17 April 2021, 18:43
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Easdale
Boat name: Miss Isle
Make: Solent 6.9
Length: 6m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,427
Well I’ve just bought an f rib 330 off Essex Marina with a 2019 2.5hp Suzuki off pictures. The price was right, pallet delivery £100 should be with me on Monday. Fingers crossed
I sorted the pallet out so gave the pick up address. Spoke to the pallet company and the marina. Let’s hope it’s not bricks [emoji1]
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
17 April 2021, 18:51
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Length: no boat
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 522
Originally Posted by chipko
T35 not a scam. A member and advertised on the other channel. Started off at £2400 for all kit including two outboards. Eventually reduced to £1600 so offered to buy the lot unseen just for the 9.8. Transpired the reduced price didn’t include the 9.8, just some ancient 5hp so walked away. Wanted £2200 to include the 9.8!
Seventeen hundred quid and now including said Tohatsu an absolute steal. Seller seemed a bit of a dick tbh reducing price but omitting to be clear on what’s included, but hey ho. Somebody’s now got a good buy.
Yeah thats the one I was interested in.....his texts, photos, item descriptions, and emails seemed a bit conflicted which to be honest is why I walked away....for example the fish finder seen on the box photo..wasnt the same fish finder photo he sent me later out of it out of the box.
But yeah good luck to him anyway.
He has the 9.8 on facebook for £1200 reduced from £1800
17 April 2021, 18:52
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Length: no boat
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 522
But anyway thanks folks. I take all your points on board, and yes I suppose it does depend on individual circumstances. At the end of the day after much checking…stalking etc, I just couldn’t justify taking a chance as we really do not have that kind of money to waste, as well as having a very limited knowledge on Sibs, Outboards etc and traveling almost the entire length of the country wasn’t an option anyway.
But those who can afford to take an educated risk that might still lose some or all the money in the worst case scenari….so be it!
If their gamble turns out to be a bargain all the better!
Our background story is it has been a of dream of ours to have a boat for many years, but as often is the case.…life just got in the way.
But my wife and I have spent the last 15 months working at the sharp end of Covid, and both witnessed the heartache, hardship, pain, misery and death it has brought
I guess it’s at times like these that you re-evaluate your own life and reconsider your priorities for better or worse.
So, we decided just to go for it and buy a Sib/OB combo from either a dealer through finance or try and not get ripped off buying a dangerous or dubious second hand set up.
Unfortunately, there has been very little second hand options up here, and driving to view anything has been an issue after an illness as well.
But out of interest is there a Marine dealership that people would recommend here in Scotland, even if just for servicing and not just buying?
Anyway all your help and opinions so far have been appreciated.
17 April 2021, 19:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Barnstaple
Length: 7m +
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 390
Originally Posted by Brinormeg
But anyway thanks folks. I take all your points on board, and yes I suppose it does depend on individual circumstances. At the end of the day after much checking…stalking etc, I just couldn’t justify taking a chance as we really do not have that kind of money to waste, as well as having a very limited knowledge on Sibs, Outboards etc and traveling almost the entire length of the country wasn’t an option anyway.
But those who can afford to take an educated risk that might still lose some or all the money in the worst case scenari….so be it!
If their gamble turns out to be a bargain all the better!
Our background story is it has been a of dream of ours to have a boat for many years, but as often is the case.…life just got in the way.
But my wife and I have spent the last 15 months working at the sharp end of Covid, and both witnessed the heartache, hardship, pain, misery and death it has brought
I guess it’s at times like these that you re-evaluate your own life and reconsider your priorities for better or worse.
So, we decided just to go for it and buy a Sib/OB combo from either a dealer through finance or try and not get ripped off buying a dangerous or dubious second hand set up.
Unfortunately, there has been very little second hand options up here, and driving to view anything has been an issue after an illness as well.
But out of interest is there a Marine dealership that people would recommend here in Scotland, even if just for servicing and not just buying?
Anyway all your help and opinions so far have been appreciated.
I think with the way you have described the seller I would have walked as well. So I wouldn’t kick yourself for not going for it.
17 April 2021, 19:14
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: north ayrshire
Boat name: charlie girl
Make: S/R5.4/regal3760
Length: 10m +
Engine: Suzukidf70 2x6lp 315
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 4,064
Originally Posted by Brinormeg
But anyway thanks folks. I take all your points on board, and yes I suppose it does depend on individual circumstances. At the end of the day after much checking…stalking etc, I just couldn’t justify taking a chance as we really do not have that kind of money to waste, as well as having a very limited knowledge on Sibs, Outboards etc and traveling almost the entire length of the country wasn’t an option anyway.
But those who can afford to take an educated risk that might still lose some or all the money in the worst case scenari….so be it!
If their gamble turns out to be a bargain all the better!
Our background story is it has been a of dream of ours to have a boat for many years, but as often is the case.…life just got in the way.
But my wife and I have spent the last 15 months working at the sharp end of Covid, and both witnessed the heartache, hardship, pain, misery and death it has brought
I guess it’s at times like these that you re-evaluate your own life and reconsider your priorities for better or worse.
So, we decided just to go for it and buy a Sib/OB combo from either a dealer through finance or try and not get ripped off buying a dangerous or dubious second hand set up.
Unfortunately, there has been very little second hand options up here, and driving to view anything has been an issue after an illness as well.
But out of interest is there a Marine dealership that people would recommend here in Scotland, even if just for servicing and not just buying?
Anyway all your help and opinions so far have been appreciated.
If you do see something thats some distance away there is usually a forum member close by who will take a look & at least confirm the item & seller exists.
I'm close to largs/Ardrossan if you see anything this side of Glasgow shout & ill happily take a look for you. I'm sure there will be others in other areas willing to do the same for you
David Anderson marine "Davie " here on the forum is based in Dundee and deals in Yamaha will look after you not sure about a sib but maybe worth an ask.
17 April 2021, 20:01
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Boat name: Sula
Make: Ribcraft 4.8m
Length: 4m +
Engine: Tohatsu 70hp + aux
MMSI: 235087213
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 4,668
Originally Posted by Brinormeg
So annoyed I missed what I thought could have been a decent deal on my first sib.
Don't beat yourself up about it. Sight unseen is an absolute gamble, not all sellers are genuine. The market is all over the place just now because of Covid and travel restrictions, and of course we're coming into decent weather which has added fuel to the fire in terms of trying to get something quickly.
There are always other boats. Patience is the name of the game. Listen, back in 2010 I drove to Ribcraft to pick up an New ex-demo 4.8m, but it wasn't right. Yes Scotland to Somerset. You can imagine driving back without a RIB was hard to swallow, but true their word they sorted it and I met them half way down the M6 for a hand-over 3-4 months later. Cap off to Ribcraft, absolute top firm.
That's stood me in good stead. Know your seller, do your research, communicate, and if it's not right, walk away.
Is that with or without VAT?
17 April 2021, 20:29
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Length: no boat
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 522
Originally Posted by A1an
Are you still looking for this type of setup?
I’ve got a Honwave T38 here with a 2007 Honda 20hp
Hi is that the Alu T38? If you pm with details...but we plan not to trailer and think they would be a bit of a beast to manual handle until we know better what we are doing  But figure it would be a good combination.
17 April 2021, 20:30
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Length: no boat
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 522
Originally Posted by beamishken
If you do see something thats some distance away there is usually a forum member close by who will take a look & at least confirm the item & seller exists.
I'm close to largs/Ardrossan if you see anything this side of Glasgow shout & ill happily take a look for you. I'm sure there will be others in other areas willing to do the same for you
David Anderson marine "Davie " here on the forum is based in Dundee and deals in Yamaha will look after you not sure about a sib but maybe worth an ask.
That would be great to spread the possible areas a bit... and thanks for the info
17 April 2021, 21:20
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Aberdeenshire
Length: no boat
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 522
Originally Posted by spartacus
Don't beat yourself up about it. Sight unseen is an absolute gamble, not all sellers are genuine. The market is all over the place just now because of Covid and travel restrictions, and of course we're coming into decent weather which has added fuel to the fire in terms of trying to get something quickly.
There are always other boats. Patience is the name of the game. Listen, back in 2010 I drove to Ribcraft to pick up an New ex-demo 4.8m, but it wasn't right. Yes Scotland to Somerset. You can imagine driving back without a RIB was hard to swallow, but true their word they sorted it and I met them half way down the M6 for a hand-over 3-4 months later. Cap off to Ribcraft, absolute top firm.
That's stood me in good stead. Know your seller, do your research, communicate, and if it's not right, walk away.
Yeah there seems to be a bit of a carry on just now. Covid, lock downs etc probably had an effect, and of course all those who would normally go abroad and never holiday here , will be in the market for things and places to go as well.
Of course a greater demand will increase the prices and also the amount of con artists and people who will take advantage…..just look at dog sales and thefts…..puppy farms….and the resulting animal abuse.
Donny Better get the Midges in training for the greatest feast they’ve ever known
Originally Posted by neil.mccrirrick
Well I’ve just bought an f rib 330 off Essex Marina with a 2019 2.5hp Suzuki off pictures. The price was right, pallet delivery £100 should be with me on Monday. Fingers crossed
I sorted the pallet out so gave the pick up address. Spoke to the pallet company and the marina. Let’s hope it’s not bricks [emoji1]
Hope it works out for you mate. What pallet company did you use. Looked at a couple when considering a pallet lift earlier
18 April 2021, 07:42
Country: UK - England
Town: Colchester
Length: 5m +
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 3,124
Originally Posted by Poly
Or it was a scam relying on the fact people can’t travel in the hope you will pay for it to be delivered and it never appears...
Yup one or the other....... No one knows
18 April 2021, 07:51
Country: UK - England
Town: Colchester
Length: 5m +
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 3,124
Originally Posted by Brinormeg
But anyway thanks folks. I take all your points on board, and yes I suppose it does depend on individual circumstances. At the end of the day after much checking…stalking etc, I just couldn’t justify taking a chance as we really do not have that kind of money to waste, as well as having a very limited knowledge on Sibs, Outboards etc and traveling almost the entire length of the country wasn’t an option anyway.
But those who can afford to take an educated risk that might still lose some or all the money in the worst case scenari….so be it!
If their gamble turns out to be a bargain all the better!
Our background story is it has been a of dream of ours to have a boat for many years, but as often is the case.…life just got in the way.
But my wife and I have spent the last 15 months working at the sharp end of Covid, and both witnessed the heartache, hardship, pain, misery and death it has brought
I guess it’s at times like these that you re-evaluate your own life and reconsider your priorities for better or worse.
So, we decided just to go for it and buy a Sib/OB combo from either a dealer through finance or try and not get ripped off buying a dangerous or dubious second hand set up.
Unfortunately, there has been very little second hand options up here, and driving to view anything has been an issue after an illness as well.
But out of interest is there a Marine dealership that people would recommend here in Scotland, even if just for servicing and not just buying?
Anyway all your help and opinions so far have been appreciated.
It is always interesting to hear peoples back story as too often on here people jump to conclusions that are sometimes very incorrect.
Your work regarding Covid is to be greatly commended.
At the present time you might find it difficult to buy a set up second hand but there is a very good new option for just the boat that is available. It is the new Honwave T38ie at about £1,230. A very good boat for a very good price for one in that category. You would still of course have to find an engine (wont be easy second hand) and other bits and bobbs.
All the best in your search
18 April 2021, 11:47
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Easdale
Boat name: Miss Isle
Make: Solent 6.9
Length: 6m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,427
National pallets. When it’s all delivered I’ll update re the experience [emoji1][emoji106]
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
18 April 2021, 12:05
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Near Inverness
Boat name: Hold Fast
Length: no boat
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 85
Originally Posted by A1an
Are you still looking for this type of setup?
I’ve got a Honwave T38 here with a 2007 Honda 20hp
I'm in the market Alan . Tell me more please.
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