Originally Posted by thomas
3 - she aint ever going to launch it
4 - and you'll be doing all the transporting
5 - start talking about sinking and she's off to the shopping centre with your boat money
6 - she's only ever going out when it's sunny
Hard boat cons
1 - do you really need a loo
2 - or a means of making a cuppa, thermos is fine
3 - all those nice comfy seats will need cleaning
4 - they must be cheaper for a reason
5 - You need fenders which are really, really expensive and look untidy
1:No I dont need a loo but it is nice to have and hence I have one in my house as well!

I can also sleep in the dry on my boat , shelter from the rain, have more dry storage, running water.
2:A thermos is ok but it is nice to be able to cook using my 4 ring hob on my boat

3: it did not stop me having them in my car or house! oh and mine just need a quick wipe down so no big deal
4: that all comes down to condition.
5: come on since when did 80 quid become dear when buying a boat, trailer and engine?
They also dont need re tubing and are just as easy to launch as a rib.
a few plus points though
- dont need as big an engine due to being so much lighter saving money, servicing costs etc
- More fun
- if the weather does change in most cases a rib will handle the condition's better size for size than a hard top boat.
- Will go faster as the rib is lighter