thought I'd make a thread just showing off my boat.
It's a 2005 Thundercat with a 2006 Tohatsu 50 D2. Got above prop exhaust relief holes, aftermarket nakuru coils and leads, lighting coils removed and boyesen carbon reeds.
Got 3 different props for it at the moment, trying to get another.
15p SOLAS cupped, got 42 knots.

Next to it is an 18p Mercury chopper (10 3/8 x 18), good for 49 knots

And the most recent one, Mercury cleaver (11x18) 50 knots so far.
If anyone knows of a 20 or 22p cleaver for sale let me know!
I've recently bought a set of yamaha 70 carbs to go on it and will be modifying the exhaust tube as well (opening it up and cutting 25mm from the end).
Will hopefully get the crank welded so I can remove the rev limiter and also remove the starter ring gear from the flywheel.
Should give much better acceleration, hopefully as good with an 18p prop as the standard engine was with a 15p.
If I manage to get a 22p prop and all these mods done then I reckon 60 knots is maybe achievable