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Old 29 April 2016, 19:03   #1
Country: USA
Town: Mass
Boat name: Zodiac F-470
Make: Zodiac
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yamaha
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 4
Need floor for Zodiac F-470

Hi folks,
I am also new to this forum and I just took delivery of an F-470 from Govt Liquidation. It has a few patches and needs some work. Most of the "D" rings are separating or have completely fallen off and will need to be re-attached. It didn't come with any type of floor and I know there are both aluminum and roll up type floors but they are very difficult to come by.

Can anyone tell me if I can get away with a roll up floor ? I want to use it for diving and just taking the kids out cruising. Looking to pick up a 30-40 hp outboard for it as well. Any help or advice appreciated. I have also been told I can fabricate a floor from marine plywood but would prefer a factory made floor if I can find one. I am in Mass. Thanks for any help !
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Old 29 April 2016, 19:36   #2
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The rollup floor has its limitations.

Specifically, you need a lightweight engine.

Find one of the 35hp Johnsons that the military used...they're an ideal fit.

Remember though, at the end of the day, it is a big heavy workboat of a SIB. It's going to be an 18-28 mph boat.
Gluing geek since 2007
Opinions and intepretations expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer
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Old 18 May 2016, 22:15   #3
Country: USA
Boat name: "MY BIZ"
Length: 8m +
Engine: 225 HP MERC VERADO
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Posts: 36
Originally Posted by aquaman View Post
Hi folks,
I am also new to this forum and I just took delivery of an F-470 from Govt Liquidation. It has a few patches and needs some work. Most of the "D" rings are separating or have completely fallen off and will need to be re-attached. It didn't come with any type of floor and I know there are both aluminum and roll up type floors but they are very difficult to come by.

Can anyone tell me if I can get away with a roll up floor ? I want to use it for diving and just taking the kids out cruising. Looking to pick up a 30-40 hp outboard for it as well. Any help or advice appreciated. I have also been told I can fabricate a floor from marine plywood but would prefer a factory made floor if I can find one. I am in Mass. Thanks for any help !
I have several New Zodiac F470 CRRC Aluminum Floorboard Kits (Complete with stringers) and one rollup floor with aluminum slats for sale. The primary advantage of "hard boards" vs "rollups" is better stability, faster speeds, heavier loads. With a rollup you can only use up to a 40hp OBE. With Hardboards you can go up to a 55hp. Some prefer the roolup because they can roll it up and throw in a plane or back of your pickup whereas you F470 with hard boards and stringers installed you will need a light trailer.
You can email me at
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