Well, I have got what I think is an absolute bargain, an XPRO 3D VIB 310 Sib, Brand new ex demo, never been in the water, 3 year warranty, and all for £600.00. Picked her up today and she is gorgeous
3.1 metres long x 1.6 wide, 42 cm tubes, fixed air floor and V hull, 36 KG total weight, been looking for ages, she looks like the triplet to the Honwave and Sunsport SIBs. She came complete with Boat Cover, Two Aluminium seats, 2 Seat Covers and Foot Pump,
I also picked up a 500 l/min high pressure 12 volt pump for £60.00.
From what I can tell she appears to be European made, possibly French, which is where they seem to be most widespread, the only ones I can see on the internet are either the superlights or the black xpro commando type, mine is the same just dark and light grey.
I would post a pic but havent got a clue how to. They are on my phone but I am not the most technologically up to date type. I put her together indoors tonight, it was raining outside

Now just hoping for a 9HP 2 stroke to go with her.