08 July 2020, 13:36
Country: UK - England
Town: W Midlands
Make: Sibs and a RIB
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 99
New Honwave T38 IE Ordered
I've very recently joined the forum after lurking for a while, it's been incredibly helpful, whilst looking for a SIB, to read posters experiences and the dilemmas around buying the right boat followed by reports on whether the decision was in fact correct.
I've also been helped to reach a decision on which boat to get by reading the reports from longer term owners of various SIBS, Fenlanders review of his 9.9 Mariner outboard swayed things towards the Honwave and as there was one available in stock at my local Honda dealer I decided not to hang about and will be collecting it tomorrow morning.
I've taken the added options of having the wheels fitted and one extra seat.
I discussed the issue with quality control and the incorrect floor symmetry/keel alignment and the dealer assured me that he had seen several boats, starting around 18 months ago, where that was the case and he was now confident that it had been resolved and the boat I was collecting was a brand new 2020 boat delivered to them recently so it will be fine. Let’s see I guess.
Now to find a suitable outboard, I'm not sure whether to buy new or used, I had an old 9.9 Johnson on a boat which was the bane of my life as parts were almost impossible to find and it was always a concern that it would die on me, my sense is it would be nice to have the reassurance of a warranty, however, it's very expensive upfront and it limits me to a four stroke.
I've seen a 9.9 four stroke for sale that looks barely used in the pics but is 9 years old, the seller says they've barely used it and it is half the price of a new one.... Is it worth the risk or a false economy as it's 5 hr round trip to collect it and then there is no comfort that it's as good as it looks.
All thoughts/suggestions on my outboard dilemma are welcome.
I'm not able to lift a heavy outboard so a 20/25hp four stroke is out, I fractured my back bouncing on the kids trampoline so my weight lifting days are over!
I thought maybe a Mariner 9.9 or Tohatsu 9.8 or similar would do what I need, I'm a plodder not a racing snake, the boat will generally be myself and my wife and occasionally my two youngest children who are young and lightweight. We hope to try the coast out as that will be new to us, I'm thinking of doing a PB2 soon, however, we are as far from the sea as you can get and will mainly be on gentle rivers and the occasional Scottish Loch as we visit Scotland regularly.
08 July 2020, 13:51
Country: UK - England
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Congrats on the new purchase.
Whilst someone will be along in a minute who knows what they are talking about, there are a number of 15HP outboards around that will give a bit more power and are a similar weight to the 10HP ones.
08 July 2020, 13:59
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 99
Thanks GuyC,
That's helpful., I really struggled with the old 9.9 four stroke hat I had, it was very awkward to carry although it had extra long shaft so that may have made a difference.
Also it was too long to stand up straight in my camper and wouldn't lay across the boot... I hated that engine.
08 July 2020, 14:22
Country: UK - England
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hi mate
if a 9.9 suits your needs then so be it regards the 9 year old one it's got to be looked at fenlander has a 16 year old 15 which is mint i recently bought a 3.3 mercury its between 20-30 years old bought as spares or repair nowt wrong with it just needed a service final cost £100 bargains are to be had if it looks good and runs as it should go for it IMO dont forget people buy engines and they only get used on hols and the odd weekend anything thats got loads of hours on it will show especially portable engines
08 July 2020, 14:30
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
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Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
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A good read Jung and some good decision making particularly taking the dealer to task over getting a good T38... before the quality wobbled a couple of years back they were the go-to roomy value SIB for easy transport.
Re outboards you are similar to me... I hurt my back 20yrs ago stupidly trying to catch a heavy bit of farm equipment that was falling over. It doesn't stop me doing what I want to but I have to organise lifting with some care.
If you buy new or newer it will be a 4-stroke and yes they are heavier than the old 2-strokes. For example the 2-stroke 2003 Yamaha 15HP Jeff mentions I have now weighs 2kg less than the Mariner 9.9 I owned previously... so has a far better power to weight ratio.
It may be you are not keen on an older 2-stroke which would be fair enough but if one is a possibility then assuming you are happy to lift a modern 10hp class 4-stroke then you can add 50% power for no extra effort.
I am very maintenance capable so have no fear of the older engines but in truth most leisure use outboards 20HP and under are massively under used and still in great order as Jeff says.
Have you seen the thread re my current Yamaha 15 2-st?
08 July 2020, 14:34
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 99
Thanks Jeff,
I think that knowing there are bargains to be had is the issue for me, I’m loathed to buy new especially at the moment with so much uncertainty.
I’d really prefer to buy used although I’ve had experience of buying a dog of an engine before and I’m no mechanic so what looks okay to me could be a pile of junk.
I think I will keep looking and see what comes up used before making a decision about whether to buy now.
08 July 2020, 15:16
Country: UK - England
Town: W Midlands
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Posts: 99
That looks like an excellent engine Fenlander, a worthwhile gamble, some years ago I had a 25hp Yamaha 2 stroke which seemed bullet proof.
Now i'm wondering should I buy a small outboard to use immediately to get the kids out over the next few weeks on the local river whilst keeping an eye out for a suitable well looked after 2 stroke.
I'm able to follow instructions if I have the manual, I could strip the carb, fuel pump, water pump and do a basic service my last outboard although I would struggle to diagnose a less than obvious fault.
08 July 2020, 15:59
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,099
I do sometimes use the river for initial shakedown testing getting used to a particular SIB setup etc... and a couple of times I've bought a temp small engine to ease back the pressure on panic buying the eventual main one... so all good thoughts.
08 July 2020, 18:00
Country: UK - England
Town: W Midlands
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Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 99
Almost certainly what I’m going to do Fenlander.
Thank you.
08 July 2020, 18:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Yeovil
Make: Honwave
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Engine: Mercury 15hp 4T
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Posts: 80
After several years away from this forum and away from SIB's, I too am about to purchase a 2020 T38 Honwave and looking for a suitable 15/20 hp motor and am not concerned be it 2T or 4T.
What are people finding reliable and able to push the boat along at a reasonable lick ?
08 July 2020, 20:15
Country: UK - England
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That was exactly my thinking, I’ve just bought a “new“ ex display 6hp Suzuki to get me going in a reliable fashion, and will be looking for a bargain 15+ HP down the line.
“But for just a few quid more we can get the next size up...”
08 July 2020, 21:29
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 99
I've agreed to buy a used 2013 Mariner 9.9 now subject to inspecting it to make sure it's as described. That means less competition on a 15/20 outboard for you 'Scar', when is your T38 arriving?
It has been used half a dozen times on a river, was last serviced around two years ago by a dealer and then stored indoors since then. It looks very clean in the pics and the seller seems a genuine type.
Any advice on what I should be checking when I inspect it will be gratefully received.
I thought I would check the plugs, sump oil, lower leg oil, look for any obvious leaks and damage on the engine, cowling, prop, leg etc.
Start it up on muffs, rev it a bit, put it in to forward, reverse etc. check the water stream from cooler pipe. Check again for leaks, any loose connections etc.
Is there anything else that I should be checking please, I'm not up to speed mechanically and doing the above is the extent of what i can think of.
08 July 2020, 22:09
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,099
That 9.9 Mariner is quite a straightforward motor. I don't know if there is anything interesting to pick up from the thread on mine I bought new in 2018 that I think you saw...
The 2013 will be basically similar just with a different hood shape and I think still having a primer button which was deleted on later models for emissions reasons. Worth looking again at my post #58 onwards re the odd seawater in carb problem. If yours has the same breather hose I'd bring it up into the hood area as I did.
Other than the basic checks you've mentioned one thing I'd plan on doing at that age is replace the timing belt.
Oh and some folks take a compression tester... but I usually judge on owners story and visible condition.
09 July 2020, 06:01
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 99
Thanks Fenlander I’m looking forward to using the engine and have high hopes for it being dependable.
Buying the 9.9 and the T38 enables me to test my imagination of how much I will enjoy boating close to the coast.
Having only ever boated on the river and Scottish lochs, I’m quite nervous at the prospect of boating in the sea, is there anywhere you’d recommend that is likely to be a gentle introduction?
The issues with sea water ingress to the 9.9 carb are noted, thanks.
09 July 2020, 08:28
RIBnet admin team
Country: UK - England
Town: Cambridgeshire
Boat name: Nimrod II
Make: Aerotec 380
Length: 3m +
Engine: Yam 15 Tohatsu 9.8
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 9,099
Well much depends on where you want to travel from your Midlands start point. We are a little similar in our Cambridgeshire location in that its 1-2hrs to get to the sea. We choose to go not to the nearest launch spot but the nearest that ticks most of the boxes as per below.
Ideally you would have...
A hard surface slipway with nearby area to park and set up.
Launch into sheltered water with little wave action and minimal/no current.... i.e. harbour or estuary. Even better if the area has a low tidal range.
An adj pontoon to tie to immediately after launch to do any organising needed in a calm tied up manner.
Always useful to have toilets/wash facilities, eateries and even a chandlers near the launch point.
The estuary/harbour should have an entrance that is safe to enter/exit in the majority (all ideally) of wind states/directions and tide states. You may leave when it's calm and easy but don't want to find on your return the last bit into your safe haven is the most dangerous.
It is helpful if where you launch from has a sheltered area (bay or estuary upper reaches) so if the weather is a little more lively than expected you still have somewhere to go rather than out to the exposed sea.
Look at the wider area you will be in after launch on charts to make sure you are not somewhere that dries out loads if the tides are such it moves towards low tide when you are out. There are places that look great at high/mid tide but a few hours later it is impossible to get back to your launch point (harbours that dry completely being one example).
When researching an area I don't know I use Google maps satellite view & streetview, Boatlaunch website (not that well updated but still useful), marine mapping and search Google images for "X" slipway.
09 July 2020, 09:26
Country: UK - England
Town: Morecambe
Make: Honwave T38 IE
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15HP Tohatsu EFI
Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 67
I also got a new Honwave T38 this year. I was worried after purchasing to read of the floor quality issues but thankfully mine is spot on. I use mine with a 2019 Tohatsu 15hp 4 stroke. Its 42kg and the lightest 4 stroke available, but its still a big awkward lump to move around. We pack our boat away after each visit rather than trailer. Getting it in the car boot is a pain. Once in the water its brilliant with the T38.
Im even contemplating buying a small van to make unloading and loading easier. Who knew when I bought my first sib 2 years ago there would be a never ending list of expensive extras!!
09 July 2020, 13:07
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 99
Thanks again Fenlander, lots of very helpful information.
09 July 2020, 13:18
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 99
benhben I can see how it gets very expensive, I've just collected my T38 am was surprised at the size of it folded, huge! I'm considering a way of carrying stuff on a towbar.
These look promising and reasonable price wise compared to a new van if they can be adapted to fit the boat or outboard.
tow-ball, skirack,ski-rack, ski rack, towball, boxes, luggage, ski carrier, holiday luggage,luggage carrier , roof rack,
It's raining here at the moment which means I probably won't get a chance to check the boat inflated until Saturday, I'm expecting (hoping) it will all be good.
See how i get on with the 9.9 four stroke mariner engine although if a well cared for two stroke 15 HP Yam or similar became available I could be tempted.
What's the sea like around Morecambe with the T38?
09 July 2020, 17:57
Country: UK - Scotland
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Boat name: Excel Chalanger
Make: Highfield 380 Excel
Length: 4m +
Engine: 25 Yamaha 25Suzuki
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Posts: 601
My old Suzuki 20 is for sale at bosun's locker two years old low hours give Alan a call HH
09 July 2020, 18:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Yeovil
Make: Honwave
Length: no boat
Engine: Mercury 15hp 4T
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 80
Gone for the Mercury 15hp 4T as the Honda BF20 I had on my Honwave T40 nearly killed me humping it around !
Away in Caravan for weekend but, roll on next week for playtime !
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