Originally Posted by farooqmoazzam
So the older 2 strokes are preferred because they are lighter?
With something like a 15 they can be 34kg whereas 4 stroke 15s tend to be detuned 20s coming in at 44kg.
If fuel economy isn't essential then being 10kg lighter can make a huge difference for setting up on your own and they are wonderfully simple to maintain and fix.
However, I agree with the earlier sentiment that if there isn't a considerable purchase saving then opting for a modern 20 for the added power and economy and just having to use a trolly begins to make more sense.
In my mind a good but old 15 should be around £1000 while a good but newish 20 closer to £2k. A £1k saving plus portability is great. If that narrows to just a few hundred quid then it becomes a much harder call.