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Old 23 August 2015, 22:02   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: Honda outboard 15hp
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 26
New boat

Just ordered my honwave T32 and bf15 (please don't tell me they are rubbish now had to nearly sell a lung to afford it lol), the question is what do I need to know/what other gear do I need?
Do I need a flush kit, motor stand etc
Oh and can I charge the battery for electric pump (12v SLA) from the motor?
I have vhf, bouyancy aid and RYA powerboat is booked.
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Old 23 August 2015, 22:08   #2
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If I might be so immodest to suggest this?:
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Old 23 August 2015, 22:11   #3
Country: UK - England
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Welcome to the mad house.

**Need** is a very strong word. There is a sticky in the SIBs forum (Edit: Willk beat me to it) that lists all sorts of kit people take with them. The most obvious bit of safety kit missing is anchor.

Flush Kit - depends what you are going to do. There are some who say they never flush. Some who flush religiously with a stop clock to make sure they do so for exactly long enough. Plenty use a plastic drum filled with water.

Stand - assuming you are standing the engine up - something that stops it falling over would be good. Something that makes it easy to move around is good too - lots of people use a sack barrow.

12V Pump Charging - I don't know the BF15 but that size of engine typically doesn't have a power out unless its electric start. Its often possible to add power out (for a cost) to what they probably call a lighting circuit. The voltage on that may be a bit jumpy so you may still need a voltage regulator. Unless I'm mistaken most people dont take their bravo with them. So just use a 240V charger when back at home.
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Old 23 August 2015, 22:37   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: Honda outboard 15hp
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 26
Thank you guys! I can see me slowly accruing bits and pieces as I have wilk's ocd for being prepared/organised but need to spread the cost a bit.

I have a smallish grapnel anchor with chain and rope which I was hoping to be enough? Any tips on an anchor suitable for this size of SIB?

I was toying with the idea of using a wheelie bin (ours may get "stolen" this week) but the 15hp is a bit weighty to lift in etc?
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Old 24 August 2015, 07:22   #5
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Originally Posted by NemesisUK View Post
Just ordered my honwave T32 and bf15 (please don't tell me they are rubbish now had to nearly sell a lung to afford it lol), the question is what do I need to know/what other gear do I need?
Do I need a flush kit, motor stand etc
Oh and can I charge the battery for electric pump (12v SLA) from the motor?
I have vhf, bouyancy aid and RYA powerboat is booked.
i have had a hon-wave and for the money they are a good boat,dont know about the BF 15 but i have a new Suzuki 25 basic tiller,manual start, needed to charge battery so got a charging kit £106.00 its just a second rectifier,bracket,fuse and loom to the battery,got full instructions in the box 1/2 hour to fit.have a word with your dealer should get sorted that way.

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Old 24 August 2015, 07:40   #6
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Nemesis I guess you're going to get transom wheels as that Honda engine is a bit heavy to lug about. If so what I do is to put the outboard on the inflatable with transom wheels fitted then use a large "horse" water bucket for flushing. That way you don't have to lift the outboard... you're right lifting a 15hp 4-stroke in/out a wheelie bin is very very awkward.


The top is a large enough dia to get the pee stream to stay inside.
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Old 24 August 2015, 08:08   #7
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Not sure what fitting the Honda takes but one of the below is cheap and very easy to use if you have a hose and more handy than a big wheelie bin for sure.


You can buy an engine stand or knock one up very simply from some old bits of timber.

When you do PB2 they will talk about anchors in your area, grapnels are OK for emergency use (hopefully!) but a Bruce copy is better if a little more tricky to store. 2m chain and 4 to 6 max depth in rope too.
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Old 24 August 2015, 21:15   #8
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: Honda outboard 15hp
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 26
Thank you for all your advice all!! I've been disappointed with the dealer I'm buying from as they are hopeless with providing sensible advice. More take your money and run!

Must admit can't wait to get out on the water! Hoping to potter about in the harbour at the weekend and maybe a trip up wareham river for tea
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