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Old 14 July 2018, 22:59   #1
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My F-rib 330

SO today was the first outing in the Frib. Wanted a nice easy place to get familiar with the outfit and launching etc so just went up a local river for a 3 hr round trip.

Great fun had by all, even though mostly at displacement speeds as the river has a speed limit, but was a good shakedown.

Did the obligatory "forget to raise wheels" error and lost a bolt trying to swap them in the water as I realised I had put them on the wrong way round

Did creep it up onto plane once or twice and fiddled with trim settings etc. It runs soooooo muuch better when on the plane - now need to get out in the sea to really try it out


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Old 15 July 2018, 09:58   #2
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It's good to get that first outing but as you hint the river is a little frustrating and the sea is needed to really find how the outfit will go.

I'm happy to trickle along some places when the mood takes but lifting onto the plane just feels so much better... particularly for you as you have a very skimmy hull shape that will go so well for a 15hp.

In my small onboard spares kit I always carry spare bolts/pins for transom wheels as they are so easily dropped.
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Old 15 July 2018, 21:31   #3
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Originally Posted by Fenlander View Post

In my small onboard spares kit I always carry spare bolts/pins for transom wheels as they are so easily dropped.
Good shout that I used a screwdriver from the tool kit to mount it temporarily when getting the Frib outta the water but it would make sense to have a spare bolt or two


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Old 16 July 2018, 10:11   #4
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If you can (not sure on your bolts system) use pins tied together with Paracord - only ever loosen one at a time.
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Old 16 July 2018, 10:17   #5
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bolt wise use drop nose bolts no spanners needed

good to have a shake down before venturing in the rough
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Old 16 July 2018, 11:29   #6
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Thanks, useful info

The trip was really good fun and we probably will do the river stuff a few more times as the sea around here doesn't have a lot to explore so that will be more for fishing trips etc.

With the river there is quite a long navigable reach so we can do day trips/picnics/take the dog etc.

We can only go at displacement speeds on the river (8kn max) so I am seriously thinking of picking up a little 5HP 4 stroke for river use. Would be much easier to carry/mount and a lot quieter when poodling along than the 15HP 2 smoke.

Fuel economy (from a ease of use, not cost point of view) was a consideration as well, I used about half a tank (10l) for a 3 hr cruise, but I think that was cause most of it I was in "no mans land" between displacement and planing, at 4kn the engine was on tickover, at 10kn it suddenly picked up on the plane and flew at quite low revs, in between it was working hard to go nowhere

I even wondered about going down to a 2.5HP, but from what I can see these only have onboard fuel tanks and don't have forward/reverse. (I quite like the Mariners twist grip style Fwd/rev setup)

Any thoughts on suitability of smaller engine for river work at displacement speeds on the Frib?


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Old 16 July 2018, 13:07   #7
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For many years my river engine has been a 1980s Mariner 4hp as in the pic below.... it was preferable on the river to the 15hp 2-strokes we ran for years when at sea. But now I have the 10hp I think I'll just use that.

Anything 4-stroke 4-6hp would suit you and it would just be down to brand preference, the deal offered and features you wanted.
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Old 16 July 2018, 13:37   #8
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Cool, that backs up my thinking. I think the only features I am interested in is remote fuel for longer trips then it is just about having reverse gear. I have seen some smaller engines that do 360 pivot but that looks like a lot of hassle compared to a gear level


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Old 16 July 2018, 20:06   #9
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2.5's are usually air cooled buzzy noisy little buggers.
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Old 16 July 2018, 20:26   #10
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Originally Posted by Max... View Post
2.5's are usually air cooled buzzy noisy little buggers.
You say that - but my 2.5hp Suzi 4T is water cooled with a through leg exhaust and N/F gear. Weighs 13kg - great car boot engine but unlikely to be man enough for the OPs application.
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Old 17 July 2018, 21:14   #11
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So managed to source my "small" outboard a little bit quicker than it took me to find the right boat

Just collected a 6HP Mariner, 2016MY but never been used. Older guy bought it locally then fell and injured his back and couldn't use the SIB/OB package so sat in his garage for 2 years.

Gave it a test run in a tub but TBH it is absolutely unmarked so I believe him when he says it has never been in the water.

Should be ideal for the rivers and local coastal work if I don't want to hump the 15HP around.

Came with a 10l tank as well

Also shout out to Tim at Barrus Customer Support who was really helpful when I called to check out the serial number/warranty situation, just as a precaution to validate the sellers story.


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Old 17 July 2018, 21:42   #12
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Well that was a lucky chance... but next time transported in a finest wool blanket please!

Good to hear Barrus were helpful.
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Old 17 July 2018, 21:51   #13
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Lol, I was taking the van down which has a nice padded shelf but it wouldn't start so the whole thing turned into a bit of a mission!

I have ordered a outboard carry bag to protect it and then it will be transported on some sort of foam cushion I think.

It has to lie on its tiller side which seems odd really as you are putting all the weight on the tiller (I know why re oil leaking from crank etc but just seems odd to lie it on the tiller!)


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Old 17 July 2018, 21:54   #14
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Yep most of those that need to lay on one side only are tiller side down. Look in the handbook and see if like my new 9.9 Mariner it can also go on its front clamps down to travel in case that gives flexibility.
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Old 21 July 2018, 10:46   #15
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Glad you're enjoying it. Great boats and sounds like you've done really well getting that engine.
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Old 27 July 2018, 20:47   #16
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Gradually working through set up bits. Got some KeelEasy keel guard to protect the underside so got that fitted today.

Went on ok but using a hot air gun in 30 deg

Also was a bit rough on the transom where OB has been on and of so used a spare bit to wrap that.

Tomorrow out on the river to try out new 6hp OB and Garmin.


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Old 28 July 2018, 16:14   #17
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So got out on the river again today to test out the new 6HP.

Seems to run reasonably well although still running in, we had 3 up so no chance of getting on the plane but pushed along at 4kn.

Had 1 problem though and got to christen my toolkit! Had filled the onboard tank and also taken an 11l remote. After an hour or so I checked the onboard and it was half way down so realised I hadn't switched the fuel tap off, which triggers pulling from the remote.

Anyways, couldn't get any fuel to flow from the remote - squeezed the bowl and it stays squeezed. Played with it for a while then gave up and reverted to the onboard tank.

About 30 mins from home ran out of fuel in this so had to top up from the remote (boy scout style, cutting a plastic drinks bottle apart as a funnel )

Could I get the beggar to restart - Worked my way back from the carb - pump, no fuel there, and gradually worked my way through the pipes. Ended up taking the fuel tap/remote tank junction out of the circuit and running the internal tank straight to the pump.

Still didn't want to know until I disconnected between carb and fuel filter (carb side of the pump) and sucked petrol through

1 mouthful of petrol later and it then started to pump when I pulled the starter cord, put it all back together and ran fine thereafter - only one tool lost to the depths of the river

So, 2 questions please:
1. I think I had an airlock in the pump from when it ran out of fuel, with the onboard tank there is no bulb to prime - is this unusual/normal what could I do if this happens again?
2. Any thoughts on what to check for on the remote tank - the plug connects ok but the priming bulb squeezes but doesn't "release"?


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Old 28 July 2018, 19:15   #18
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What a pain.

Usually an OB with integral tank gravity feeding will start up quite quickly after running out and being refilled... not sure what happened here.

Check for a faulty primer on the remote tank or a blockage on the pickup side.
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Old 28 July 2018, 21:28   #19
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Thanks David, got to the "bottom", of the remote tank issue (I don't like things not working)

When I looked at the priming bulb the arrow on it was pointing the wrong way - aha me thinks, numpty who assembled it has fitted the bulb back to front

Swopped that around and still no joy, then realised the bulb has two metal fittings, one each end, which are also one way valves. And these were both the wrong way round as well

In reality, I think what had happened is the original purchaser must have bought the pipe as a kit and fitted the ends on the wrong "ends"

Once that was sorted it ran of the remote tank fine. I did try running it dry a few times as I tend to do this when flushing it so it doesn't sit with fuel in the bowl. Was a bit reluctant to fire back up with a low tank so think it needs the weight of fuel to push through and prime the pump - or maybe it'll loosen up with some use - only 2 hours on it from new so far!


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Old 28 July 2018, 22:00   #20
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Ahh good result Paul... I too don't like going to bed with an unresolved problem so Mrs F often shouts goodnight out to the garage when I'm grumbling away at this or that on the car/boat etc.
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