factor in that info. In truth we like to avoid busy but where it can't be avoided we are super quick if we've set the boat up totally at the accommodation. We weave through folks trundling to the slip using transom wheels and bow trolley throwing out a few excuse me's as we go and then the time on slip tends to be just a minute or two.
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Old 17 January 2025, 23:51   #8
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post
Thanks for that Tinker, I'll factor in that info. In truth we like to avoid busy but where it can't be avoided we are super quick if we've set the boat up totally at the accommodation. We weave through folks trundling to the slip using transom wheels and bow trolley throwing out a few excuse me's as we go and then the time on slip tends to be just a minute or two.
I honestly can't think there's a massive access problem to the fish slipway for a wheeled SIB - I've cycled along there thousands of times and it's only a few metres down the path to get to the beach/fish slipway, so only needs about 10-20 seconds reasonably clear to make a run for it with the SIB! It's also a double width footpath with lots of additional space at that point inshore on the hard standing side, I've never had any issues there on the bike with family in tow.
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Old 18 January 2025, 18:41   #9
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Thanks again Paul, I'm getting onto my enquiries with those that have an interest in these slips on Monday.
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Old 28 January 2025, 14:15   #10
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We will certainly try and avoid making friends with the chain ferry. I don't remember this from the time 24yrs ago but it's scary to watch events unfolding, amazing the lady got away with her ducking...

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Old 28 January 2025, 14:28   #11
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I remember that one, and maybe one other, but they are exceedingly rare. Especially in a motor boat the entrance is plenty wide enough and the ferry signals it's movements pretty well with day shapes and lights, so there should be no reason to get close to it at all with a working motor boat!
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Old 28 January 2025, 14:47   #12
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Yes if you read the harbour and pilot/passage notes etc it's all quite clear but I can understand how casual boaters could be caught out by the sometimes strong ebb in the entrance.
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Old 31 January 2025, 21:39   #13
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Baiter park is VERY shallow gradient. Probably not an issue with an 3.8m SIB on transom wheels... But I was sent there by the RNLI to try and launch my ex RNLI D-Class for their 200th Anniversary, along with a couple of guys with Atlantic 75s!!! Whilst we were there a few folks with similar SIBs to your own were launching and were quite far out into the water and only just below waist height.
Ex RNLI D-714
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Old 02 February 2025, 10:08   #14
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Originally Posted by Spongie View Post
Baiter park is VERY shallow gradient. Probably not an issue with an 3.8m SIB on transom wheels... But I was sent there by the RNLI to try and launch my ex RNLI D-Class for their 200th Anniversary, along with a couple of guys with Atlantic 75s!!! Whilst we were there a few folks with similar SIBs to your own were launching and were quite far out into the water and only just below waist height.
Snap, Baiter is great in that there's generally good parking (including trailer parking), normally a working tap to wash off, etc. and the slipway is wide, but it is an extremely shallow angle. We launched our little TomKat RIB there a few times many years ago, and walking in up to waist height seems to be the norm there! I'd be very hesitant to try and launch a larger RIB there.
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