report with some info for those who haven't been there
well put the engine through its paces at loch feochan last week & all's well now i'm glad to say.
a short vid and a couple of pics the vid is a bit naff some good footage of the bow

but i was paying more attention to the channel markers and the engine than the camera.
i launched out of ardoran marine with big tides starting, the slip is good and goes onto hard sand so no problems there but it's advisable to be out or in no later than 2 hours before or after low water tide times are 2 hours after Oban due to the loch filling through a narrow channel. the channel is marked but not easy to see the markers especially if the tide is running ebb and flood if you haven't a chartplotter they do a small map showing the markers, at low water there's about 1m under the keel and a sharp turn towards the bank going out not far off a large rock so look out for that.
in the pics show the slip and the cottages they have 3 in all the web site has all the info.
launch fee was £15 with ample parking for cars and trailers small chandlery on site as well as toilets, showers and of course marine maintenance.
in the summer months there's a pontoon also so great for all craft not far from Oban for petrol too.